Michael DeSafey | Executive Recruiter and HR Professional

Environmental Job Fairs and Conferences: Maximizing Your Networking Potential

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In the rapidly evolving field of environmental sustainability and conservation, networking plays a pivotal role in career growth and professional development. Environmental job fairs and conferences offer a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, learn about the latest industry trends, and discover job openings that align with your passion for the environment. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the world of environmental job fairs and conferences, exploring how to maximize your networking potential and advance your career in the green industry.

The Significance of Environmental Job Fairs and Conferences

Environmental job fairs and conferences provide a valuable platform for professionals, job seekers, students, and organizations to come together and exchange ideas, knowledge, and opportunities. These events are essential for several reasons:

  • Networking: They facilitate networking with professionals, employers, and peers who share your passion for environmental sustainability.
  • Learning: Conferences often feature keynote speakers, workshops, and panel discussions that provide valuable insights into the latest industry trends and best practices.
  • Career Opportunities: Many job fairs offer on-site interviews and recruitment opportunities, allowing you to explore potential job openings.
  • Exposure to Innovation: Conferences showcase innovative technologies, research, and projects that can broaden your understanding of the environmental field.

Preparing for the Event

To make the most of your experience at environmental job fairs and conferences, thorough preparation is essential:

  • Research: Familiarize yourself with the event’s schedule, speakers, and exhibitors. Identify the sessions and organizations you want to prioritize.
  • Elevator Pitch: Craft a concise elevator pitch that introduces yourself, your background, and your career goals. This will come in handy when networking with potential employers.
  • Resume and Business Cards: Have an updated resume and business cards on hand to share with potential employers and contacts.
  • Dress Professionally: Dress appropriately for the event, following industry standards. First impressions matter.

Networking Strategies

Effective networking can open doors to new career opportunities and valuable connections. Here are some strategies to maximize your networking potential at environmental job fairs and conferences:

  • Be Approachable: Approachability goes a long way. Smile, maintain eye contact, and show genuine interest in conversations.
  • Initiate Conversations: Don’t be afraid to initiate conversations with fellow attendees. A simple “Hello, my name is…” can be a great conversation starter.
  • Ask Questions: Show your interest by asking thoughtful questions about the person’s background, work, or the event itself.
  • Listen Actively: Listening is as important as speaking. Pay attention to what others are saying, and respond thoughtfully.
  • Exchange Contact Information: Don’t forget to exchange contact information with promising contacts. Connect on LinkedIn or exchange business cards.
  • Follow Up: After the event, send a follow-up email or message to the people you’ve met. Express your appreciation for the conversation and express your interest in staying connected.

Attending Workshops and Sessions

Conferences often feature workshops, panel discussions, and sessions led by industry experts. These sessions provide a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities:

  • Plan Ahead: Review the conference schedule in advance and choose sessions that align with your interests and career goals.
  • Participate Actively: Engage actively in discussions, ask questions, and share your insights during sessions. This can help you stand out and connect with like-minded professionals.
  • Panel Discussions: Attend panel discussions where experts share their experiences and perspectives. These sessions can provide valuable insights and opportunities to network with speakers.
  • Workshops: Consider participating in workshops that offer hands-on learning experiences or skills development. These can be particularly beneficial for career growth.

Visiting Exhibitor Booths

Many job fairs and conferences include exhibitor booths where organizations showcase their work, projects, and job opportunities:

  • Research Exhibitors: Prioritize visiting the booths of organizations that align with your career goals and interests.
  • Prepare Questions: Have questions ready to ask exhibitors about their work, projects, and potential job openings.
  • Express Your Interest: If you find an organization that aligns with your aspirations, express your interest in their work and inquire about job opportunities.
  • Leave Your Resume: Provide copies of your resume to potential employers if they express interest in your profile.

Leveraging Social Media

Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter can be powerful tools for networking at environmental job fairs and conferences:

  • LinkedIn: Connect with professionals you meet at the event on LinkedIn. Personalize your connection requests by mentioning the event.
  • Twitter: Use event-specific hashtags to join conversations, share insights, and connect with other attendees.
  • Follow Event Updates: Stay updated with event announcements and discussions on social media platforms to maximize your engagement.

Be Open to Mentorship and Guidance

While networking, don’t hesitate to seek mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals. Many industry veterans are open to offering advice and sharing their insights with aspiring environmental professionals. Establishing mentorship relationships can be immensely valuable for your career growth.

Take Notes and Reflect

Throughout the event, take notes on key insights, valuable connections, and action items. Afterward, set aside time to reflect on what you’ve learned and the connections you’ve made. Use this reflection to guide your career decisions and follow-up actions.

Maintaining Long-Term Connections

Networking isn’t just about making immediate connections; it’s also about maintaining long-term relationships. Stay connected with the professionals you meet through periodic emails, messages, or social media interactions. These relationships can evolve into valuable collaborations and opportunities over time.

Environmental job fairs and conferences are invaluable opportunities to network, learn, and advance your career in the green industry. By preparing diligently, engaging actively, and following up with contacts, you can maximize your networking potential and build meaningful connections that will benefit your career growth and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Webuild Staffing Agency is a leading executive search and staffing agency dedicated to the construction, engineering and environmental industries. To learn more please visit: www.webuildstaffing.com

Empowering Infrastructure Engineering: Success Stories with Engineering Staffing Agencies

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Engineering staffing agencies have played a pivotal role in connecting companies, from budding startups to established Fortune 500 giants, with the skilled professionals essential for infrastructure development throughout the last 50 years. Here are a few inspiring success stories of organizations that harnessed the expertise of engineering staffing agencies to achieve their goals, elevate their projects, and leave a lasting impact on the infrastructure engineering landscape.

The Golden Gate Bridge: A Marvel of Civil Engineering

The iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is a testament to human engineering prowess. However, undertaking such a colossal project required a skilled workforce with expertise in structural engineering, bridge design, and seismic engineering. The organization responsible for this remarkable achievement, thanks in part to engineering staffing agencies, assembled a team of engineers and specialists who meticulously planned and executed the construction of this iconic suspension bridge. 

The Panama Canal Expansion: Engineering Marvel in Waterway Infrastructure

Expanding the Panama Canal was an engineering feat of global significance. To undertake this massive project, skilled engineers specializing in maritime infrastructure, lock system design, and dredging were required. Engineering staffing agencies played a vital role in identifying and recruiting top talent from around the world. These professionals contributed to the successful expansion of the Panama Canal, facilitating increased global trade and maritime transportation. 

The Hoover Dam: Harnessing Hydroelectric Power

The Hoover Dam, an engineering marvel that harnesses hydroelectric power, required an exceptional team of civil engineers, geotechnical experts, and dam construction specialists. Engineering staffing agencies were instrumental in helping the organization behind this project assemble a workforce with the precise skills needed to manage the complexities of dam construction and hydroelectric power generation. 

High-Speed Rail Projects: Transforming Transportation Infrastructure

The development of high-speed rail networks represents a significant advancement in transportation infrastructure. These projects necessitate engineers specialized in rail system design, electrification, and tunneling. Engineering staffing agencies have been critical in connecting rail project developers with professionals possessing the expertise to design, construct, and operate high-speed rail systems, revolutionizing transportation in regions around the world. 

Renewable Energy: Wind and Solar Farms

The proliferation of wind and solar farms as sources of renewable energy has been a driving force behind infrastructure development. These projects demand engineers well-versed in renewable energy technologies, grid integration, and sustainable infrastructure design. Engineering staffing agencies have been integral in facilitating the recruitment of engineers who can design and implement efficient wind and solar energy systems, contributing to a more sustainable future. 

Smart Cities: Advancing Urban Infrastructure

Smart cities aim to enhance urban living through innovative technologies and infrastructure. Engineers specializing in urban planning, traffic management, and IoT infrastructure are indispensable for these projects. Engineering staffing agencies have aided in the recruitment of professionals who can design and implement the digital infrastructure that underpins smart cities, improving urban efficiency and quality of life. 

Water Treatment Plants: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water

Developing water treatment plants to provide safe drinking water to communities requires a skilled workforce in civil engineering, environmental engineering, and water treatment processes. Engineering staffing agencies have played a pivotal role in connecting organizations with engineers who can design and operate water treatment facilities, ensuring the availability of clean and safe drinking water. 

Airport Expansions: Enhancing Air Travel Infrastructure

Expanding and modernizing airports to accommodate growing air travel demands is a complex undertaking. Civil engineers, aviation experts, and airport infrastructure specialists are essential for these projects. Engineering staffing agencies have assisted in sourcing talent with expertise in airport design, runway construction, and terminal development, contributing to improved air travel experiences. 

Conclusion: A Legacy of Infrastructure Excellence

These success stories in infrastructure engineering underscore the critical role that engineering staffing agencies play in connecting organizations with the specialized talent needed to realize ambitious infrastructure projects. From iconic bridges and dams to sustainable energy solutions and smart cities, these partnerships empower organizations to bring their infrastructure visions to life, enhancing communities and leaving a legacy of engineering excellence. As the world continues to evolve, engineering staffing agencies remain essential allies in the ongoing quest to build a better and more interconnected future through infrastructure engineering.

Webuild Staffing Agency is a leading executive search and staffing agency dedicated to the construction, engineering and environmental industries. To learn more please visit: www.webuildstaffing.com

What’s Next for Eco-Conscious Job Seekers and Employers

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As the world grapples with pressing environmental challenges, the demand for eco-conscious green jobs seekers and environmentally responsible employers continues to rise. Green job seekers are increasingly seeking opportunities that align with their values, focusing on careers that contribute to sustainability and combat climate change. At the same time, employers are recognizing the importance of integrating sustainability into their operations to attract top talent and meet the expectations of eco-conscious professionals by highlighting the trends, opportunities, and strategies that are shaping the future of green careers.

The Rise of Green Jobs

Green job opportunities are on the rise, spanning various industries and sectors. This growth is driven by several factors, including increased awareness of environmental issues, regulatory changes, and technological advancements. Here are some key areas where green job opportunities are expanding:

  • Renewable Energy: The renewable energy sector, including solar, wind, and hydropower, is experiencing significant growth. Job opportunities in this field range from solar panel installation and wind turbine maintenance to energy management and grid integration.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Sustainable farming practices, organic food production, and agricultural innovation are driving job opportunities in the agriculture sector. Positions include sustainable farmers, agricultural scientists, and food safety specialists.
  • Environmental Consulting: Environmental consultants are in demand as organizations seek expertise in assessing environmental impact, developing sustainability strategies, and ensuring regulatory compliance.
  • Conservation and Biodiversity: Conservationists, wildlife biologists, and environmental educators play a crucial role in preserving biodiversity and protecting ecosystems.
  • Green Building and Architecture: Sustainable architects and green building professionals design and construct eco-friendly buildings that reduce energy consumption and environmental impact.
  • Environmental Policy and Advocacy: Environmental policy analysts and advocates shape government regulations and advocate for environmental protection, working with government agencies, NGOs, and research institutions.

Sustainability as a Competitive Advantage

Employers are increasingly viewing sustainability as a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining top talent. Eco-conscious job seekers prioritize employers who demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility. Companies that adopt sustainable practices not only appeal to environmentally conscious employees but also enhance their brand image and marketability.

To remain competitive, employers are integrating sustainability into their corporate culture, operations, and strategic planning. This includes setting sustainability goals, reducing carbon emissions, implementing eco-friendly supply chain practices, and engaging in corporate social responsibility initiatives. As employers align their values with those of eco-conscious job seekers, the result is a win-win situation for both parties.

Remote and Flexible Work Opportunities

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote and flexible work arrangements across industries. For eco-conscious job seekers, this shift offers an opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint by minimizing commute-related emissions. Many environmentally responsible employers are embracing remote work as a permanent option, recognizing its potential to contribute to reduced congestion and emissions.

Eco-conscious job seekers can prioritize remote and flexible work opportunities when exploring green careers. This not only supports their sustainability goals but also offers a better work-life balance, reducing stress and improving overall well-being.

Investment in Green Skills and Education

As the demand for green job opportunities grows, so does the importance of acquiring green skills and education. Job seekers looking to enter or advance in green careers often need to develop expertise in areas such as renewable energy technologies, sustainable agriculture practices, environmental policy, and conservation science.

To meet this need, educational institutions are expanding their offerings in sustainability-related fields. Online courses, certificate programs, and degree programs in environmental science, sustainability management, and renewable energy are readily available, making it easier for job seekers to acquire the necessary skills and qualifications.

A Focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Environmental and sustainability sectors are increasingly recognizing the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Eco-conscious job seekers are looking for employers committed to DEI principles, as they understand the intersectionality of environmental issues with social justice.

Employers that prioritize DEI initiatives not only create more inclusive workplaces but also benefit from diverse perspectives and innovative solutions to environmental challenges. Recognizing the connection between social equity and environmental sustainability, job seekers and employers alike are working to create a more inclusive green workforce.

The Emergence of Impact Investing

Impact investing, which focuses on generating both financial returns and positive social or environmental impact, is gaining traction. This trend aligns with the values of eco-conscious job seekers who are seeking opportunities to work for organizations that prioritize environmental sustainability.

Job seekers interested in impact investing can explore careers with impact investment firms, sustainable finance organizations, and socially responsible investment companies. These roles involve analyzing investments for their environmental and social impact and helping channel funds toward sustainable projects and initiatives.

Government and Policy Initiatives

Government policies and regulations play a significant role in shaping the green job landscape. As governments worldwide commit to addressing climate change and environmental challenges, job opportunities in renewable energy, environmental compliance, and climate policy are likely to increase.

Job seekers interested in influencing environmental policy and advocacy can pursue careers in government agencies, non-profit organizations, or research institutions focused on environmental issues.

These roles involve shaping policies, conducting research, and advocating for sustainable practices at local, national, and international levels.

The Green Gig Economy

The gig economy, characterized by short-term contracts and freelance work, is expanding into the green sector. Eco-conscious job seekers can explore gig opportunities related to sustainability consulting, environmental reporting, eco-friendly event planning, and renewable energy project management.

The gig economy offers flexibility and the opportunity to work on a variety of projects that align with one’s environmental interests and expertise. Job seekers can leverage their skills and experience to contribute to sustainability initiatives on a project-by-project basis.

In Conclusion: A Bright Future for Eco-Conscious Job Seekers and Employers

The future looks promising for eco-conscious job seekers and environmentally responsible employers. The growing demand for green job opportunities, the integration of sustainability as a competitive advantage, the shift toward remote work, investments in green skills and education, a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion, the emergence of impact investing, government and policy initiatives, and the expansion of the green gig economy all contribute to a vibrant landscape for green careers.

As eco-conscious job seekers continue to prioritize careers that make a positive impact on the environment, employers who embrace sustainability will remain at the forefront of attracting top talent and driving environmental progress. By aligning their values, skills, and aspirations, job seekers and employers are collectively shaping a greener, more sustainable future for us all.

Webuild Staffing Agency is a leading executive search and staffing agency dedicated to the construction, engineering and environmental industries. To learn more please visit: www.webuildstaffing.com

Environmental Career Transitions: Switching Gears for a Sustainable Future

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In a world increasingly focused on sustainability and environmental responsibility, transitioning to an environmental career is a powerful choice. Whether you’re considering switching careers to align with your passion for the environment or seeking a new direction within the green industry, environmental career transitions offer the opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable future while finding fulfillment in your work. In this blog post, we will explore the intricacies of environmental career transitions, offering guidance and insights to help you successfully navigate this journey toward a greener and more sustainable career path.

Self-Assessment: Identifying Your Passions and Skills

Before embarking on an environmental career transition, take the time for introspection. Consider your passions, values, and skills. Ask yourself:

  • What aspects of environmental sustainability resonate with me the most?
  • What skills do I currently possess that are transferable to the green industry?
  • What areas within the environmental field am I most interested in?
  • Am I willing to pursue further education or certifications to enhance my qualifications?

By gaining clarity on your interests and skills, you can make informed choices about your career direction and identify areas of the green industry that align with your aspirations.

Research and Education: Closing Knowledge Gaps

Environmental careers often require specialized knowledge and expertise. Depending on your current background, you may need to bridge knowledge gaps to transition successfully. Consider the following steps:

  • Research: Immerse yourself in environmental literature, news, and industry reports to stay current on environmental issues and trends.
  • Enroll in Courses: Explore educational opportunities, such as courses, workshops, or online programs, that can provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge.
  • Seek Certifications: Look into certifications specific to your area of interest, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for sustainable building or PMP (Project Management Professional) for project management.
  • Engage with Professional Organizations: Join environmental professional organizations that offer resources, networking, and educational opportunities.

Networking and Building Relationships

Networking is a powerful tool in any career transition, including environmental ones. Building relationships with professionals in the field can provide valuable insights and open doors to job opportunities. Here’s how to expand your network:

  • Attend Events: Attend environmental conferences, workshops, and networking events to meet industry professionals.
  • Online Networking: Utilize LinkedIn and other online platforms to connect with professionals in your chosen field.
  • Informational Interviews: Request informational interviews with environmental experts to learn about their career paths and gather advice.
  • Volunteer: Participate in environmental projects, local initiatives, or volunteer with environmental organizations to meet like-minded individuals.
  • Mentorship: Seek out mentors who can guide you through your career transition and provide valuable advice and insights.

Building a Relevant Resume and Portfolio

Your resume and portfolio are essential tools for showcasing your qualifications and experiences in the environmental field. Tailor your resume to highlight transferable skills and relevant experiences. If you lack direct experience, emphasize your passion for sustainability and willingness to learn. Consider the following tips:

  • Include Relevant Coursework: If you’ve taken courses or earned certifications related to your desired environmental field, include them on your resume.
  • Highlight Transferable Skills: Emphasize skills that are applicable to the green industry, such as project management, data analysis, research, or communication.
  • Showcase Volunteer Work: Include any volunteer work or environmental projects you’ve participated in, even if they were not paid positions.
  • Quantify Achievements: Use numbers and metrics to quantify your accomplishments, demonstrating your impact in previous roles.
  • Tailor Your Cover Letter: Customize your cover letter for each job application, emphasizing your enthusiasm for the specific position and organization.

