Michael DeSafey | Executive Recruiter and HR Professional

How To Know When To Leave A Job In The Construction Industry

Date : May 10, 2016 | By : michael_desafey
As a professional, it’s difficult to know when its time to walk away from a job, especially in the construction industry. The reasons must be compelling enough to give up the income and security of your current position. If you are struggling to know definitively whether or not to look for a new position, there are some signs that the consequences may be too high not to.

The main problem to consider is workplace stress. If you are having trouble going to sleep and getting up in the morning due to work stress, and you dread going to your job every day, this is something to pay attention to. Stress is very individual, therefore what is stressful for one person may not be so for another. According to the CDC, “Stress sets off an alarm in the brain, which responds by preparing the body for defensive action. The nervous system is aroused and hormones are released to sharpen the senses, quicken the pulse, deepen respiration, and tense the muscles.”

Infrequent episodes of stress aren’t harmful to the body, because it is designed to come back to a place of relative calm. However, if the stress is constant or never resolved, the body is continually kept in a state of fight or flight, which can lead to poor sleep, intestinal issues, illness and mental health conditions like depression and nervous breakdowns. This is a cause for more frequent sick days. Employers not having the staff you need on site costs time, money, and expertise, and if you are the worker who is suffering, you are paying heavy consequences for the work you are doing.

Two areas of workplace stress include workload and working conditions. According to the CDC, “Heavy workload, infrequent rest breaks, long work hours and shift work” can all cause workplace stress. Unsafe site conditions and supervisors who expect work to be done regardless of the safety of their workers also take a heavy toll on employees in the construction industry. These conditions also affect employees’ home lives, which in turn will affect how they are able to execute their tasks.

Interpersonal relationships between supervisors and employees or employee to employee can also greatly affect your decision to leave a construction job. Unreasonable expectations, conflicting or confusing work roles, unethical behavior, negativity and working with difficult people can be very stressful.

Career Advancement and Compensation is another workplace stressor that must be considered, since you may not be getting paid sufficiently for the work you are doing or your advancement opportunities are limited. This is tricky, since you must consider whether you want to find another job with better pay, while working for your current employer.

Relaxed and clear-minded construction professionals are incredibly important, since some field personnel are using power tools like nail guns, saws, and often operating large machinery. The risk of injury for people who are stressed is very high, and it not only affects that individual but also co-workers and supervisors on the job.

The chance of error is also a big factor among stressed individuals, which can be costly when doing construction. One faucet hole drilled in the wrong place in a slab of granite counter-top could cost thousands  in materials and time, for example. Errors on the job can also cause problems later on, such as when poor electrical wiring causes a fire for future homeowners or businesses, as well as affecting subsequent processes such as installing flooring over a surface that is not level.

Although other factors may come into play, workplace stress due to the factors described above is the biggest area to look at, especially for the construction industry. If you decide looking for a different job is in your best interests a good resource would be Webuild Staffing, who specializes in staffing construction organizations worldwide.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

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