Finding Entry Points: Start Small If Necessary

It’s common for career transitioners to start with entry-level positions to gain experience in their new field. Be open to starting small and working your way up. Here are some ways to find entry points:

  • Internships: Consider environmental internships or volunteer positions to gain hands-on experience.
  • Entry-Level Jobs: Look for entry-level roles in environmental organizations, agencies, or companies to build a foundation in your chosen field.
  • Freelancing or Consulting: Offer your expertise as a freelancer or consultant to gain experience and build a portfolio.
  • Nonprofits and NGOs: Nonprofit organizations often have entry-level positions and are dedicated to environmental causes.
  • Government Agencies: Explore opportunities with government agencies involved in environmental regulation and policy.

Transitioning Smoothly: Handling Challenges and Resilience

Environmental career transitions can be challenging, but resilience and adaptability are key to success:

  • Stay Informed: Continuously educate yourself about industry developments and trends to remain competitive.
  • Seek Feedback: Be open to feedback from mentors, peers, and supervisors to refine your skills and performance.
  • Embrace Learning Opportunities: View challenges as learning experiences and opportunities for growth.
  • Patience: Recognize that career transitions take time, and be patient with yourself as you progress.
  • Networking: Continue to network and build relationships throughout your career to access opportunities and support.

Pursuing Your Passion: Nurturing a Fulfilling Career

Transitioning to an environmental career is not just about finding a job; it’s about pursuing your passion and contributing to a sustainable future. As you advance in your new career, stay committed to your environmental values and continue to seek opportunities to make a positive impact. Your dedication to sustainability can be a driving force in your career journey.

Transitioning to an environmental career offers the chance to align your professional life with your passion for sustainability. By conducting self-assessment, acquiring relevant knowledge, building a network, crafting a strong resume, and embracing opportunities, you can successfully navigate a career switch and contribute to a more sustainable future. Remember that every step you take toward an environmental career is a meaningful one, both for your personal fulfillment and the well-being of our planet.

Webuild Staffing Agency is a leading executive search and staffing agency dedicated to the construction, engineering and environmental industries. To learn more please visit: www.webuildstaffing.com

Engineering Staffing Agencies: Supporting Industry Growth and Professional Skills Advancement

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The engineering and construction industries are dynamic and ever-evolving, with projects ranging from infrastructure development to cutting-edge technology implementations. To fuel this growth and innovation, a steady supply of skilled professionals is essential. Engineering staffing agencies have emerged as crucial partners in these sectors, playing a pivotal role in bridging the talent gap and supporting industry expansion and success of the engineering and construction marketplaces.

Engineering Staffing Agencies: Meeting Industry-Specific Demands

The engineering and construction sectors have unique demands for skilled professionals with specialized expertise. Staffing agencies specialize in identifying, recruiting, and placing candidates with industry-specific skills and qualifications. Whether it’s civil engineers for infrastructure projects, mechanical engineers for manufacturing, or construction managers for large-scale building initiatives, staffing agencies excel in matching the right talent to the right job, ensuring that projects are staffed with professionals who possess the necessary technical skills and knowledge.

Access to a Diverse Talent Pool

One of the significant advantages staffing agencies bring to the engineering and construction industries is access to a diverse and extensive talent pool. These agencies have robust networks and databases of candidates, including both active job seekers and passive candidates who may not be actively looking for new opportunities but are open to the right offer. This broad reach ensures that employers have access to a wide range of professionals, from entry-level engineers to seasoned project managers.

Flexibility in Workforce Management

The engineering and construction sectors often require flexibility in workforce management. Projects may have fluctuating demands, and staffing agencies can provide solutions that align with these needs. Whether it’s temporary workers for short-term projects, contract-to-hire arrangements, or permanent placements, staffing agencies offer a range of staffing options that allow companies to adapt to changing project requirements without the long-term commitments associated with traditional hiring.

Timely Responses to Industry Trends

The engineering and construction industries are subject to rapid technological advancements and regulatory changes. Staffing agencies are well-positioned to respond to these trends swiftly. They stay informed about emerging technologies, industry regulations, and market shifts, ensuring that the candidates they recommend are up-to-date with the latest developments. This proactive approach enables employers to remain competitive and innovative in their projects.

Navigating Skill Shortages

Skill shortages are a common challenge in the engineering and construction industries, particularly in specialized areas such as renewable energy, artificial intelligence, and sustainable building practices. Staffing agencies actively address these shortages by identifying and sourcing candidates with niche skills. They tap into their extensive networks to connect employers with professionals who possess the expertise required to overcome skill gaps and drive industry growth.

Reducing Hiring Costs and Time-to-Fill

The hiring process can be time-consuming and costly for companies in the engineering and construction sectors. Staffing agencies streamline this process by handling candidate sourcing, pre-screening, and even conducting initial interviews. This reduces the time-to-fill vacant positions, ensuring that projects can commence promptly. Moreover, by outsourcing parts of the recruitment process, companies can save on recruitment advertising, administrative, and training costs.

Enhancing Safety and Compliance

Safety and compliance are paramount in engineering and construction projects. Staffing agencies prioritize safety by ensuring that candidates possess the necessary certifications, licenses, and qualifications to work safely on job sites. They also assist clients in navigating complex regulatory requirements, helping companies maintain compliance with industry-specific regulations and standards.

Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

Promoting diversity and inclusion is a priority for many engineering and construction companies. Staffing agencies actively support these initiatives by presenting diverse candidate pools to clients. This helps companies create more inclusive work environments that reflect the diverse communities they serve. Diverse teams bring a range of perspectives and innovative solutions to projects, ultimately contributing to industry growth.

Scaling Operations for Expansion

As companies in the engineering and construction sectors expand their operations, staffing agencies play a pivotal role in scaling their workforce. Whether it’s opening new offices, taking on larger projects, or entering new markets, staffing agencies can quickly provide the necessary talent to support growth initiatives. This scalability allows companies to seize opportunities and expand their market presence efficiently.

Fostering Long-Term Partnerships

The relationship between staffing agencies and clients extends beyond single placements. Staffing agencies aim to foster long-term partnerships by consistently delivering top-notch candidates and responsive service. They collaborate closely with clients to understand their evolving staffing needs, providing strategic workforce planning to support long-term growth objectives.

In Conclusion: Driving Industry Advancements

In the fast-paced and competitive landscapes of engineering and construction, staffing agencies play a pivotal role in driving industry growth and innovation. Their ability to identify top talent, respond to industry trends, and address skill shortages contributes to the success of projects and the advancement of these vital sectors. By partnering with staffing agencies, companies in engineering and construction can access a diverse and skilled workforce that empowers them to tackle complex projects, meet evolving demands, and shape the future of these industries.

Webuild Staffing Agency is a leading executive search and staffing agency dedicated to the construction, engineering and environmental industries. To learn more please visit: www.webuildstaffing.com

Green Jobs 101: Landing Your Dream Environmental Career Using a Staffing Agency

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The global shift toward sustainability and environmental consciousness has paved the way for an abundance of green job opportunities. Whether you’re a recent graduate eager to make a difference or a seasoned professional looking to pivot toward an eco-friendly career, the world of green jobs awaits.

There’s a secret weapon at your disposal: environmental staffing agencies can help you land your dream environmental career using the expertise of staffing agency recruiters.

Understanding Green Jobs

Before diving into the job search, it’s essential to understand what green jobs entail. Green jobs are positions in industries that prioritize sustainability, environmental responsibility, and the preservation of natural resources. They encompass a wide range of fields, including renewable energy, conservation, environmental consulting, sustainable agriculture, and more.

To begin your journey toward a green career, assess your interests, strengths, and values. Consider the specific area within sustainability that resonates with you the most, whether it’s renewable energy, wildlife conservation, sustainable urban planning, or climate policy.

Leveraging the Expertise of Environmental Staffing Agencies

Once you’ve identified your passion within the world of sustainability, it’s time to tap into the expertise of environmental staffing agencies. These agencies specialize in connecting candidates like you with organizations that share your commitment to environmental causes. Here’s how to make the most of their services:

  • Research and Choose the Right Agency: Start by researching environmental staffing agencies in your region or area of interest. Look for agencies with a proven track record in placing candidates in green jobs and those that align with your career goals and values.
  • Prepare Your Resume and Cover Letter: Craft a compelling resume and cover letter that highlight your relevant skills, education, and passion for sustainability. Tailor your documents to the specific green job you’re pursuing, showcasing how your background aligns with the role.
  • Connect and Communicate: Reach out to environmental staffing agencies in your area or the location where you wish to work. Express your interest in green jobs and inquire about their services. Be prepared to discuss your career goals, skills, and the type of green job you’re seeking.

Exploring Green Career Opportunities

Environmental staffing agencies open doors to a diverse range of green career opportunities. Here are some popular fields within the environmental sector:

1. Renewable Energy:

Renewable energy professionals work on harnessing clean and sustainable energy sources like solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power. Positions include solar panel installers, wind turbine technicians, energy analysts, and sustainable architects.

2. Conservation and Wildlife:

Conservationists and wildlife biologists play a critical role in preserving biodiversity and protecting endangered species. Jobs in this field involve fieldwork, habitat restoration, and wildlife monitoring.

3. Sustainable Agriculture:

Sustainable agriculture professionals focus on eco-friendly farming practices, organic food production, and reducing the environmental impact of agriculture. Roles include sustainable farmers, agricultural scientists, and food safety specialists.

4. Environmental Consulting:

Environmental consultants work with organizations to assess environmental impact, develop sustainability strategies, and ensure regulatory compliance. This field offers opportunities for environmental consultants, sustainability analysts, and environmental auditors.

5. Sustainability Management:

Sustainability managers are responsible for implementing sustainability initiatives within organizations. They develop and oversee sustainability programs, conduct assessments, and advocate for eco-friendly practices.

6. Green Building and Architecture:

Sustainable architects and green building professionals design and construct eco-friendly buildings that reduce energy consumption and environmental impact. They often work on LEED-certified projects (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

7. Environmental Policy and Advocacy:

Environmental policy analysts and advocates shape government regulations and advocate for environmental protection. They work with government agencies, NGOs, and research institutions.

Tailoring Your Job Search

Once you’ve determined your preferred field within the environmental sector, work closely with the staffing agency to tailor your job search. Provide them with detailed information about your skills, qualifications, and the type of green job you’re seeking. Be open to entry-level positions if you’re new to the field, as they can serve as stepping stones to more specialized roles.

Networking and Skill Enhancement

While environmental staffing agencies play a pivotal role in connecting you with green job opportunities, networking and skill enhancement are equally crucial. Attend industry conferences, workshops, and webinars related to your field of interest. Join professional associations and environmental groups to expand your network and stay updated on industry trends.

Consider pursuing certifications or additional training relevant to your chosen green career. For example, if you’re interested in renewable energy, obtaining certification as a solar panel installer or wind turbine technician can enhance your qualifications.

Interview Preparation

When an environmental staffing agency connects you with potential employers, it’s essential to be well-prepared for interviews. Research the organization and its sustainability initiatives. Be ready to discuss your passion for sustainability and how your skills align with the role. Highlight any relevant coursework, certifications, or volunteer work that demonstrates your commitment to the field.

Seizing Your Dream Green Career

Landing your dream environmental career through an environmental staffing agency is a step toward making a positive impact on the planet. Once you secure a green job, embrace it as an opportunity to contribute to sustainability, conservation, and environmental progress. Stay committed to continuous learning and growth in your field, as the world of sustainability is ever-evolving.

By leveraging the services of environmental staffing agencies, aligning with your values, and seizing opportunities within your chosen field, you can embark on a rewarding green career journey that not only fulfills your aspirations but also contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

Webuild Staffing Agency is a leading executive search and staffing agency dedicated to the construction, engineering and environmental industries. To learn more please visit: www.webuildstaffing.com

Freelancing and Consulting in Environmental Industry: Paving the Path to Independent Success

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The landscape of employment is rapidly evolving, and traditional nine-to-five jobs are no longer the only way to build a successful career. Freelancing and consulting in environmental industry offer a compelling alternative, allowing professionals to achieve independent success while making a significant impact in the field of sustainability and conservation. let explore the world of freelancing and consulting in environmental industry, highlighting the benefits, challenges, and key steps to thrive as an independent environmental professional.

The Rise of Freelancing in Environmental industry

The gig economy is flourishing, and environmental professionals are not far behind in embracing this trend. Freelancing allows experts to take control of their careers, choose projects that align with their interests, and work with a diverse range of clients. It offers flexibility and the opportunity to build a portfolio of environmental projects that reflect one’s expertise and values.

Consulting as a Path to Independence

Consulting, on the other hand, involves providing specialized advice and services to clients, often on a contractual basis. Environmental consultants offer insights, strategies, and solutions to businesses, organizations, and governments seeking to address environmental challenges. Consulting can be a lucrative and rewarding way to leverage one’s expertise while enjoying the freedom of independent work.

Benefits of Freelancing and Consulting in Environmental Industry

  • Autonomy: Freelancers and consultants have control over their schedules, projects, and clients, allowing for a better work-life balance.
  • Variety: The diversity of projects and clients keeps the work engaging and fosters continuous learning.
  • Impact: Freelancers and consultants have the opportunity to work on projects that align with their environmental values, making a meaningful impact.
  • Income Potential: Successful environmental freelancers and consultants often earn competitive rates for their specialized expertise.
  • Networking: Working with different clients fosters a wide network of contacts and potential collaborations.

Building a Niche in Environmental Freelancing and Consulting

To succeed in the competitive world of environmental freelancing and consulting, it’s essential to identify and develop a niche. This involves specializing in a specific area of environmental work where you have expertise and a passion. Some niches include:

  • Sustainable Agriculture: Advising farmers on eco-friendly practices and sustainable crop management.
  • Renewable Energy: Consulting on solar, wind, or hydroelectric projects for clients seeking clean energy solutions.
  • Waste Management: Offering waste reduction and recycling strategies for businesses and municipalities.
  • Environmental Policy: Providing expertise in environmental regulations and policy advocacy.

To achieve your goals, efforts should be made to address a few key areas:

1. Building Your Portfolio

A strong portfolio is essential for showcasing your skills and attracting clients. Start by taking on small projects or volunteering your expertise to build your portfolio. Include case studies, project descriptions, and client testimonials to demonstrate your capabilities.

2. Marketing and Branding

Freelancers and consultants need to market themselves effectively to attract clients. Create a professional online presence through a website and social media profiles. Use these platforms to share your expertise, insights, and the positive impact of your work.

3. Networking and Client Acquisition

Networking is crucial for finding clients in the world of environmental freelancing and consulting. Attend industry conferences, join environmental organizations, and actively participate in online environmental communities. Word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied clients can also be a powerful source of new projects.

4. Pricing Your Services

Determining the right pricing for your services is a critical aspect of freelancing and consulting. Research industry standards and consider factors like your level of expertise, the complexity of the project, and the market demand. Be transparent about your pricing with clients to build trust.

5. Managing Finances and Taxes

As an independent environmental professional, you’ll need to manage your finances effectively. Keep accurate records of your income and expenses, set aside money for taxes, and consider consulting with an accountant or financial advisor to ensure your financial stability.

6. Handling Contracts and Agreements

Clear contracts and agreements are essential to protect both you and your clients. Specify project scope, timelines, deliverables, payment terms, and any confidentiality agreements in writing. This helps prevent misunderstandings and disputes.

7. Balancing Work and Life

The freedom of freelancing and consulting can be liberating, but it can also blur the boundaries between work and personal life. It’s crucial to establish a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout. Set boundaries, schedule regular breaks, and prioritize self-care.

8. Staying Informed and Adapting

The environmental field is dynamic, with evolving challenges and solutions. To remain competitive, stay informed about the latest trends, technologies, and research in your niche. Be adaptable and open to learning new skills as needed.

9. Collaborating with Other Professionals

Collaboration with other freelancers or consultants in related fields can lead to exciting opportunities. Partnering with experts in complementary areas can allow you to take on larger and more complex projects.

10. Building a Sustainable Business Model

As you gain experience and reputation, consider developing a sustainable business model. This might involve hiring additional professionals, scaling your services, or diversifying your income streams.

11. Embracing Remote Work and Digital Tools

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work and digital tools. Embrace technology to collaborate with clients and colleagues, conduct virtual meetings, and manage projects efficiently.

12. Environmental Impact and Responsibility

As environmental professionals, it’s essential to practice what you preach. Incorporate sustainability into your own business practices, such as reducing waste, minimizing energy consumption, and supporting eco-friendly suppliers and services.


Freelancing and consulting in environmental work offer a path to independence, impact, and success. By identifying your niche, building a strong portfolio, marketing yourself effectively, and managing your business responsibly, you can thrive as an independent environmental professional. Whether you’re an experienced expert or just starting, the world of environmental freelancing and consulting is ripe with opportunities to make a positive difference in the field of sustainability and conservation.

Webuild Staffing Agency is a leading executive search and staffing agency dedicated to the construction, engineering and environmental industries. To learn more please visit: www.webuildstaffing.com

Internships in Environmental Profession: Paving the Way to a Greener Future

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In a world grappling with environmental challenges like climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss, the need for dedicated environmental professionals has never been greater. For aspiring green advocates, an environmental industry internship offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience, build essential skills, and contribute to a sustainable future. Today, lets explore the pivotal role of environmental internships in environmental fields, shedding light on their importance, benefits, and how they can set the stage for a career devoted to the betterment of our planet.

Learning Beyond the Classroom

While classroom education provides a solid foundation, environmental challenges often require practical solutions and real-world experiences. Environmental internships allow students and aspiring professionals to step out of the classroom and into the field. Whether it’s conducting research in a pristine ecosystem, working with environmental organizations, or assisting in sustainability projects, internships provide the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings.

Skill Development

Internships in environmental fields offer a fertile ground for skill development. Participants acquire a wide range of transferable skills, including project management, data analysis, teamwork, and communication. These skills not only enhance their career prospects but also equip them to tackle complex environmental issues effectively.

Networking Opportunities

Building a strong professional network is paramount in any career, and internships provide an ideal platform for networking within the environmental sector. Interns often have the chance to collaborate with experienced professionals, attend industry events, and make valuable connections that can lead to mentorship and future job opportunities.

Exploring Career Paths

The environmental field is vast and encompasses diverse career paths, from conservation and sustainability to policy advocacy and renewable energy. Internships allow individuals to explore these different facets and gain insights into which area aligns best with their passions and interests. This exploration can be invaluable in helping interns chart their career trajectory.

Contributing to Environmental Solutions

Interns play a crucial role in advancing environmental initiatives. Their work can contribute directly to projects aimed at addressing climate change, preserving biodiversity, improving water quality, and more. By participating in internships, individuals become active agents of change and contribute to the global effort to create a greener and more sustainable world.

Bridging the Gap Between Education and Employment

One of the significant challenges many graduates face is the “experience paradox,” where employers often seek candidates with practical experience, even for entry-level positions. Environmental internships bridge this gap by providing young professionals with the experience needed to kickstart their careers. Having internship experience on a resume can significantly increase the chances of securing a full-time position in the environmental sector.

Gaining Exposure to Real-World Environmental Issues

The environmental challenges we face today are multifaceted and require innovative solutions. Through internships, individuals can gain firsthand exposure to these challenges, allowing them to understand the complexity of issues such as climate change, habitat destruction, and resource depletion. This exposure fosters a deeper understanding of the urgency of environmental action.

Making a Positive Impact

Environmental interns often work on projects that directly contribute to environmental conservation and sustainability. Whether it’s restoring ecosystems, implementing renewable energy solutions, or advocating for environmentally responsible policies, interns have the chance to make a tangible, positive impact on the environment and local communities.

Shaping Environmental Policies

Many environmental organizations and governmental agencies rely on interns to support their policy development and advocacy efforts. Interns can contribute to research, data analysis, and the drafting of policy recommendations that have the potential to influence decision-makers and shape environmental policies at various levels.

Gaining Exposure to Cutting-Edge Technologies

The field of environmental science and sustainability is continually evolving with advancements in technology. Internships often provide access to cutting-edge tools and technologies used in environmental monitoring, data analysis, and conservation efforts. Acquiring experience with these technologies can be a significant asset in one’s career.

Building Environmental Ethics

Environmental internships not only build professional skills but also foster a deep sense of environmental ethics and responsibility. Working on sustainability projects and witnessing the impact of environmental degradation firsthand instills a commitment to environmental stewardship that lasts a lifetime.

Boosting Resilience and Problem-Solving Abilities

Environmental interns often face challenges such as changing weather conditions, resource limitations, and unexpected obstacles. These experiences build resilience and problem-solving abilities, crucial qualities for addressing the dynamic and unpredictable nature of environmental work.

Resume Enhancement

In a competitive job market, having internship experience on a resume can set candidates apart. It demonstrates to potential employers that individuals have a practical understanding of environmental issues and a commitment to working towards solutions.

Career Advancement

Many successful environmental professionals attribute their career success to the internships they undertook early in their journey. Internships can serve as a stepping stone to more advanced positions in the environmental field, including leadership roles.

A Sense of Purpose

For those passionate about environmental conservation and sustainability, internships provide a sense of purpose. Knowing that their work contributes to the well-being of the planet and future generations gives interns a profound sense of fulfillment and motivation in their careers.

Environmental internships serve as a transformative experience, bridging the gap between education and a fulfilling, impactful career. They offer the chance to learn, grow, contribute to environmental solutions, and build a strong foundation for a greener future. Whether you’re a student exploring career options or an aspiring environmentalist looking to make a difference, consider the immense value that internships in environmental fields can offer in your journey toward a more sustainable world.

Webuild Staffing Agency is a leading executive search and staffing agency dedicated to the construction, engineering and environmental industries. To learn more please visit: www.webuildstaffing.com

Environmental Job Market Trends: In-Demand Skills for Environmental Careers

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The environmental jobs market is experiencing significant growth as organizations and governments worldwide increasingly prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility. As the world grapples with climate change and environmental challenges, green careers are on the rise. In this blog post, we will delve into the latest environmental jobs market trends and explore the in-demand skills that can help you thrive in the world of eco-friendly professions. Whether you are an aspiring environmental professional or looking to pivot your career towards sustainability, understanding these trends is crucial for success.

Growth in Renewable Energy

One of the most prominent trends in the environmental job market is the rapid growth of the renewable energy sector. As countries aim to transition to clean energy sources, there is a high demand for professionals with expertise in solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal energy. Job opportunities in this field range from research and development to project management, installation, and maintenance of renewable energy systems.

In-Demand Skills:

  • Solar Panel Installation: Proficiency in installing and maintaining solar panels is a sought-after skill as solar energy adoption continues to expand.
  • Wind Turbine Maintenance: Skilled technicians who can maintain and repair wind turbines are in high demand.
  • Grid Integration: Understanding how to integrate renewable energy sources into existing power grids is crucial for energy professionals.

Sustainability Consulting

Businesses and organizations are increasingly seeking sustainability consultants to help them reduce their environmental footprint and improve their corporate social responsibility. Sustainability consultants assess a company’s operations, identify opportunities for efficiency and sustainability improvements, and provide guidance on sustainable practices.

In-Demand Skills:

  • Environmental Assessment: Conducting comprehensive environmental assessments and impact analyses.
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Expertise in optimizing supply chains for sustainability and reduced waste.
  • Green Building Certification: Familiarity with green building standards like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

Environmental Policy and Advocacy

The push for stronger environmental policies at both national and international levels has created a growing need for professionals in environmental policy and advocacy. Organizations, NGOs, and government agencies require experts to research, draft, and advocate for environmentally friendly policies and regulations.

In-Demand Skills:

  • Policy Analysis: Analyzing the potential impact of policies on the environment and society.
  • Government Relations: Building relationships with government officials and stakeholders to influence policy decisions.
  • Environmental Law: Legal expertise in environmental regulations and compliance.

Environmental Data Analytics

The collection and analysis of environmental data play a crucial role in decision-making and problem-solving. Environmental data analysts use technology and data-driven insights to address environmental challenges, from climate modeling to pollution control.

In-Demand Skills:

  • Data Analysis Tools: Proficiency in data analysis software and programming languages like Python and R.
  • Remote Sensing and GIS: Knowledge of remote sensing technologies and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for environmental mapping and analysis.
  • Environmental Modeling: Ability to create predictive models for climate, ecosystems, and pollution.

Circular Economy and Waste Management

Efforts to reduce waste and promote a circular economy have led to increased demand for professionals who can manage waste effectively and implement sustainable waste reduction strategies.

In-Demand Skills:

  • Waste Reduction Strategies: Expertise in designing and implementing waste reduction programs for organizations.
  • Recycling Technologies: Understanding of advanced recycling technologies and processes.
  • Sustainable Packaging: Knowledge of sustainable packaging materials and practices.

Water Resource Management

The management of water resources is a critical environmental concern, particularly in the face of climate change and growing populations. Professionals in this field focus on water conservation, quality management, and sustainable water use.

In-Demand Skills:

  • Water Quality Monitoring: Expertise in monitoring and improving water quality in natural ecosystems and water treatment facilities.
  • Water Policy: Knowledge of water laws, regulations, and policies at local, national, and international levels.
  • Drought Management: Skills in managing water resources during drought conditions.

Eco-Friendly Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture practices are gaining momentum as the world seeks to address food security and minimize environmental impacts. Careers in eco-friendly agriculture involve implementing practices that reduce chemical use, conserve soil and water, and promote biodiversity.

In-Demand Skills:

  • Organic Farming: Knowledge of organic farming practices and certification requirements.
  • Agroecology: Understanding of ecological principles in agriculture and sustainable farming systems.
  • Precision Agriculture: Proficiency in using technology to optimize farming practices.

Environmental Education and Communication

Raising awareness and educating the public about environmental issues are critical components of the sustainability movement. Environmental educators and communicators are in demand to engage communities, schools, and organizations in eco-friendly practices.

In-Demand Skills:

  • Effective Communication: Strong written and verbal communication skills to convey complex environmental concepts to diverse audiences.
  • Community Engagement: Experience in organizing community events, workshops, and educational programs.
  • Digital Marketing: Knowledge of digital marketing tools to promote environmental causes online.

Green Building and Sustainable Architecture

The construction industry is shifting toward green building practices and sustainable architecture to reduce energy consumption and environmental impact. Professionals in this field design and construct eco-friendly buildings and infrastructure.

In-Demand Skills:

  • LEED Certification: Familiarity with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification requirements.
  • Energy-Efficient Design: Expertise in designing buildings with energy-efficient features.
  • Materials Sustainability: Knowledge of sustainable building materials and construction practices.

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Climate change professionals work on strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of a changing climate. This field includes roles in renewable energy, carbon capture, climate policy, and climate risk assessment.

In-Demand Skills:

  • Climate Modeling: Ability to use climate models to predict future climate scenarios.

Webuild Staffing Agency is a leading executive search and staffing agency dedicated to the construction, engineering and environmental industries. To learn more please visit: www.webuildstaffing.com

LinkedIn for Environmental Professionals: Building Your Online Presence

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In today’s digital age, establishing a strong online presence is crucial for career growth and networking. LinkedIn, as the leading professional networking platform, offers a valuable opportunity for environmentally conscious individuals to connect with like-minded professionals, showcase their passion for sustainability, and advance their green careers. This guide  will take you through the process of building your online environmentally conscious presence on LinkedIn, from optimizing your profile to engaging with relevant content and networking effectively.

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital resume and the first impression you make on potential connections and employers. Here’s how to optimize it for an environmentally conscious presence:

  • Professional Photo: Use a high-quality, professional photo that reflects your personal brand. Dress appropriately for your field while ensuring a friendly and approachable demeanor.
  • Compelling Headline: Craft a headline that highlights your commitment to environmental causes and your area of expertise. For example, “Sustainability Advocate | Renewable Energy Enthusiast | Environmental Consultant.”
  • Customized URL: Customize your LinkedIn URL to make it more memorable and professional. Ideally, it should be linkedin.com/in/yourname.
  • Summary Section: Use the summary section to tell your story, emphasizing your passion for sustainability and your career journey. Include relevant keywords and showcase your unique perspective.
  • Experience and Education: Detail your work experiences and educational background, emphasizing roles and accomplishments related to environmental initiatives.
  • Skills and Endorsements: List skills relevant to your environmental interests, such as sustainability, renewable energy, conservation, or environmental policy. Encourage connections to endorse your skills.
  • Recommendations: Request recommendations from colleagues or supervisors who can speak to your environmental expertise and dedication.
  • Publications and Projects: Highlight any publications, research projects, or initiatives related to environmental issues that you’ve been involved in.

Connect with Environmental Professionals

Building a network of environmentally conscious professionals is a cornerstone of your LinkedIn presence. Here’s how to connect effectively:

  • Connect Strategically: Send connection requests to professionals who share your passion for sustainability. Personalize your requests by mentioning common interests or experiences.
  • Join Environmental Groups: LinkedIn offers a wide range of environmental groups and communities. Join these groups to connect with like-minded individuals, participate in discussions, and gain insights.
  • Follow Environmental Influencers: Identify and follow influential individuals and thought leaders in the environmental field. Their posts and updates can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.
  • Engage in Conversations: Comment thoughtfully on posts, share relevant articles, and engage in conversations within your network and environmental groups. Active participation enhances your visibility.

Share Relevant Content

Sharing environmentally conscious content demonstrates your commitment to the cause and positions you as an informed professional. Here’s how to share content effectively:

  • Share Articles and News: Post articles, news, and research related to sustainability, climate change, renewable energy, and other environmental topics.
  • Highlight Achievements: Share your achievements, such as completing a sustainability certification or participating in a successful eco-friendly project.
  • Participate in Challenges: Join LinkedIn challenges related to environmental awareness and sustainability. These challenges often involve sharing insights, statistics, or personal commitments.
  • Create Original Content: If you have unique insights or experiences to share, consider writing original LinkedIn articles. This can help establish you as a thought leader in the environmental space.
  • Use Hashtags: Incorporate relevant hashtags in your posts to increase their visibility and reach a broader audience interested in environmental topics.

Showcase Your Environmental Projects and Initiatives

LinkedIn offers features for highlighting your environmental projects and initiatives:

  • Add Projects: In your profile’s “Projects” section, detail your involvement in environmental initiatives, from sustainability programs at your workplace to volunteer projects with environmental organizations.
  • Document Achievements: Describe the goals, impact, and outcomes of your environmental projects. Include any awards, recognition, or certifications earned.

Follow Environmental Organizations and Companies

Stay updated on the latest news and opportunities by following environmental organizations, nonprofits, and environmentally conscious companies on LinkedIn. Many of these entities share valuable insights, job openings, and sustainability updates.

Engage in Meaningful Discussions

Engage in conversations that matter to you and the environmental community:

  • Share Insights: Offer informed perspectives on environmental topics. Sharing your knowledge can establish you as a credible voice in the field.
  • Ask Questions: Pose thoughtful questions to your network or in environmental groups to spark meaningful discussions and gather insights.
  • Collaborate: Seek collaboration opportunities with professionals in your network who share your passion for sustainability. Collaborative efforts can lead to impactful projects.

Attend Virtual Environmental Events and Webinars

LinkedIn frequently hosts and promotes virtual events, including webinars and conferences related to environmental issues. Participate in these events to expand your knowledge, network with industry experts, and connect with fellow environmentally conscious professionals.

Use LinkedIn Premium for Enhanced Networking

Consider upgrading to LinkedIn Premium for additional networking benefits, such as increased access to profiles, advanced search filters, and InMail credits. This can be particularly useful for job seekers and those looking to connect with specific professionals.

Be Consistent and Active

Consistency is key to maintaining an active and impactful presence on LinkedIn. Regularly update your profile, share content, engage with your network, and participate in environmental discussions. Your commitment will be noticed by your connections.

Webuild Staffing Agency is a leading executive search and staffing agency dedicated to the construction, engineering and environmental industries. To learn more please visit: www.webuildstaffing.com

Skills Series: Reflections On The Job Search Process

Reflections on Job Search Process

Skills Series: Reflections On The Job Search Process

Date : September 26, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

As you come to the end of your job search in the construction industry, it is important to take some time to reflect on your experiences and the lessons you have learned along the way.

The job search process can be challenging, and it requires a lot of dedication, effort, and perseverance. However, it is also a time of growth and development, where you can learn a lot about yourself, your skills, and your goals

In this final article of the series, we will provide some reflections on the job search process and offer advice for succeeding in the construction industry.

Reflections on the job search process

The job search process is often a time of uncertainty, anxiety, and self-doubt. It can be challenging to navigate the job market, especially if you are new to the industry or if you have not been in the job market for some time. However, it is important to remember that the job search process is a learning experience, and that every experience can help you grow and develop.

One of the most important things to remember during the job search process is to stay focused on your goals. It can be easy to get sidetracked or discouraged by rejection or by the challenges of the job market. However, by staying focused on your goals, you can remain motivated and committed to finding the right job for you.

Another important lesson to learn during the job search process is the importance of networking. Networking is a crucial part of the job search process, and it can help you connect with potential employers and colleagues in the industry. By attending networking events, joining professional organizations, and building relationships with people in the industry, you can increase your chances of finding the right job for you.

Advice for succeeding in the construction industry

Once you have found a job in the construction industry, there are several things you can do to succeed in your career. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  1. Focus on continuous learning and development. The construction industry is constantly evolving, and it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies, trends, and best practices. By focusing on continuous learning and development, you can increase your knowledge and skills, and become a valuable asset to your employer.
  2. Build strong relationships with your colleagues and superiors. Building strong relationships with your colleagues and superiors can help you build a strong support system, and can help you advance in your career. By being a team player, being open to feedback, and showing initiative, you can build strong relationships that will help you succeed.
  3. Be flexible and adaptable. The construction industry is constantly changing, and it is important to be flexible and adaptable to new challenges and opportunities. By being open to change, and by being willing to learn new skills and take on new responsibilities, you can position yourself for success in the industry.
  4. Communicate effectively. Effective communication is essential in the construction industry, where collaboration and teamwork are key. By communicating clearly and effectively with your colleagues and superiors, you can avoid misunderstandings and mistakes, and build strong working relationships.
  5. Embrace technology. The construction industry is increasingly reliant on technology, and it is important to embrace new technologies and tools that can help you work more efficiently and effectively. By staying up-to-date with the latest technologies, you can position yourself as a tech-savvy professional who is ready to take on new challenges and opportunities.

In conclusion, the job search process in the construction industry can be challenging, but it is also a time of growth and development. By staying focused on your goals, networking effectively, and remaining open to new opportunities, you can position yourself for success in the industry.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

Skills Series: Advancing Your Career

Advancing Your Career

Skills Series: Advancing Your Career

Date : September 21, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

Congratulations, you’ve landed a job in the construction industry! You’ve worked hard to get to where you are, but your journey doesn’t end here. Now, it’s time to start thinking about how you can advance your career and achieve your long-term goals. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the industry for years, there are always opportunities to grow and develop your skills.

In this article, we’ll discuss strategies for advancing your career in the construction industry, including developing new skills, seeking out mentors, and exploring leadership opportunities.

Developing New Skills

One of the keys to advancing your career in the construction industry is to constantly develop new skills. The industry is constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest technologies, regulations, and best practices is essential for success. Here are some strategies for developing new skills:

  1. Take courses and attend workshops: Many construction associations and organizations offer courses and workshops on a variety of topics, from project management to safety to sustainability. Look for opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills in areas that interest you.
  2. Pursue certifications: Certifications can demonstrate your expertise and knowledge in specific areas of the construction industry. Some common certifications in the industry include LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), and PMP (Project Management Professional).
  3. Attend conferences and trade shows: Conferences and trade shows are great opportunities to learn about new products, technologies, and trends in the industry. They also offer opportunities to network with other professionals and learn from their experiences.
  4. Seek out cross-training opportunities: Cross-training allows you to gain experience in different areas of the construction industry. If you’re a project manager, for example, you might seek out opportunities to learn more about estimating or scheduling.

Seeking Out Mentors

Having a mentor can be incredibly valuable for career development. A mentor is someone who has more experience in the industry and can offer guidance and advice based on their own experiences. Here are some tips for finding a mentor:

  1. Look for someone you admire: Think about professionals in the industry who you admire and respect. Look for someone who has achieved the type of career success you hope to achieve, and who shares similar values and goals.
  2. Network: Networking is key for finding a mentor. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with professionals on LinkedIn. Once you’ve identified potential mentors, reach out to them and ask if they’d be willing to meet with you to discuss your career goals.
  3. Be open to feedback: One of the most valuable aspects of having a mentor is the feedback and advice they can offer. Be open to constructive criticism and take their advice to heart.

Exploring Leadership Opportunities

Leadership opportunities are a great way to demonstrate your skills and expertise in the construction industry. Whether it’s leading a project team or serving on a professional association committee, leadership roles can help you build your professional network and demonstrate your ability to take on new challenges. Here are some strategies for exploring leadership opportunities:

  1. Volunteer for industry associations: Many professional associations and organizations have committees and task forces that are responsible for organizing events, developing standards, and advocating for the industry. Volunteer to serve on one of these committees to build your professional network and demonstrate your commitment to the industry.
  2. Take on leadership roles within your company: Look for opportunities to lead projects or teams within your company. This can help you build relationships with colleagues and demonstrate your ability to take on new challenges.
  3. Attend leadership development programs: Many construction associations and organizations offer leadership development programs that can help you build your skills and knowledge in areas such as communication, conflict resolution, and decision-making.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

Skills Series: Starting Your New Job

First Day on The Job

Skills Series: Starting Your New Job:

Date : September 19, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

Starting a new job can be both exciting and overwhelming. In the construction industry, there are many things to learn, people to meet, and projects to become familiar with.

This article will provide strategies for navigating your first days on the job, building relationships with your colleagues, and setting goals for your career development.

These first few days will provide you an opportunity to lay the foundation for a successful career.

Navigating Your First Days

The first few days on a new job can be stressful, but it’s important to make a good impression and get off to a strong start. Here are some strategies for navigating your first days:

  1. Get organized: Take time to organize your workspace, review company policies and procedures, and familiarize yourself with the company culture.
  2. Be observant: Observe your colleagues, pay attention to the way they work and interact, and take note of any protocols or procedures that are unique to the company.
  3. Ask questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions, clarify expectations, and seek out guidance from colleagues and supervisors.
  4. Be proactive: Take initiative and seek out opportunities to contribute to projects and team goals, even if it’s just offering to help with a small task.

Building Relationships with Colleagues

Building strong relationships with your colleagues is essential for success in the construction industry. Here are some strategies for building relationships:

  1. Introduce yourself: Take the initiative to introduce yourself to your colleagues, and make an effort to remember their names and roles.
  2. Show interest: Show genuine interest in your colleagues’ work and projects, and ask questions to learn more about what they do.
  3. Be friendly: Be approachable and friendly, and make an effort to participate in social activities and events.
  4. Collaborate: Look for opportunities to collaborate with your colleagues on projects, and be open to feedback and suggestions.

Setting Goals for Career Development

Setting goals for your career development is important for long-term success in the construction industry. Here are some strategies for setting career goals:

  1. Assess your strengths and weaknesses: Identify your strengths and weaknesses, and consider areas where you would like to improve.
  2. Identify opportunities: Look for opportunities to gain new skills and experiences, and consider certifications or training programs that can enhance your expertise.
  3. Develop a plan: Create a plan for achieving your career goals, including specific milestones and timelines.
  4. Seek feedback: Seek feedback from colleagues and supervisors, and be open to constructive criticism that can help you grow and develop in your career.


Starting a new job in the construction industry can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can navigate your first days, build strong relationships with your colleagues, and set goals for your career development. By getting organized, being observant, and asking questions, you can make a strong start in your new role. By introducing yourself, showing interest, being friendly, and collaborating with your colleagues, you can build strong relationships that will help you succeed. And by assessing your strengths and weaknesses, identifying opportunities, developing a plan, and seeking feedback, you can set goals for your career development and achieve long-term success in the construction industry. Remember to be proactive, curious, and open-minded, and you will be on your way to a successful career in construction.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

Skills Series: Negotiating Salary And Benefits

Negotiating Salary & Benefits

Skills Series: Negotiating Salary And Benefits

Date : September 14, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

Negotiating your salary and benefits can be a daunting task, but it is an essential part of the job search process. In this chapter, we will discuss strategies for negotiating salary, benefits, and work-life balance in the construction industry.

By following these tips and guidelines, you can ensure that you are getting the compensation and benefits you deserve while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Researching Compensation and Benefits

Before you can begin negotiating your salary and benefits, it’s important to do your research. Here are some tips for researching compensation and benefits in the construction industry:

  1. Check online resources: Websites such as Glassdoor and Payscale can provide insights into average salaries and benefits for specific job titles and locations.
  2. Talk to your network: Reach out to your professional network to gather information on compensation and benefits at other companies in the industry.
  3. Consider industry trends: Stay up-to-date on industry trends and changes that may impact compensation and benefits in the construction industry.
  4. Know your worth: Determine your own value and what you bring to the table in terms of experience, education, and skills.

Negotiating Salary

When it comes to negotiating salary, it’s important to be prepared and confident. Here are some strategies for negotiating salary in the construction industry:

  1. Know your bottom line: Determine the minimum salary you would be willing to accept and be prepared to walk away if the offer is below that amount.
  2. Focus on your value: Highlight your experience, education, and skills to demonstrate your value to the company.
  3. Be flexible: Consider other forms of compensation, such as bonuses or stock options, if the salary offer is lower than expected.
  4. Practice your negotiation skills: Role-play with a friend or mentor to practice your negotiation skills and build your confidence.

Negotiating Benefits and Work-Life Balance

In addition to salary, benefits and work-life balance are important factors to consider when negotiating a job offer in the construction industry. Here are some strategies for negotiating benefits and work-life balance:

  1. Identify your priorities: Determine which benefits and work-life balance options are most important to you, such as flexible scheduling or telecommuting options.
  2. Consider the company culture: Consider the company culture and the types of benefits and work-life balance options that are typically offered.
  3. Be prepared to compromise: Be willing to compromise on some benefits or work-life balance options if necessary, but be clear about your priorities.
  4. Ask for what you want: Be upfront about your expectations and ask for the benefits and work-life balance options that you want.


Negotiating salary and benefits can be challenging, but with research, preparation, and confidence, you can ensure that you are getting the compensation and benefits you deserve in the construction industry. By researching compensation and benefits, focusing on your value, and identifying your priorities for work-life balance, you can negotiate a job offer that meets your needs and sets you up for success. Remember to be prepared, flexible, and confident in your negotiation, and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. With these tips and strategies, you can navigate the negotiation process and take the next step in your career in the construction industry.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

Skills Series: Preparing For Interviews

Preparing For Interviews

Skills Series: Preparing For Interviews

Date : September 7, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

Congratulations! You have made it to the interview stage of the job search process. Now it’s time to prepare yourself to make a great impression and land the job.

In this article, we will discuss tips and strategies for preparing for interviews in the construction industry, including researching the company, anticipating questions, and presenting yourself professionally.

Researching the Company

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for a job interview in the construction industry is to research the company. By doing so, you can gain a better understanding of the company’s values, mission, and culture, as well as the specific projects and services they offer. Here are some tips for researching the company:

  1. Review their website: The company’s website is a great place to start. Look for information about the company’s history, mission, and values. Review their portfolio of projects to gain a better understanding of the types of work they do.
  2. Look for news articles: Search for news articles about the company to get a sense of their reputation and recent developments.
  3. Check social media: Review the company’s social media accounts to see what they are posting about and how they engage with their audience.
  4. Network: Reach out to people in your professional network who may have worked with the company before to get insights into their experience.

Anticipating Questions

During an interview, you can expect to be asked a range of questions about your experience, skills, and qualifications. Here are some tips for anticipating and preparing for these questions:

  1. Review the job description: Review the job description to identify the key skills and qualifications the employer is looking for. Be prepared to provide specific examples of how you meet these requirements.
  2. Review your resume: Review your resume and be prepared to provide more detail about your skills and experience. Think about specific examples that demonstrate your abilities.
  3. Practice common interview questions: Practice answering common interview questions such as “What are your strengths?” and “What are your weaknesses?” to feel more confident during the interview.

Presenting Yourself Professionally

During the interview, it’s important to present yourself in a professional manner. Here are some tips for presenting yourself professionally:

  1. Dress appropriately: Dress professionally for the interview. If you’re not sure what to wear, it’s better to err on the side of being overdressed.
  2. Arrive early: Arrive at least 15 minutes early for the interview to give yourself time to check in and collect your thoughts.
  3. Be courteous: Be polite and courteous to everyone you meet, from the receptionist to the interviewer.
  4. Maintain eye contact: Make eye contact with the interviewer and speak clearly and confidently.
  5. Follow up: After the interview, send a thank-you note or email to the interviewer to express your gratitude for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position.


Preparing for an interview in the construction industry requires research, preparation, and a professional demeanor. By researching the company, anticipating questions, and presenting yourself professionally, you can increase your chances of making a great impression and landing the job. Remember to dress appropriately, arrive early, be courteous, maintain eye contact, and follow up after the interview to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position. With these tips and strategies, you can confidently prepare for your next job interview and take the next step in your career in the construction industry.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

Skills Series: Writing Effective Cover Letters

Writing Effective Cover Letters

Skills Series: Writing Effective Cover Letters

Date : August 31, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

In the construction industry, submitting a cover letter along with your resume is a common practice.

A cover letter allows you to introduce yourself to potential employers and provide additional context for your application. In this article, we’ll explore the key elements of an effective cover letter in the construction industry and provide tips for tailoring your cover letter to the job you’re applying for.

Key Elements of an Effective Cover Letter in Construction

When crafting a cover letter for the construction industry, there are several key elements that you should include to make your document stand out. These include:

  1. Contact Information: Your contact information should be prominently displayed at the top of your cover letter, including your full name, address, phone number, and email address.
  2. Salutation: Address your cover letter to the specific person who will be reviewing your application. If the job posting does not include contact information, do some research to identify the hiring manager or HR representative for the company.
  3. Introduction: Your introduction should briefly introduce yourself and explain why you are interested in the position.
  4. Skills and Experience: In the body of your cover letter, highlight your relevant skills and experience that make you a good fit for the position. Use specific examples and quantify your achievements whenever possible.
  5. Closing: Your closing should thank the hiring manager for considering your application and provide your contact information for follow-up.

Tips for Tailoring your Cover Letter to the Job

Tailoring your cover letter to the job you’re applying for is essential to stand out to potential employers. Here are some tips for crafting an effective cover letter that highlights your skills and experience:

  1. Research the company: Before crafting your cover letter, research the company to understand its mission, values, and culture. Use this information to demonstrate your knowledge of the company and explain why you are a good fit.
  2. Match your skills to the job: Review the job posting and identify the specific skills and qualifications the employer is looking for. Use these as a guide to highlight your relevant skills and experience.
  3. Use industry-specific language: Using industry-specific language and terminology can demonstrate your knowledge of the construction industry and make your cover letter stand out to potential employers.
  4. Customize your opening and closing: Tailor your opening and closing paragraphs to the specific company and job you’re applying for. Use this opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the company and express your enthusiasm for the position.
  5. Keep it concise: Your cover letter should be no longer than one page, so it’s essential to keep it concise and focused on the most relevant information.


Crafting an effective cover letter in the construction industry requires attention to detail and a focus on highlighting your skills and experience. By including key elements such as contact information, a salutation, an introduction, skills and experience, and a closing, you can create a compelling document that stands out to potential employers. By researching the company, matching your skills to the job, using industry-specific language, customizing your opening and closing, and keeping it concise, you can increase your chances of securing a job interview and landing your dream job in the construction industry.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

Skills Series: Creating A Winning Resume

Writing A Professional Resume

Skills Series: Creating A Winning Resume

Date : August 24, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

In the competitive job market of the construction industry, having a strong resume is essential for securing a job interview. Your resume is often the first impression that potential employers will have of you, so it’s crucial to craft a compelling document that highlights your skills and experience to have a successful job search.

In this article, we’ll explore the key elements of a winning resume in the construction industry and provide tips for crafting a document that will stand out to potential employers.

Key Elements of a Winning Resume in Construction

When crafting a resume for the construction industry, there are several key elements that you should include to make your document stand out. These include:

  1. Contact Information: Your contact information should be prominently displayed at the top of your resume, including your full name, address, phone number, and email address.
  2. Objective or Summary Statement: An objective or summary statement should be included near the top of your resume to provide a brief overview of your career goals and qualifications.
  3. Skills: A skills section should be included to highlight your relevant skills and abilities. This section should focus on technical skills, such as knowledge of construction materials and equipment, as well as soft skills such as communication and teamwork.
  4. Professional Experience: Your professional experience section should highlight your previous work experience in the construction industry, including job titles, company names, dates of employment, and a summary of your responsibilities and accomplishments.
  5. Education and Certifications: Your education and certifications should be listed in a separate section of your resume, including the degree or certification earned, the institution or program, and the date of completion.

Tips for Crafting a Winning Resume in Construction

Crafting a winning resume in the construction industry requires attention to detail and a focus on highlighting your skills and experience. Here are some tips for creating a compelling document:

  1. Tailor your resume to the job: When applying for a job in the construction industry, it’s essential to tailor your resume to the specific job description. Review the job posting carefully and include relevant keywords and phrases in your resume to demonstrate that you have the necessary skills and experience.
  2. Highlight your achievements: Rather than just listing your job responsibilities, focus on highlighting your achievements in each position. Use specific examples of projects you have worked on, problems you have solved, and outcomes you have achieved.
  3. Use metrics: Whenever possible, use metrics to quantify your achievements. For example, if you were responsible for managing a project, include details on the budget, timeline, and team size to demonstrate your effectiveness.
  4. Use industry-specific language: Using industry-specific language and terminology can demonstrate your knowledge of the construction industry and make your resume stand out to potential employers.
  5. Keep it concise: Your resume should be no longer than two pages, so it’s essential to keep it concise and focused on the most relevant information.


Crafting a winning resume in the construction industry requires attention to detail and a focus on highlighting your skills and experience. By including key elements such as contact information, an objective or summary statement, skills, professional experience, and education and certifications, you can create a compelling document that stands out to potential employers. By tailoring your resume to the job, highlighting your achievements, using metrics, using industry-specific language, and keeping it concise, you can increase your chances of securing a job interview and landing your dream job in the construction industry.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

Skills Series: Building Your Professional Network

Building Professional Network

Skills Series: Building Your Professional Network: Developing Connections With Employers, Colleagues, And Industry Associations

Date : August 17, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

Building a strong professional network is critical for success in any industry, and the construction industry is no exception. 

In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of building a professional network in the construction industry, strategies for developing connections with employers, colleagues, and industry associations, and how to maintain those connections over time.

Benefits of Building a Professional Network in Construction

Building a professional network in the construction industry has many benefits. These include:

  1. Access to job opportunities: One of the most significant benefits of building a professional network is access to job opportunities. Knowing people in the industry can help you learn about job openings before they are advertised publicly, and can give you a competitive advantage in the job market.
  2. Career advancement: A strong professional network can also help you advance your career. Knowing people in high-level positions in the industry can provide you with valuable insights and mentorship opportunities, as well as recommendations for career advancement.
  3. Industry insights: Building connections in the industry can also help you stay up-to-date on current trends and developments. This can provide valuable insights into the direction of the industry and can help you stay competitive in your field.

Strategies for Developing Connections in Construction

There are several strategies for developing connections in the construction industry. These include:

  1. Attending industry events: Attending industry events such as trade shows, conferences, and seminars is an excellent way to meet new people in the industry. These events provide opportunities to learn about new developments in the industry and connect with like-minded professionals.
  2. Joining industry associations: Joining industry associations such as the Associated General Contractors (AGC) or the American Institute of Architects (AIA) can provide you with access to a network of professionals in the industry. These associations often have regular meetings and events where you can connect with other members.
  3. Participating in online communities: There are many online communities for construction professionals, including LinkedIn groups and industry-specific forums. Participating in these communities can help you connect with people in the industry and learn about job opportunities and industry trends.
  4. Volunteering: Volunteering for industry-related events or organizations is an excellent way to meet new people in the industry and demonstrate your commitment to your profession. This can help you build relationships with potential employers and colleagues.

Maintaining Your Professional Network

Building a professional network is only the first step. Maintaining those connections over time is critical for their long-term success. Some strategies for maintaining your professional network include:

  1. Staying in touch: It’s essential to stay in touch with your professional connections regularly. This can be as simple as sending a quick email or making a phone call to catch up.
  2. Providing value: Providing value to your professional connections can help strengthen your relationships. This can include sharing industry insights, making introductions to other professionals in your network, or providing recommendations for industry events or resources.
  3. Continuing to learn: Continuing to learn about developments in the industry and staying up-to-date on new trends and technologies can help you provide value to your professional connections and demonstrate your expertise in the field.


Building a professional network in the construction industry is critical for success. By attending industry events, joining industry associations, participating in online communities, and volunteering, you can develop valuable connections with employers, colleagues, and industry associations. Maintaining those connections over time is essential for their long-term success, and can provide you with access to job opportunities, career advancement, and valuable insights into the industry.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

Skills Series: Understanding Sectors, Trends and Opportunities in Construction

Sectors Trends and Opportunities In The Construction industry

Skills Series: Understanding The Different Sectors, Trends, And Opportunities In Construction

Date : August 10, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

Before embarking on a job search in the construction industry, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the industry as a whole. This includes knowledge of the different sectors within the industry, current trends, and the opportunities available. 

In this article, we will explore various strategies for researching the construction industry, including utilizing industry resources, networking, and attending industry events. By gaining a thorough understanding of the industry, you’ll be better equipped to identify job opportunities that align with your skills and interests.

Understanding the Different Sectors in Construction

The construction industry is made up of various sectors, each with its own unique set of skills and job opportunities. Understanding these sectors is essential for identifying potential job opportunities and career paths.

One of the largest sectors in the construction industry is building construction. This includes the construction of residential and commercial buildings, as well as industrial facilities such as factories and warehouses. Within building construction, there are various roles and specialties, including architects, engineers, project managers, and skilled tradespeople such as carpenters and electricians.

Another significant sector in the construction industry is infrastructure construction. This includes the construction of highways, bridges, airports, and other public infrastructure projects. Within infrastructure construction, there are opportunities for engineers, project managers, and skilled tradespeople such as welders and heavy equipment operators.

Other sectors within the construction industry include specialty trade contractors, such as plumbing and electrical contractors, and heavy and civil engineering construction, which includes the construction of large-scale projects such as dams and water treatment facilities.

Understanding Current Trends in the Construction Industry

Like any industry, the construction industry is subject to trends and changes over time. Understanding these trends is essential for job seekers in the industry, as it can help you identify areas of growth and opportunity.

One significant trend in the construction industry is the increased use of technology. This includes the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM), which is a software tool used for building design and construction management. There is also a growing use of drones and other technologies for construction site monitoring and project management.

Sustainability is also becoming an increasingly important consideration in the construction industry. There is a growing focus on green building practices and the use of renewable energy sources in construction projects.

Understanding Opportunities in the Construction Industry

There are various job opportunities available in the construction industry, from entry-level positions to high-level management roles. Some of the most in-demand positions include project managers, engineers, and skilled tradespeople.

Project managers are responsible for overseeing construction projects from start to finish. They are responsible for budgeting, scheduling, and managing the construction team. Project managers typically have a degree in construction management or a related field and several years of experience in the industry.

Engineers are responsible for the design and implementation of construction projects. They may specialize in areas such as structural engineering, electrical engineering, or mechanical engineering. Engineers typically have a degree in engineering or a related field and several years of experience in the industry.

Skilled tradespeople, such as carpenters, electricians, and plumbers, are also in high demand in the construction industry. These roles typically require specialized training and certification.

Networking and Industry Events

One of the most effective ways to research the construction industry is through networking and attending industry events. This includes attending trade shows and conferences, joining industry associations, and connecting with professionals in the industry.

Attending industry events allows you to learn about current trends and opportunities in the industry, as well as connect with professionals in your field. This can be particularly valuable for job seekers, as it provides an opportunity to learn about job openings and make connections with potential employers.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

Skills Series: Assessing Strengths, Weaknesses and Career Goals

Determining Strengths, Weaknesses and Career Goals

Skills Series: Identifying Your Strengths, Weaknesses, and Career Goals

Date : August 3, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

In the construction industry, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your skills and interests, as well as your career goals, before embarking on a job search. By taking the time to assess your strengths and weaknesses and identify your career aspirations, you’ll be better equipped to find a job that’s the right fit for you.

In this post, we will explore various strategies and techniques for assessing your skills and interests, including self-reflection, career assessments, and seeking feedback from others. We will also discuss how to identify your career goals and develop a plan for achieving them.


Self-reflection is an essential component of assessing your skills and interests. Before starting your job search, take some time to reflect on your experiences, skills, and interests. By asking yourself some important questions, you’ll be better equipped to identify your strengths and areas for improvement.

One helpful exercise is to create a list of your skills and experience. This can include your educational background, relevant work experience, and any certifications or training you’ve received. As you create this list, think about the specific tasks you performed in each role and the skills you used to complete them.

You should also consider your personal interests and preferences when it comes to work. Think about the type of work environment you thrive in. Do you prefer working independently or as part of a team? Do you prefer a fast-paced or more relaxed work environment? By considering these factors, you’ll be able to identify roles and companies that align with your interests and preferences.

Another important aspect of self-reflection is identifying your strengths and weaknesses. This can be a difficult exercise, as many people are hesitant to acknowledge their weaknesses. However, it’s essential to have an accurate understanding of your strengths and areas for improvement in order to succeed in the construction industry.

To identify your strengths, think about the tasks or activities that come naturally to you. What are you good at? What do others frequently compliment you on? You can also consider your past experiences, both in the construction industry and in other areas of your life, to help identify your strengths.

To identify your areas for improvement, consider the tasks or activities that you struggle with. What areas do you feel you could use more training or experience in? You can also ask for feedback from others to help identify areas where you could improve.

Career assessments

Career assessments can be a valuable tool for assessing your skills and interests. These assessments can help you identify your strengths and interests, as well as potential career paths that may be a good fit for you.

There are various types of career assessments available, including personality tests, aptitude tests, and interest inventories. Personality tests, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, can help you understand your personality type and how it relates to different career paths. Aptitude tests, such as the Strong Interest Inventory, can help you identify your natural abilities and skills. Interest inventories, such as the Holland Code, can help you identify your interests and how they relate to different careers.

When taking a career assessment, it’s important to keep in mind that no assessment can fully capture your skills and interests. However, these assessments can provide valuable insight and help guide your career exploration.

Feedback from others

Seeking feedback from others can also be a useful way to assess your skills and interests. Talk to your colleagues, friends, and family members to get their perspective on your strengths and weaknesses. You can also consider asking for feedback from past employers or mentors in the construction industry.

When seeking feedback, it’s important to be open-minded and receptive to constructive criticism. Remember that feedback is intended to help you improve and grow, and that everyone has areas for improvement.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

Skills Series: Introduction – How To Find A Job In The Construction Industry

Skills Series - Introduction to finding a job in the construction industry

Skills Series: How To Find A Job In The Construction Industry

Date : July 27, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

The construction industry is a critical component of our modern society, playing a pivotal role in building the infrastructure and facilities that support our daily lives. From roads, bridges, and airports to commercial and residential buildings, the construction industry provides essential services that shape the physical environment around us.

The construction industry is also a significant contributor to the global economy, generating billions of dollars in revenue each year and providing employment opportunities for millions of people worldwide. However, finding a job in the construction industry can be a daunting and competitive process, particularly for those who are new to the field or looking to make a career change.

This weekly series of posts is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the construction industry and the job market, offering practical advice and guidance to job seekers who are seeking employment in this dynamic and exciting field. Whether you are a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or someone who is new to the industry, this journey will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed in your job search.

We will begin by exploring the various sectors of the construction industry, including commercial, residential, and infrastructure projects, and the different roles and career paths available within each sector. We will examine the latest trends and innovations in the construction industry, including the increasing use of technology and the shift towards sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices.

Next, we will delve into the job market, examining the current demand for skilled workers in areas such as engineering, project management, and skilled trades. We will also provide an overview of the hiring process, including how to assess your skills and interests, research potential employers, build a professional network, and create a compelling resume and cover letter.

We will then move on to the interview process, offering guidance on how to prepare for interviews, anticipate questions, and present yourself professionally. We will also explore salary negotiation and benefits packages, offering strategies for negotiating effectively and securing the best possible compensation package.

Finally, we will offer advice on how to succeed in your new job, including tips on building relationships with colleagues, setting career goals, and seeking out opportunities for career development and advancement.

Throughout the weeks, we will draw on our extensive experience in the construction industry and our knowledge of the latest industry trends and practices. We will provide practical advice, real-world examples, and actionable strategies that you can use to take your career in the construction industry to the next level.

So, whether you are just starting your job search or looking to take your career in the construction industry to the next level, this series of posts is the perfect resource for you.

So stay tuned each Thursday at 10:am and Let’s get started finding your dream job in the construction industry!

How Climate Change is Effecting jobs throughout the United States

Climate Change Effects on Jobs

How Climate Change is affecting jobs throughout the United States

Date : July 20, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

Climate change is having a significant impact on the global economy, and many jobs are being directly or indirectly affected by the changes in our climate. Some of the most vulnerable jobs are those that are dependent on natural resources, such as agriculture and fishing, while other jobs, such as construction and manufacturing, may also be at risk as the demand for certain products and materials changes.

Agriculture is a sector that is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Drought, extreme weather events, and shifting temperatures can all have a negative impact on crop yields and livestock health. This can lead to job losses for farmers and those who work in the agriculture industry.

Fishing is another sector that is heavily dependent on natural resources and is therefore vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Warmer water temperatures and changes in ocean currents can affect the abundance and distribution of fish, leading to declines in catches and reduced employment opportunities for fishermen and those working in the fishing industry.

Construction and manufacturing are also sectors that could be impacted by climate change. As demand for renewable energy technologies and sustainable building materials increases, there may be a shift in the demand for certain products and materials. This could lead to job losses in the fossil fuel industry and job gains in the renewable energy sector.

The tourism industry is another sector that could be affected by climate change. Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and heatwaves, can deter tourists from visiting certain destinations, leading to reduced demand for travel and hospitality services. This could lead to job losses for those working in the tourism industry.

The impact of climate change on jobs is not limited to these specific sectors. It is likely that any job that is dependent on natural resources or the environment could be affected in some way by the changing climate. It is important for workers and employers to be aware of these potential impacts and to consider the long-term sustainability of their jobs and industries.

There are also many job opportunities emerging in the field of climate change adaptation and mitigation. These jobs include roles in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and conservation. As the demand for these services increases, so too will the demand for workers with the necessary skills and expertise.

In conclusion, climate change is having a significant impact on the global economy and many jobs are being directly or indirectly affected. Some of the most vulnerable jobs are those that are dependent on natural resources, such as agriculture and fishing, while other sectors, such as construction and manufacturing, may also be at risk as the demand for certain products and materials changes. It is important for workers and employers to be aware of these potential impacts and to consider the long-term sustainability of their jobs and industries. There are also many job opportunities emerging in the field of climate change adaptation and mitigation, providing a chance for workers to transition to more sustainable and resilient careers.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

How to Network and Find Construction Opportunities

Networking to Find Career Opportunities

How to Network and Find Construction Opportunities

Date : June 15, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

Networking is a crucial aspect of finding job opportunities in any industry, and the construction industry is no exception. In this post, we’ll be discussing some key strategies for networking and finding construction job opportunities, including how to identify and connect with potential employers, as well as how to make the most of professional connections and industry events

One of the most effective ways to find construction job opportunities is through networking – connecting with professionals and organizations in the industry and building relationships. Here are some key strategies for networking in the construction industry:

Identify key players in the industry: Research companies and organizations that are active in the construction industry, and make a list of the key players in your area. This can include contractors, suppliers, trade associations, and other organizations that are involved in the construction process.

Connect with professionals: Reach out to professionals in the construction industry and introduce yourself. This can be through LinkedIn, professional organizations, or industry events. Make sure to have a clear idea of what you’re looking for and be prepared to explain your background and goals.

Join professional organizations: Many trade associations and other professional organizations have local chapters that host events and provide networking opportunities. Joining one of these organizations can be a great way to connect with other professionals and learn about job openings and other opportunities.

Attend industry events: Industry events such as trade shows, conferences, and networking events can be excellent opportunities to connect with professionals and learn about job openings. Make sure to bring business cards and be prepared to introduce yourself and explain your background and goals.

Utilize online resources: There are many online resources that can help you connect with professionals and organizations in the construction industry. LinkedIn is a particularly valuable resource for finding job

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

Use Your Gut to Find, Retain, and Let Go of Talent

Use Your Gut To Find_ Retain and Let Go of Talent

Use Your Gut to Find, Retain, and Let Go of Talent

Date : April 24, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

In recent years, the demand for skilled labor in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries has far outstripped supply. With an ever-growing skills shortage and the rapid changes in what workers need to know to be successful, it’s more important than ever to use your gut when hiring new employees. The most successful organizations can identify and attract top talent, even in a competitive market. 

To find and retain the best employees, employers need to be aware of the changing needs of the workforce and be willing to invest in their development. With the right team in place, any organization can reach its full potential.

As any successful business owner knows, hiring the right employees is essential to the long-term success of any company. However, identifying the right talent is only half the battle: it’s also important to know when to let go of employees who are no longer a good fit for your company. There are several signs that an employee may no longer be a good fit, such as consistently poor performance, difficulty getting along with others, or a toxic attitude. If left unchecked, these problems can have a negative impact on morale and productivity. While it can be difficult to let go of an employee, it’s often necessary to do so in order to maintain a healthy and productive work environment.

War for Talent

The “War for Talent” refers to the ongoing battle to attract and retain the best construction, engineering, and environmental workers. In light of the ever-growing skills shortages in these fields, it’s more important than ever to use your gut when hiring new employees. This means looking beyond qualifications and experience alone, and focusing on finding people who’ll be a good fit with your company culture. With the right team in place, you’ll be able to weather any storm and come out on top in terms of talent retention. So don’t be afraid to take a chance on that new hire—they might just be the one you’ve been looking for.

As any successful business owner knows, having the right team in place is essential to success. That means not only being able to identify the right talent when you see it, but also knowing when to let go of employees who are no longer a good fit for your company. Of course, making such decisions is never easy, but it’s important to remember that letting go of an underperforming employee can be just as important as hiring a top performer. After all, every member of your team has an impact on your company’s culture and bottom line. So if you find yourself with an employee who is no longer meeting your expectations, don’t be afraid to make a change. It may be just what your business needs to reach the next level.

Hiring New Employees

One way to make sure you’re making the best hiring decision is to use your gut. That means being able to identify the right talent when you see it. Of course, you’ll want to review resumes and conduct interviews, but it’s also important to trust your instincts. If you feel a candidate has the right skills and personality for the job, chances are that they do. Using your gut is one of the best ways to ensure that you hire the right person for the job.

Top Skills Employers Look for in New Hires

When it comes to hiring new employees, employers are looking for workers with the following skills:

  • Communication: Workers need to communicate effectively during construction projects, which often involve many people and moving parts.
  • Problem-solving: The ability to identify and solve problems is valuable in any industry, but it’s especially important in construction, engineering, and environmental work.
  • Collaboration: Again, while working well with others is a key skill in any industry, it’s particularly crucial in construction, engineering, and environmental work.
  • Creativity: Construction, engineering, and environmental work often involve problem-solving, meaning that workers in these fields need to be creative.
  • Leadership: The ability to lead is a valuable skill in any industry, but especially in construction, engineering, and environmental work.
  • Why Use Your Gut when Hiring New Employees?
  • There are several reasons why you should use your gut when hiring new employees:
  • You can’t always rely on resumes. A resume can tell you a lot about a person, but it can’t always give you the whole picture.
  • You need to be able to identify the right talent when you see it. With an ever-growing skills shortage, it’s more important than ever to identify the right talent when it crosses your path.
  • You need to know when to let go of employees who are no longer a good fit. The things workers need to know to be successful will change over time, so it’s important to know when to let go of employees who are no longer a good fit for your company.

The War for Talent is an ongoing battle to attract and retain the best construction, engineering, and environmental workers. As skills shortages grow ever more dire, it’s becoming increasingly important to use your gut when hiring new employees. This will not only give you a good employment record, but will also increase your talent retention.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

Red Flags for Bad Hires! Nine Key Signs You’ve Hired the Wrong Person

Factors that Indicate the Person You Just Hired Was a Bad Move

Red Flags for Bad Hires! Nine Key Signs You've Hired the Wrong Person.

Date : April 17, 2023 | By : michael_desafey

If you’re regularly interviewing job candidates, there’s no way around it: from time to time, you’ll make a bad hiring decision. Sometimes, it’s not until after they’ve been on the job for a while that you realize they’re not a good fit for the position. If you observe the following red flags, it may be time to start reflecting on whether they deserve another chance, or whether it’s time to let them go.

Bad Attitude

A bad attitude is one of the most significant red flags when it comes to evaluating your employees. No matter how seasoned, skilled, or stable the candidate might seem, someone with a bad attitude will not be able to hold their own in the workplace.

Poor Organization

A poorly organized employee will not be able to keep up with the work required. If they don’t maintain a current list of their files, for example, they might not even know if they have the correct files on hand. This will affect their work performance (as well as reflect poorly on your hiring skills). File organizing is even more important in engineering and IT because these fields rely on an up-to-date and functional file system. Bad organization on the part of an employee can lead to countless problems, so it’s vital to hire someone who can stay organized.


One of the essential attributes of any potential employee is their availability during working hours. Consider a candidate who looked good on paper, but can’t meet one of the most basic expectations laid out in their employment contract, namely showing up on time in the morning. Employees like these are clearly showing you that they don’t understand the requirements of the job or ignoring them; if you keep them on, you have nobody but yourself to blame.

Dismissed Feedback

Any employee who’s interested in improving their job performance will value good feedback. If a candidate refuses to accept feedback, that’s another sign that they may not be the best hire for you. This is particularly relevant when the feedback you provide is backed up by observations of their workplace behavior.

Inconsistent Communication

If a job candidate is constantly missing deadlines for submitting reports or making contact with you, this may leave you wondering whether they’re up to the task of being your employee. A number of factors can cause these inconsistencies, but it’s important to note that someone who’s easily distracted (and will therefore be likely to miss deadlines) may not be the best person for the role. Construction work, graphic design, and many other jobs require ultra-dedicated workers, so consistency is a must.

Numerous Mistakes

One critical aspect of any job is ensuring that your employees are doing what they’re supposed to do. If an employee has mistakenly performed tasks outside their job description, this can be a huge indicator that you’re about to have a bad time in the workplace. An employee who’s consistently underinformed or confused will cause problems that take valuable time and resources to fix—it’s always better to hire someone who is willing and able to do their job correctly.

Compromising Quality

If an employee lacks the ability to work to the standards your business requires, you will again be forced to put in more valuable time and effort to fix their mistakes. If you’re lucky enough to realize this early on, firing them before they do too much damage is the best option.

Lack of Commitment

This is another huge red flag. If an applicant doesn’t seem fully committed to the job you’re offering them, they may be a bad hire. Someone who struggles to stay interested in your company or position is unlikely to be a good employee. Working in an environmental field requires commitment, so if someone cannot commit to the job, be aware that they may not be a good fit.

Signs of Losing Interest

If a job candidate starts showing signs that they’re losing interest in the role, this may be a serious indication that they’ve already decided that your company is not for them. A bored employee can cause significant problems in the workplace. If an employee is struggling to get excited about their job, there may be negative consequences for your business.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering, and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing: www.webuildstaffing.com. To learn more about Michael, or to follow his blog, please visit www.michaeldesafey.com.

How to Become a Certified Project Management Professional

How to become a Certified Project Management Professional PMP

How to Become a Certified Project Management Professional

Date : August 2, 2022 | By : michael_desafey

It is predicted that employers will need 2.2 million more project-oriented professionals each year through to 2027. The globally recognized Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is the leading designation for project professionals across various industries, including engineering and construction. The letters “PMP” affixed to your name signal to potential employers that you have the education, experience, and training to successfully lead a project. The certification is offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI), an association for project, program, and portfolio management professionals around the world.

Are you interested in obtaining your PMP designation? Here are the steps involved in securing this coveted certification.

Background Qualifications

To begin, you’ll need a four-year college degree, an associate’s degree, or a high school diploma. If you have a four-year degree, you will need 36 months of experience leading projects, plus 35 hours of project management training. If you have either a high school diploma or an associate’s degree, you’ll need more on-the-job experience —specifically, 60 months— and 35 hours of project management training. These 35 hours may be obtained from a variety of sources and can be in real time or self-paced. Depending on the provider you select, training typically costs around one thousand dollars. It’s worth talking to your employer before you sign up for training, to determine if they will sponsor you and pay for this portion of your certification preparation.

Application Process

Once you’ve completed the educational requirements, it’s time to gather your documentation and apply to sit for the exam. You’ll need a record of where you’ve worked, the projects you’ve worked on, and the hours associated with each project. You’ll also need proof that you’ve completed your required 35 hours of training. The application fee is currently $405 for PMI members and $555 for non-members. PMI membership is $129 annually, so you should strongly consider joining the association before paying the application fee. Be thorough and honest in all steps, as applications are randomly audited and you never know if yours might be selected for a closer look.

Acing the Exam

From the date you receive word that you are approved to sit for the exam, you have one year to take it. You’ll need to schedule a time to take it live at a testing center or online. The exam consists of 200 multiple-choice questions and requires deep knowledge of the five domains of project management as defined by the PMP Examination Content Outline and A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). Careful preparation is key, with the average PMP candidate spending 35 hours or more studying for the exam. If you do not pass on your first try, you are allowed to retake the exam up to two more times in your approval year.

Maintaining Your Certification

Once you’ve passed your exam, your newly minted PMP certification lasts three years. You are required to earn and report 60 professional development units (PDUs) within this cycle, and in every three-year cycle thereafter. If you do not complete 60 PDUs in a cycle, your designation will expire, and you will have to begin the application process again and retake the exam.

The PMP designation demonstrates to employers that you are serious about your training and up to date in your project management knowledge. By taking the time to work through the steps outlined above, you will likely be recruited more easily and be able to command a higher salary than similar candidates without the certification.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com  . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

The Future Looks Bright for Environmental Professionals

Future looks bright for environmental professionals

The Future Looks Bright for Environmental Professionals

Date : July 26, 2022 | By : michael_desafey

The 2015 Paris Agreement marked a milestone in the cooperation of governments around the world to solve the issue of climate change. However, in 2019, climate scientists and experts issued a dire warning: the only way to save the planet was to take decisive action and cut global carbon emissions by half in the coming years, before the damage becomes irreversible. Since then, major companies have stepped up. In January 2020, Microsoft made a pledge to become carbon-negative by 2030, following on the heels of Amazon and other corporations striving to cut their carbon footprint. This all means that environmental professionals will become increasingly important, and these jobs will see growth in the coming years.

Fastest Growing Green Jobs

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, environmental scientists and specialists are set to be in high demand, experiencing an 8% job growth in the next decade —higher than the average job growth across the market. Environmental engineering jobs are expected to grow by 5%. Other fast-growing green jobs include service technicians and conservation scientists. These jobs are all essential in curbing climate change, whether through renewable energy, environmental conservation, or cleanup. Thus, the current pressure on companies and governments to reduce carbon emissions will spur job-growth in these fields.

Renewable Energy is on the Rise

Since 2008, the United States has doubled its electricity generation of renewable energy. In 2018, renewables provided around 18% of all electricity generated in the US, with about 90% coming from wind and solar power. Battery storage is becoming easier and solar panels are becoming cheaper to produce. In the energy sector, wind and solar approaches seem well-poised to continue their rise. While other energy sources, particularly oil, saw dramatic declines during the COVID-19 pandemic, renewable energies fared surprisingly well and even saw growth during this period. As wind and solar power continues to expand, new jobs to build, install, and maintain this infrastructure will be in high demand.

The Buzz Around Electric Cars

Silicon Valley upstart Tesla made the news in 2018 when it outpaced luxury car-maker Mercedes-Benz in quarterly car sales for the first time ever. This signals both an acceleration in Tesla’s growth, and the growth of electric car sales around the world. Mechanical, electrical, and software engineers will experience job growth as more car makers transition to low and zero-emissions vehicles, like Ford’s new F-150 electric pickup truck. Researchers such as chemists and industrial designers who develop high-capacity batteries and electric engines, as well as service technicians and manufacturers, will be in high demand as electric car production increases.

Carbon Capture is the Future

Many scientists agree that at this point, cutting down emissions to zero isn’t enough. We also need to pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. This is where carbon capture comes in. This technology is at the center of research and development all over the world, and has incredible potential both as a way to save the planet and to create a profitable industry. Growth in carbon capture and sequestration methods and technology could lead to new jobs for environmental professionals —though we’ll have to wait and see.

Whatever your preferred field is, as an environmental professional you have chosen to save the world. It’s abundantly clear that right now the world needs you more than ever. And with the rise in jobs, industries, and technologies, you’ll have many opportunities to make a dent in the climate crisis.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com  . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Environmental Engineers to See Growth in Salaries

Environmental Engineers to see growth in salaries

Environmental Engineers to See Growth in Salaries

Date : July 19, 2022 | By : michael_desafey

Environmental engineers, whose job is to prevent or reduce the negative impact that humans have on the world, can look to an increase in job opportunities and salaries in coming years.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in environmental engineering is expected to grow by 5% from 2018 to 2028. Increasing concern over global warming, as well as air and water quality, have driven the demand for more workers in this field.

As of its May 2019 report, the median salary for this group was $88,860 per year, or $42.72 per hour. This ranged from $53,330 for the lowest 10% of earners in the field, to $142,070 for the highest 10%. States with the highest levels of employment are California. Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts —but jobs are available throughout the country and internationally.

The U.S. News and World Report overview ranked environmental engineering as #3 in Best Engineering jobs, #21 in Best STEM jobs, and #48 in Best 100 jobs. The report gave an “Above Average” rating for upward mobility, which means that it offers good opportunity for advancement and salary increases.

What Is an Environmental Engineer?

Environmental engineers have their choice of a variety of industries and locations. They might work in an office or out in the field. They are “housed” within other industries, including resource industries such as forestry, mining, pulp and paper, chemical processing, fisheries, agriculture, and oil and gas. Environmental engineers also can work in areas such as research, education, training, or consulting. Beyond those high-level areas, environmental engineers can specialize and focus on improving recycling, waste disposal, public health, or water and air pollution control. Or they can work on global issues, such as the quality of drinking water, concern about climate change, or environmental sustainability.

The education and qualifications required are generally a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering, or another engineering field. But employers also look for hands-on experience; as such, cooperative programs that award credit for structured job experience are also valuable. To be successful in this field, candidates need technical knowledge in their focus area, hands-on problem-solving skills, and an understanding of environmental issues.

Although environmental engineering focuses on technical skills, the job often involves business and political concerns, which creates a unique learning experience. A U.S. News & World Report overview of best jobs states that “In many ways, environmental engineers work at the intersection of regulations, technology, and people, and they’re responsible for making them all work together.” On a normal day, an environmental engineer might write an environmental report, or design a project to protect the environment. They might review regulations and advise governments or business leaders about potential concerns. Or they could inspect industries for compliance to regulations.

Getting a Job as an Environmental Engineer

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics gives data on the percentages of jobs in each industry and each state, which may be a good place to start if you want to work in a specific area. Another option is to look at job posts near you to see what kinds of environmental engineering jobs are available there. When it comes to environmental concerns, each geographic region will have different challenges, so if you want to stay in a certain area, you should focus on learning about the problems that need addressing there. Find out what the most urgent needs are where you want to work, and study them.

Hands-on experience is equally important. It will give you a better foundation for your knowledge, skills to list on your resume, and it can help you decide what kinds of projects you most want to work on. Some colleges offer cooperative programs that allow students to gain practical experience while they complete their education, and some companies will help pay for your education while you work for them and gain experience.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com  . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com


Do Internships Lead to Jobs?

do internships lead to jobs

Do Internships Lead to Jobs?

Date : July 12, 2022 | By : michael_desafey

Ah, the new intern —starry-eyed, so earnest, so sure that his hard work will lead to a job offer. Often, interns come onto construction or engineering projects believing they will get a job out of the experience, only to leave empty-handed. And yet, you also hear plenty of stories from people who secured their jobs through internships. So, which is it? Do internships lead to jobs in the construction and engineering industries?

Paid or Unpaid?

It turns out that whether you’re a paid or unpaid intern could be the greatest factor in whether you get a job offer. According to studies by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, if you are working as a paid intern, odds are 60% that you will be offered a job. Unfortunately, for unpaid interns, the chances of getting a job offer drop to 37%. If you’re in the market for an internship, your best bet is therefore to keep searching until you find a paid one. Despite what you might think, it might not be that hard. According to the NACE’s research, half of all college internships are paid. The Wall Street Journal similarly reported in 2018 that paid internships were on the rise, while unpaid internships were becoming less popular.

Increase Your Odds

There are certainly things you can do during your internship to increase your chances of being offered a job. Perhaps the most assertive one is to make your intention clear to your supervisor at the outset of the internship. Try something like, “My goal is to so exceed your expectations that I am offered a full-time job.”

Forbes magazine recommends showing your supervisor your work ethics and your engagement. Despite all the distractions of college life, it’s the intern who manages their time well and remains committed to the internship who will get the job offer. Supervisors also want to see an engaged intern, someone who isn’t just showing up to do the bare minimum. Ask questions, request to work on different kinds of projects, show a real desire to learn and grow from the internship opportunity.

According to Businesslnsider.com, asking for informational interviews with different leaders at the company will better your odds of being hired. An informational interview is one in which you ask questions to learn about the real-life experience of someone working in a field or company that interests you. Not only will this help you rub elbows with leadership, but it will show a high level of engagement in the internship.

When seeking a paid internship, look at large construction and engineering firms that are sure to have the funds to pay you. You are less likely to find a paid internship at smaller firms. However, an unpaid internship at a smaller company can bring other benefits, such as having the opportunity to see your projects through from start to finish.

In sum, if you want the best odds at snagging a job offer at the end of an internship, 1) find a paid internship, 2) let them know you want a job, 3) do your very best work, and 4) network while you’re there. There’s still no guarantee that you’ll get a job even if you do all these things; but if you follow the guidelines above, you are more likely to have a worthwhile internship experience, regardless of whether you’re paid.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com  . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Imposter Syndrome: What It Is and How to Overcome It

Imposter Syndrome: What It Is and How to Overcome It

Date : August 11, 2021 | By : michael_desafey

In 1999 Star Wars — The Phantom Menace was in theaters, and Natalie Portman, the film’s co-star, was in a Harvard classroom trying to prove she belonged. When Natalie began her studies there in psychology, she felt as many people with Imposter Syndrome do: That she was not there because of her aptitude and ability, but there only because some twist of fate had carried her, undeservedly, on the winds of chance. The same thing happens to construction, engineering and environmental industry professionals.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

In 2015, when she graduated and gave the esteemed university’s commencement address, she still struggled with her doubts. She confessed in that address, “So I have to admit that today, even 12 years after graduation, I’m still insecure about my own worthiness. I have to remind myself today, “You are here for a reason.” Today, I feel much like I did when I came to Harvard Yard as a freshman in 1999. I felt like there had been some mistake — that I wasn’t smart enough to be in this company and that every time I opened my mouth I would have to prove I wasn’t just a dumb actress.”

Natalie’s experience is referred to as “Imposter Syndrome” and many of us in the construction, engineering and environmental industries experience it. We sit down in that first meeting at a new company, and listen to colleagues whose expertise is evident and unquestionable. We think, “Do I deserve to be here, or did I trick these people into thinking I do?” Worse, we may be burdened with anxiety, expecting that any day we’re going to be found out. The jig will be up, and we’ll soon be fired.

We are not alone. Not only has Natalie Portman suffered with Imposter Syndrome. The poet Maya Angelou, actress and comedian Tina Fey, and Chris Martin of the band Coldplay have too.  Tojan Rahhal (Adjunct Professor in the Biomedical, Biological, and Chemical Engineering Department and the Assistant Dean for Inclusive Excellence and Strategic Initiatives at the University of Missouri-Columbia in the College of Engineering) tells us, “Numerous CEOs, professors, and executives will tell you they have gone through Impostor Syndrome at different stages in their careers. Talk about it, form a peer network or group you can talk through your doubts with, because everyone deals with it.”

The Cost of Imposter Syndrome

Professionals who feel like they need to prove their worth will often over work. They put in long hours in the office, engage in ‘perfectionist’ behaviors, and take criticism from managers and colleagues poorly. Those who spend too long in this state burn out quickly. They feel dissatisfied with their performance, and though they may love the construction, engineering and environmental industries, they can become dissatisfied with their job. These professionals may be successful, but constantly feeling like they need to make up for their false sense of inadequacy can take all the joy out of their achievements. Eventually, the burden of this anxiety can manifest beyond the workplace and into someone’s physical health and emotional wellbeing.

If you experience Imposter Syndrome, what can you do? Here is some help:

  • Understand that Imposter Syndrome puts you in the company of greatness. You are far from the only one who unnecessarily questions their worthiness. An estimated 70% of people experience “Imposter Phenomenon” according to this article in the Journal of Behavioral Science.
  • Acknowledge your feelings of self-doubt, but don’t attach to them. Doubt is a natural and necessary part of a healthy psychology. Just make sure you are only having moments of doubt; not a life of one.
  • Talk to trusted friends and advisors about your feelings. Simply speaking your doubts out loud may reveal their untruth and, sometimes, getting it off your chest is all you really need. Let the important people in your life reassure and remind you of your value — and believe them when they do.
  • If these feelings of self-doubt and worry persist and negatively impact your life, consider seeking professional help. Many people have found relief from anxiety with psychotherapy.

Imposter Syndrome is real, and nearly everyone will experience it from time to time — even those who are every bit the ‘real deal.’ Whether you work as a construction manager, an engineer, or in the environmental sciences, remember this simple mantra given to us by Art Williams in his fantastic talk, “All you can do is all you can do. But all you can do is enough.”

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Environmental Construction: 3 Functions of a Seawal

Environmental Construction: 3 Functions of a Seawall

Date : May 12, 2020 | By : michael_desafey

If you’ve ever been to a coastal town, chances are good you’ve noticed they have a seawall. Sometimes they’re big and impressive, sometimes they’re smaller and more subtle, but they’re a common sight wherever the land meets the water. Those who don’t live near the coast, and who don’t have to deal with the moods of the ocean, may wonder why these seawalls are necessary, and why humans have been building them for literally thousands of years, now.

Well, a seawall serves multiple functions, and they’re one of the best methods we’ve found for getting the results we want. For example…

#1: Storm Protection

When severe weather begins ramping up, the coast is where the beating falls first. From gale force winds to full-on hurricanes, the normal, gentle waves can quickly be whipped into a hammer that can destroy buildings, wreck roads, and cause all sorts of damage. This kind of weather can also lead to flooding, both mild and severe. A seawall acts as a shield, preventing at least some of this force from making landfall, and diluting the blows of severe weather to help protect the community living on land.

This is also why different communities have different seawall designs. Seawalls may be curved, they may be in a stepped design, or they may have other, unique features. Sometimes they’re placed up on the land itself, sometimes they’re at the water’s edge, and sometimes they’re actually placed further out in the water, providing a break that protects both the land and a section of the water (often a bay, beach, or some other place where there tends to be a lot of traffic). These are often made with the weather patterns in mind, ensuring the seawall can do its job and weather the storms, according to Wise Geek.

#2: Erosion Control

Even when waves haven’t been whipped into a frenzy by inclement weather, they can still damage the coastline. Erosion is a real problem, and the more powerful the waves get, the bigger a problem it becomes. A seawall helps take some of the sting out of waves, ensuring that beaches, hills, and other coastal areas are preserved against this kind of damage as long as possible. In many coastal areas where conservation and reinvigorating the local wilderness are top priorities, seawalls are one of the best tools available.

Erosion is not just a beach concern, either. Docks and piers can also expect to see long-term damage from exposure to waves that individually were seen as harmless. A seawall prevents this damage, as well, allowing these other constructions to last longer than they would if they were simply left on their own to weather their contact with the ebb and flow of the water.

#3: Safer Waterways

In addition to protecting harbors, beaches, and land, seawalls also provide cover and safety for smaller waterways. This can be particularly important during periods of stormy weather, when everyone is trying to get safely away from open water. Even if the boats in question don’t have a regular berth in a particular waterway, protecting the access points provides safe havens, and helps avoid clogging caused by too many boats coming in too quickly.

As long as a sea wall provides a buffer between a waterway and the churning waves of the open water, it’s performing a vital function. Giving vessels breathing room to maneuver, find safety, and avoid damaging themselves, each other, and any land they might otherwise run afoul of is a particularly helpful use of these walls in communities where there are a number of personal (or even commercial) vessels.

Strong Walls Need Dedicated Professionals

Coastal real estate is always going to be in-demand, and as long as people live near the water there’s going to be a need for strong seawalls to help keep them and their homes safe. Civil engineers, construction professionals, structural engineers, and others are all requires to build these walls, install them, and maintain them against the ravages of time, and the pounding surf.

Even the strongest shield needs to be replaced from time to time, meaning that as long as there are people living within sight of the coast, there’s going to be a seawall somewhere that needs the attention of professionals to ensure it’s capable of serving its purpose.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Reaching Qualified Applicants in the Construction

Reaching Qualified Applicants in the Construction and Engineering Industry

Date : August 13, 2019 | By : michael_desafey

Finding the right individual to fill a role in any industry can seem overwhelming, to say the least. It can take months of receiving and reviewing applications, interviewing potential employees, and posting advertisements online to find the candidates that best fit the role your company needs to be filled. When working in an industry such as construction or engineering, which require specific skill sets and methodologies, it can be more difficult. However, one of the most important aspects of attracting the most qualified applicants is in the way you create your job postings and advertisement

There are a variety of ways to approach advertising jobs within your company – and finding someone who will fit the expectations of your career path is one of the most important things you can to do ensure your company’s success. Below, we review a variety of important methods to successfully drawing in the most qualified applicants for all positions within your company.

Rethink Where You Post Job Opportunities

Culturally, we have moved to the age of the internet. In fact, there are entire websites dedicated to finding positions in specific industries, based on individual interest. Gone are the days in which individuals applied in person for positions. Instead, many individuals will look online for job postings. The medium through which an individual sees the job posting is going to be one of the most important factors, at the end of the day, to find your ideal applicants.

Furthermore, attending job fairs is another way to find applicants. Career-specific job fairs, like those that are often hosted at colleges, are a great way to find applicants who are new to the field and looking for opportunities. Additionally, job fairs provide both you, as the employer, with an idea of the employee pool, and provide applicants with the ability to develop an initial impression – and therefore, potential interest – of your company.

Do Away with Deal Breakers

Often, one of the things that will drive potential employees away from jobs are the deal breaker requirements. We all understand, there are certain positions that require certain skill sets. However, demanding that an employee have at least 5 years of experience as a high-level engineer with a masters degree in mechanical engineering may drive away potential employees who are highly skilled. Therefore, it is important to consider what your absolute necessities are – provide that in the description of your job posting.

Limiting your requirements will bring in more applicants who are genuinely skilled in the field. Often, individuals will not apply for a position whose job description makes them feel unqualified to do the work. Therefore, listing what is a requirement, and what may be “preferred” will encourage potentially excellent employees to apply for positions that they may not have otherwise applied for.

Think of the Posting from an Applicant’s Vantage Point

Putting yourself in some else’s shoes can be difficult, to say the least. However, it can be one of the most beneficial things you can do for your company to ensure qualified, skilled applicants are applying to your positions. When reading a job description, many individuals will look first at the requirements of the job, and then read the description. If they feel that they meet the requirements, they will review the expectations and duties of the role.

This is where you should consider the audience, you’re attempting to attract with your job postings. For instance, jobs whose description dictate that employees may receive little to no time off initially are less likely to attract potential employees, especially in the day and age in which individuals are looking for more personal freedom from work. Furthermore, having bleak job descriptions that make the work sound tedious will reduce the overall number of applicants you receive for the role.

Be Welcoming!

This is, in many cases, one of the most important aspects of creating successful job postings. With the new job force graduating college and developing career paths, in many cases, these new employees are looking for a job environment in which they feel appreciated. Presenting your company as one that wants to include and welcome employees will encourage individuals to apply, and often bring in talented employees.

Ultimately, the best way to find qualified individuals to fill roles in fields as demanding as engineer and construction career paths is to consider the expectations of the roles you are posting. Provide warm, welcoming introductions to these roles, and consider the development of the workforce presently. Combining these factors together, you will have far more success in recruiting individuals who are talented and prepared to take on the task at hand, ultimately improving your workplace.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

How To Turn It Around When Candidates Turn Down Your Job Offer

How To Turn It Around When Candidates Turn Down Your Job Offer

Date : January 8, 2019 | By : michael_desafey

You have identified the perfect candidate among a large pool of qualified (and not-so-qualified) candidates. You have examined his or her resume and been in contact with an impressive list of references. You have conducted multiple interviews with this person at various levels within your organization and embraced an amicable salary negotiation process. You are ready to cross the finish line on the hiring process and extend a generous offer to the ideal candidate, but then the unthinkable happens – your dream candidate creates a nightmare scenario when he or she turns down your offer of employment. 

Believe it or not, these days it is not uncommon for many organizations – particularly small businesses – to feel the strain of stiff competition for qualified workers. In a strong economy with low unemployment, the pool of job seekers constricts significantly. The engineering industry, in particular feels this pain acutely.

If your organization is struggling to turn job offers into job acceptances, there are a number of proactive steps that you can take to increase the odds of your ideal candidate becoming an ideal employee.

Find Out The Buzz on Your Business Online

Now more than ever, job seekers are empowered with inside knowledge about your organization. A wealth of information about your company’s inner workings and leadership, processes and policies, strengths and weaknesses are merely a simple Internet search away.

It is imperative that you plug into online databases and review websites to get a clear picture of what prospective employees are reading about your company. Follow-up with an internal review to determine which claims are legitimate and which claims are the ramblings of disgruntled former employees. You can’t change every negative review, but you can course correct on the things that matter and address these changes with prospective candidates during those crucial discussions on your company’s culture.

Reexamine Your Hiring Process

Of course, it is in your organization’s best interest to be thorough with its hiring process – you want the best candidates possible to win out. Take some time to think about your hiring process from the candidate’s perspective. Lengthy processes can be off-putting to job seekers, particularly when they unfold with little or no communication from the main organization.

If your company follows an extensive hiring procedure that includes a detailed application, multiple rounds of interviews, background checks and even more interviews before candidates even reach the salary negotiation stage, try to find areas in the process where you can streamline the process. Consider combining interviews with key company personnel to cut down on the number of individual interviews. Try conducting background checks upon completion of the application to speed up the process.

Maintain Lines of Communication

Sometimes a lengthy hiring process is an absolute requirement – this is particularly true for engineering, construction and environmental industries. In these cases, it is vital that your organization maintain open lines of communication with prospective candidates. Let them know where you are in the hiring process. Provide them with anticipated completion dates and deadlines.

This may represent a small shift in your hiring process, but it can have an enormous impact on prospective candidates’ positive perception of your organization and reflects well on your company’s overall culture. It could make the difference between getting a yes to your job offer or getting turned down.

Ask Why Not

When you get turned down by your dream candidate, don’t hesitate to politely and professionally ask why he or she rejected your offer of employment. The answers you receive will likely be varied and range from compensation and company culture or just getting a better offer elsewhere, but the information you discover can pay dividends in terms of how you conduct the hiring process with future prospects.

Finding the ideal candidate for your organization can be difficult, particularly in the highly-specialized construction, engineering and environmental industries. Using a firm like Webuild Staffing to partner with in finding top-tier talent may help.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

An Overview of the Water Resources Industry – Professionals are in Demand

An Overview of the Water Resources Industry – Professionals are in Demand

Date : December 18, 2018 | By : michael_desafey

Manpower shortages have been forecast for the water resources industry conservatively since 2005.  The American Water Works Association 2018 Status of the Water Industry report gives a grade of 4.7 out of 7 to the industry overall. The workforce was assigned a 4.1 rating. As these forecast are being realized, the workforce picture continues its downward spiral. The Florida Rural Water Association Workforce Needs Assessment cites a declining number of science and technical degrees and retirement as some of the reasons for the shortfall of engineering professionals. That assessment also references a growing trend for college students to choose non-technical degree fields. 

Other reasons for low staffing levels are due to a lack of awareness. Many people in the water resource industry did not enter it purposefully. Often they become aware through friends or experts in career guidance. The industry however, has a large number of entry paths and is ripe with advancement opportunities. 

The Employers

The Water Resource Industry is widespread and covers a broad swath of engineering disciplines; Civil, Construction, Environmental, Electrical, Mechanical, and Design Engineers to name a few. This diversity results in the industry being made up of many different types of companies:

  • Engineering firms, especially those specializing in design, construction, hydraulic modeling, environmental consulting, chemical and process engineering.
  • Public Utilities and Public Works departments employ numerous engineers who have specialties in water production, wastewater treatment, construction or maintenance. Project management experience is a plus. Many municipalities have paid internships. These internships are usually not well publicized. 
  • Large Water Treatment Facilities (both private and municipal) employ civil engineers, treatment plant managers, water quality managers, as well as a multitude of consultants and contractors. 
  • Membrane Filtration companies,  electric cooperatives, and chemical plants are also seeking professionals to fill vacancies. 

The concern for sustainability initiatives and the implementation of green processes continues to grow. In response, many municipalities and private sector entities are creating entire departments to help address these environmental issues. 

Career Opportunities

The industry offers many opportunities for engineers and other technical professionals. Hydraulic modelers, Design, Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Project Engineers are in demand. Utility Directors, Assistant Directors, Junior Engineers, Chemists and Plant Managers are being sought nationwide. Companies need Water Resource Engineers, Water Resources Technical Managers and Engineers skilled in biological processes. 

Industry Trends

Forecast trends do not show the gap decreasing. In fact the opposite is true. Trending points to an increase in manpower shortfalls.

Staffing Firm Advantages

The Water Resources community strives to strengthen its recruiting efforts through various committees, outreach programs and staffing agencies. Using the services of a top notch staffing firm will afford you many advantages. These firms have the resources and professional network connections that open doors to opportunities you can’t find through a Web search.

The best firms are intimately aware of the career progressions and paths that lead to hiring. They know the qualifications employers are seeking. Often an employer will bring a candidate on board knowing they will be able to achieve a particular qualification. A tier one firm will be able to accurately represent your accomplishments, goals and worth to prospective employers.

A few of the most valuable advantages that a premier Staffing Firm offers is that they are invested in you and view your career as unique. They also recognize that a best fit scenario is a win for both you and the employer. 

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

How Being on a Nonprofit Board can Advance Your Career

How Being on a Nonprofit Board can Advance Your Career

Date : December 11, 2018 | By : michael_desafey

Working as an active member of a nonprofit board demands a fair amount of your time and effort. Board members discuss and propose solutions to internal issues relating to economics, ethics, and strategy; they must also be willing to organize—and often participate in—fundraising campaigns. On top of all this, board members generally work without compensation. 

So just why should you take on the responsibilities of a nonprofit board member? As it turns out, if you work in the construction, engineering or environmental industry, being part of a nonprofit board can help advance your career in a number of different ways: 

Strengthen Your Resume

Serving as a member of a nonprofit’s board of directors looks impressive on just about any job application. It’s a position that shows potential employers that you’re able to assume responsibility for tasks of great importance, communicate with others to solve problems, and dedicate your free time to a cause. Even the title of board member adds a certain prestige to your resume.

Gain Valuable Experience

But a position on a nonprofit board is worth far more than a title alone. The experiences that come with the job will make you more capable and, by extension, more successful in your professional endeavors.

If you work in a field that demands that you remain knowledgeable in order to stand out—like the construction, engineering, and environmental industries—the lessons you learn as a member of a nonprofit board will be infinitely more valuable than the position itself. Working alongside other professionals in your field will provide you with information and advice that you’ll have access to for the rest of your career.

Show Potential Employers Your Decision-Making Ability

An effective member of an organization’s board of directors absolutely needs to be able to make decisions that have widespread and immediate consequences.

Similarly, most high-level jobs in engineering and construction—as well as many in the environmental industry—require individuals that are capable of making important decisions that can cost companies greatly if they’re not given enough thought.

Being able to weigh options carefully, make decisions with confidence, and produce results that are in line with an organization’s vision are all features that employers look for when selecting candidates for senior positions in these fields; showing that you’re up to the task through nonprofit work can quickly cause your career to skyrocket. 

Learn Teamwork and Leadership Skills

Being an influential member of a nonprofit board requires more than just making the right decisions. It’s equally as important to be able to collaborate with—and sometimes lead—fellow board members.

Many companies in the environmental, engineering, and construction industries immediately examine a candidate’s ability to work with a team when making hiring decisions. And few of these employers are looking to fill a high-level position with someone who’s unable to lead others. Nonprofit boards provide you with an opportunity to improve and showcase both of these highly desirable job skills. 

Form Connections

There’s a fair chance that it won’t be the organizations you join, but the people that you meet that will catapult your career forward. And if you know which nonprofits attract the industry veterans you want to work alongside, it’s easy to make great connections.

For example, if you’re seeking out professionals in industries related to environmental sciences, join a nonprofit that focuses on environmental issues. A position on a nonprofit board that other professionals in your field belong to can be an invaluable tool for discovering new career opportunities.

Why Else?

As you can see, serving on a nonprofit’s board of directors provides more than enough career benefits to justify the time spent working without pay. In addition to the many perks mentioned above, it’s also worth considering the fulfillment that nonprofit work can bring.

Being able to work toward a shared goal, exchange ideas with experts in your industry, and clearly see the positive impact that your actions can have are all immediate rewards that you’re able to enjoy—alongside the long-term career benefits. If you’re interested in advancing your construction, engineering, or environmental career, try contacting a nonprofit in your area.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

What Can a Strategic Thinker Bring to a Construction, Engineering or Environmental Firm.

What Can a Strategic Thinker Bring to a Construction, Engineering or Environmental Firm.

Date : November 13, 2018 | By : michael_desafey

What is a Strategic Thinker?

strategic thinker is someone who possess a distinct set of skills that can keep a company moving forward in growth. They can anticipate, think critically, interpret, decide, align, and learn. But what does this mean? Strategic thinkers can anticipate the needs of the company and problem solve and getting to the bottom of a situation by analyzing every aspect of it. They can interpret the meaning behind data pertaining to their success as well as make executive decisions that will steer them even closer to success. Furthermore, they can get everyone on the same page by presenting the facts and keeping those around them informed and at ease.


The Importance of a Strategic Thinker

Having at least one strategic thinker on every work team is essential for the smoothest running job sites. As the name implies, strategic thinkers can take in the information around them and turn it into a detailed plan, addressing the needs of the company in every way possible. Engineers and construction workers who have the ability to think critically possess one of the most valuable traits of a strategic thinker.

In fact, it is difficult to even become an engineer without being a strategic thinker. Most people are only able to assess a situation at face-value while someone who can think critically is able to run through the what-if scenarios, thus addressing problems with the best fitting solution. Strategic thinking engineers are able to more effectively troubleshoot their equipment and come up with new, more efficient ways for their company to run. They do this by being able to interpret data from past experiences and scenarios and learning from past resolutions, combined with anticipating the current and future needs of the company.

Strategic thinkers do very well in management positions. With their critical thinking and anticipation qualities, they can discern with stunning accuracy how well an interview candidate will perform for the company. Their ability to make decisions is unparalleled. A project manager at a construction site who possesses the ability to mentally weigh the pros and cons of every potential outcome, is an asset any construction company would love to have. They can make educated, informed decisions about potential employees or project proposals. A construction site manager who is a strategic thinker will be able to deduce any potential problems with a blueprint or budget spreadsheet and deduce the best way to solve those specific problems. The construction site manager will then be able to address his concerns and solutions with the company, customers, and his own coworkers and employees to ensure everything runs smoothly with everyone on the same page.

Identifying a Strategic Thinker in a Job Interview

I am sure by now you are thinking, “Where can I find one of these people?” Using a few specific tools in your interviewing process can be crucial in identifying the strategic thinkers from the “looks good on paper” employees.

First, you can give each candidate a problem to solve. Describe the problem to the potential employee and give them a few minutes to think about it. For example, you ask an environmental engineer how they would correct an excessive amount of waste at the local landfill. Ask them to describe the steps they would take to solve the problem. If they are a strategic thinker they should have compiled a list of potential problems and a strategic plan, are looking forward to future company forecasts and identifying outside economic or environmental factors, and are figuring out how to consult with company stakeholders or customers. You are looking for an omission of any of these steps such as not addressing how customers may perceive this solution. For example, if their solution is greatly increasing the cost of garbage services, they may not be thinking of the customer. Also, be on the lookout for a solution that does not have enough strategic focus. They may state that merely hiring more landfill employees to attempt to get the situation under control is all it would take, neglecting the fact that it will then cost more money to pay new workers which could increase the cost to the customer and reduce profit for the stakeholders.

Ask them questions and pay attention to the questions they ask you. A true strategic thinker will be excited about the potential of a strategic challenge and will ask many questions regarding it. The environmental engineer will want to know how long the landfill problem has been prevailing, if it has ever happened in the past, and if it is projected to continue to worsen. Finally, if you are still not sure, consider presenting them a flawed solution to a company problem and see how they strategically alter it to be more profitable. Present to your potential construction site managers a project site that has been rezoned and no longer matches the initial building plan. They will weigh the changes needed to be made by thinking about costs to customers and company, as well as any environmental impacts. With enough questioning, a strategic thinker will all but identify themselves. Remember, how they respond to your specific questions is how they will respond to situations in the work environment.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com  . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Speak Up: How to Get the Promotion You Deserve

Speak Up: How to Get the Promotion You Deserve

Date : October 16, 2018 | By : michael_desafey

Speak Up: How to Get the Promotion You Deserve

As a professional in the construction, engineering, or environmental industry, you’ve worked hard. You’ve shown your dedication to the company. You know you deserve a promotion but asking for one can be a scary and intimidating experience. If you are considering approaching your boss about getting a promotion, there are several things you can do to increase your chances of getting it.  

Wait for the Right Time

While your amount of time with the company should not be the only determining factor, it is important to realize it may play a part in whether your employer feels that you deserve a promotion. According to a recent Inc. article,

only 6.4 percent of employees get a promotion during their first year at a job. This number increases to 22 percent for those in their third year with a company. While this does not mean that you cannot ask for a promotion in your first or second year with a company, it is important for you to do a self-evaluation. Have you contributed enough to the company to deserve a promotion?

At times, it may be worth waiting another year or even just a few more months before attempting to get a promotion. It is also important to note that summer is viewed as the best time to ask for a promotion, which is great for many people who build houses or otherwise work outdoors. Summer is often their busiest season.

Approach the Issue Directly

It might be a bit intimidating to think of approaching your boss and asking for a promotion, but that is the best way to determine if your boss is willing to consider giving you a promotion. Depending on your relationship with your boss, this can be done in a formal setting, where you request a meeting, or it can be done in a casual setting where you mention that you feel that you deserve a promotion. 

Follow Up

After you have mentioned the promotion, it is important to follow up. Send your boss an email. Mention it again a week or so later. Bring it into conversations when you can. Even if there is not currently a position available, make your desires clear. While you should not be annoying, it is important to be persistent. You may not get the promotion right away, but if you don’t give up, you are more likely to eventually be considered for a promotion. 

Have the Why Ready

When asking for a promotion, it is important to have facts, statistics, or other information to justify asking for one. To prepare to ask for a promotion, do things that show that you deserve it. This may include taking on larger projects, taking on more responsibility, or otherwise contributing to the company on a higher scale.  Just be careful not to overstep your responsibilities or appear too eager for the promotion. Becoming a brown-noser or trying to take over your supervisor’s responsibilities are two of the biggest mistakes people make when they are trying to get a promotion. Instead, do your job to the best of your ability, and be willing to show why you are the best choice for the promotion.

You may even want to ask for the opportunity to prove yourself. Volunteer to temporarily take on some of the responsibilities of the position you want. Then, you can show that you are the right person for the job.

The biggest key to asking for a promotion is to make sure that you have planned ahead. Practice what you are going to say beforehand, and then you can approach the issue with confidence. 

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Which is Worse: A Bad Job or No Job?

Which is Worse: A Bad Job or No Job?

Date : November 21, 2017 | By : michael_desafey

You might think there’s nothing worse than being unemployed. Not only do you feel like you’re not contributing and using your talents, you’re also not making any money, which is stressful and even frightening as the bills pile up around you. Your self-esteem might start to drop when you can’t find work, and you get anxious as that gap in your resume widens. How are you going to explain that when you finally get an interview? At some point during unemployment, you think, “I’ll take any job right now. Even a bad one.”

In 2011, CNN reported on this study, which indicated
a surprising  trend: 

“‘Moving from unemployment to a poor-quality job offered no mental  health benefit, and in fact was more detrimental to mental health than  remaining unemployed,’ says the lead  author of the study, Peter  Butterworth, Ph.D.” 

Bad jobs in the construction, engineering, or environmental industries can share some of the following characteristics that employes related to regularly:

  • An unsafe working environment.
  • A manager or supervisor who is indecisive, manipulative, unavailable, or bad at communicating. This article notes that people who make bad bosses in the construction industry play favorites and don’t offer employees a path toward professional development and career advancement. 
  • Low pay.
  • Monotonous, unchallenging tasks.
  • A heavy workload.
  • Lack of clear expectations for the job.
  • Lack of job security or not enough hours of work.

While everyone has a different level of tolerance for workplace politics and job demands, these characteristics, alone or in combination, can leave an employee stressed, disheartened, anxious, and frustrated. At the end of a long day of being micromanaged, overworked, or underappreciated, employees in bad jobs go home tired, unhappy, and unfulfilled. This mental drain can start to impact their personal lives, as well.

While unemployment carries its fair share of stress, this article points out a distinct opportunity that a bad job rarely offers:

“Unemployment is stressful, but it still leaves room for possibilities. When you’re unemployed, you focus all of your efforts on finding a fulfilling position. Yet, when you’re working a dead-end job, you’re so depleted at the end of the day it’s difficult to begin thinking about the future….”

With unemployment, you have time and energy to devote to perfecting your skills and finding a good job, a job where you feel challenged, where your work is appreciated, and where you can move forward in your career. 

If you’re already in a bad job, the fear of unemployment can turn that bad job into a trap. You might be hesitant to leave it, preferring “the devil you know” to the uncertainty of being without a job. ABC News recognized this trap and offered a few tips for making the best of that bad situation:

  • Try to improve your relationship with your boss.
  • Ask for new assignments.
  • Don’t engage in office or construction site gossip.
  • And, the most important tip of all: “Do one thing every day to find a new job.” Prevent your bad job from becoming a soul-sucking trap by being proactive about finding a better one.

If you are currently unemployed, take a deep breath and remember the good thing about it: you’ve got time. Use that time wisely to hone your skills, perfect your resume, meet new people, and find your ideal job. The paycheck might seem to make a bad job worth it, especially if it’s been a while since you had a steady income, but you have to consider the toll it takes on your health and well-being. 

Whether you find yourself unemployed or in the middle of a bad job, work to better the situation. Having a game plan is empowering, and when you follow the steps, you’ll find your way toward that better job.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Superintendents are In Demand: Is It the Position for You?

Superintendents are In Demand: Is It the Position for You?

Date : August 15, 2017 | By : michael_desafey

In the current employment landscape, construction professionals are in sort supply. If you’re interested in becoming a project superintendent, now is the time to put together your resume, build your skill set, and put yourself out there. There are project superintendent jobs waiting on you!

What Are the Skills a Project Superintendent Really Needs?

As a future project superintendent, you want to make sure you have the skills you need to be successful in your industry. These include:

  • The ability to schedule and coordinate a variety of subcontractors and other vendors who may need to work on the job site.
  • Management skills, including supervising both members of your team and subcontractors.
  • A basic understanding of most common construction methods and practices so that you’ll be able to help your crew finish up and determine whether or not subcontractors are performing their jobs correctly.
  • Checking the quality of the work that’s been done on the job site in order to ensure that the client is getting the high quality they expect from the company. 
  • Paying attention to the costs associated with the project in order to ensure that it remains under budget while still providing high client satisfaction.

Are You a Good Project Superintendent?

If you’re thinking about becoming a project superintendent, it’s important that you know whether or not the position is a good fit for you. The last thing you want is to end up in a job that you’re unable to do properly, especially with an entire job site resting on your shoulders! Ask yourself these key questions if you’re considering pursuing a job as a project superintendent. 

Am I a people person? As a project superintendent, you’ll need to work with a variety of people on a regular basis. You’ll interact with clients, subcontractors, and contractors. Instead of spending your entire day working with your hands, you’ll spend a large percentage of it interacting with people. Are your people skills up to the task? 

Am I able to think quickly and solve common problems found on construction job sites? From knowing how to respond to an unplanned visit from OSHA to problem that has the potential to put your entire project behind schedule, you need to have substantial problem-solving skills when you’re working as a project superintendent. You become the go-to problem solver for every member of the team, and you need to be able to provide them with answers. Even when you don’t have those answers, you need to know who does!

Am I a good leader? People skills are one thing. It’s another thing entirely to be the person responsible for motivating and inspiring your team. Do you possess the necessary leadership qualities that will enable you to evaluate your team’s strengths, put people in the right positions to make the greatest benefit for the team as a whole, and improve your team’s morale when things aren’t going well?

Am I organized and able to juggle multiple tasks on a job site? As a project superintendent, you’ll be responsible for coordinating the efforts of everyone on the job site and ensuring that everything is done–and done correctly. If you don’t have the organizational skills to make that happen, you’re going to struggle with your job sites.

Do I know how to evaluate the quality of the job that’s been done? If you haven’t been in construction long or have never worked outside a very specific skill set, you might not know how to evaluate the quality of the work your subcontractors have produced. Make sure, before embarking on your journey as a project superintendent, that you have a basic understanding of how to tell the difference between quality work and subquality work in every subcontractor you have the potential to deal with.

Working as a project superintendent is a highly rewarding career that allows you to take your construction skills to the next level. If you have the necessary skill set, it’s time to start putting the pieces together and apply for a new job. You could be the one in charge of the job site before you know it!

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

How to Navigate the Job Marketplace

How to Navigate the Job Marketplace

Date : August 8, 2017 | By : michael_desafey

Whether you’re fresh out of school and ready to start your career or you’re hoping to move jobs within the construction or engineering industries, navigating the job marketplace can be confusing. Finding open positions is often challenging, especially during slow times. Even more challenging is the struggle to find the company that’s right for you. If you’re ready to start navigating the job marketplace, following these key tips can help. 

Build Your Network

From the first time you set foot on a job site or in a professional venue where you have the opportunity to interact with construction workers, engineers, subcontractors, and others within your field, you need to focus on building your network. Develop potential connections.

Get to know people. Whether you’re just starting out or you know you’re going to be changing jobs soon, building your network is the key to knowing what positions are open and getting your foot in the door with employers to find your next career opportunity. 

  • Carry business cards. This may seem like a cliche, but it’s one of the best ways to literally get your name in the right hands.
  • Visit trade shows and talk people there. 
  • Get to know the people who are coming to your job sites. You never know when one of them will be ready to offer you your next job.
  • Volunteer. Whether you’re just starting out in construction or you’ve been working in a specialized position for years, there are jobs out there that need to be done. Check out Habitat for Humanity in your community, donate your time to a local school that’s trying to get a building repaired, or work with local churches as they handle building mission trips. Contractors in your community are working there, too–and they’ll take note of your presence and the quality of your work.

Try to Leave on Good Terms

You know that your current job isn’t working out. Your superintendent has a bad attitude, your hours keep you away from your family when you most need to be with them, and the terms of the contract you signed aren’t being adhered to. No matter how bad it is, however, you want to make sure that you leave your current job on good terms. Give appropriate notice, try not to leave in the middle of a project, and keep your work ethic strong even in the last days of your employment instead of trying to “go out with a bang.” The construction and engineering communities in your city are relatively small, and burning your bridges with one company may make it harder for you to get your next job.

Build Your Skills

Both the construction and the engineering industries are experiencing a shortage of qualified individuals to take those open positions. That means that the more skills you have, the more positions are open for you. Taking the time to develop specialized skills will make it far easier for you to acquire a job in the future. Any time you’re on a job site, ask questions. While you shouldn’t walk away from your own work to watch or help someone else, being available and willing to learn new skills is the mark of a great construction worker–and those skills can be of immense benefit to you later.

Work with a Staffing Company

Staffing companies that are specifically dedicated to construction or engineering are a great first step, especially if you’ve been struggling to get a job or are afraid that you’ve left a bad impression on a previous employer that might be impacting your future employment opportunities. A staffing company can help get you a temporary or long-term position that could eventually turn into permanent employment, especially if you take advantage of that position to improve your network and reach out to other potential employers.

Navigating the job market can be frustrating, but it’s not impossible! By following these key steps, you’ll find the right job for you and improve your chances of being hired at the company of your choice. While it might not happen overnight, there’s a job opening with your name on it. You just have to find it!

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Make a Dynamic First Impression During Your Job Interview

Make a Dynamic First Impression During Your Job Interview

Date : July 25, 2017 | By : michael_desafey

Making a great first impression when you walk in for a job interview is critical. Your interviewer is already forming their opinion of you from the moment you walk through the door–and how you present yourself will have a substantial impact on whether or not you’re hired. If you want to make a dynamic first impression at your next job interview, these tips will help.

Practice what you want to say. Be prepared for some of the questions that are most likely to be asked in an interview and take the time to practice your answers to them. This will help increase your confidence, which means that you’ll portray yourself as a more capable candidate. It will also allow you to prepare the answers you know employers are looking for.

Customize your portfolio. Take a minute to look through your portfolio before you go in for an interview. Bring the projects that are the most relevant to the position or company you’re applying for to the front. Whether you’re an engineer with a portfolio full of blueprints or a construction worker with specialized skills, make sure you’re showing off the skills your future employer wants to see the most.

Dress to impress. Show up in clothing that is appropriate and professional. Common advice is to show up in an outfit one step more formal than what you’ll be wearing every day, but if you don’t have more formal attire, your daily job attire will suffice. Some tips to keep in mind:

  • Try not to choose a new outfit that you’ve worn for the first time for your interview. You need to know how your clothing will look after a car ride and sitting waiting.
  • Sit down in your outfit and check it again. Slump, which you’ll likely do at some point during the interview whether you mean to or not. Check to make sure that you’re not showing too much cleavage or having trouble with button gaps.
  • Choose practical shoes. You never know when you’ll walk straight out of the interview room for a tour of the office or, worse, a tour of a job site. The last thing you want is to hold up a tour because your shoes don’t fit right or they’re pinching your toes!

Show up at the right time. It’s not just about showing up on time for your interview. It’s also about not showing up too early: interviewers would prefer that you show up within five to ten minutes of your interview time instead of coming through the door when they’re in the middle of taking care of another task.

Go in with a positive attitude. Be positive about the job, yourself, and your previous place of employment. Interviewers want to see candidates who know their strengths, know that they’re a good fit for the job, and are eager to dive in. It’s okay if your nerves show–everyone gets a little nervous before an interview–but if you go in with a positive attitude, it will help smooth over a lot of awkward moments.

Check yourself before you go in. Take the time to visit the restroom and wash and dry your hands. Make sure you have a firm, assured handshake. If you must wear perfume or cologne, keep it minimal: you have no idea what allergies or personal preferences you might face during your interview. Dispose of your trash, whether it’s the paper cup from coffee or a last-minute snack, before you go in. These last-minute details might not matter in the big scheme of things, but they can make a big difference in your first impression!

Your interview starts in the lobby. No, the receptionist isn’t the hiring manager, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t want to give them a great impression. In fact, some hiring managers will ask the receptionist how candidates behaved! Be polite, keep your phone in your pocket and turned to silent where it belongs, and be attentive to what’s going on around you. These simple steps can have a big impact on the image you present to your interviewer.

When you walk through the door for a job interview, you want to present yourself in the best light possible. These simple steps can make a big difference in the way the interviewer sees you–and that makes it much more likely that you’ll get the job you’re dreaming of.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

The 2017 Forecast Of Construction Jobs

The 2017 Forecast Of Construction Jobs

Date : July 11, 2017 | By : michael_desafey

According to a recent Forbes magazine article, the economy is slowly rebounding while the housing and non-residential construction sectors continue to grow. For example, multi-family apartment construction grew 14 percent and the annual housing construction rate was 1.2 million in 2016. Below introduces the economic outlooks for construction jobs and the construction industry.

Projected Economic Trends

Most economic experts feel that the general economy will continue to struggle with slow growth and limited consumer participation. A mild GDP growth rate is connected to low wages and productivity growth number. Although most companies are spending more on construction, they are reducing other capital expenditures for things like

machinery and equipment. Most of these companies are not focusing on expanding capacity because they are lowering operating costs through minimizing expenditures. However, an important construction industry report states that 2017 construction starts will increase five percent to over $700 billion. As a result, the private sector will continue to drive non-residential construction projects across the country.

Excellent Job Outlook

The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that construction labor jobs will continue to increase at 13 percent, which is faster than the national average. The job growth outlooks for certified carpenters is six percent, for building inspectors is eight percent and for electricians is 14 percent. Construction professionals are needed in all construction sectors, so these workers will enjoy better career opportunities. Job possibilities include project administrator, remodel supervisor, demolition planner, construction engineer, environmental consultant, heavy equipment operator and land development specialist. Other career specializations that will continue to be in demand in 2017 involve HVAC, masonry, drywall, painting, flooring, roofing and plumbing.

High Demand Fields

Residential construction of multi-family home buildings is growing fast, while single-family home growth continues to plod along. Changing demographic factors are driving the demand for more temporary housing rentals. Millennials are moving away from home or college to face serious student debt, but they require agile accommodations that meet their flexible lifestyles.  The trend is to prefer urban cores with public transit and eco-friendly lodging that have been designed by construction companies with strong environmental credentials. Therefore, there will likely be more urban residential construction jobs available in 2017. When millennials start marrying and raising children, the need for suburban land plots and traditional housing may grow.

Nonresidential Career Opportunities

Nonresidential building construction is gradually improving through consumer spending, but Internet-based retail sales are growing at an annual rate of at least 10 percent. This means that many traditional brick and mortar retailers have been forced to close outlets, but this has created new renovation opportunities for alternative businesses. In order to avoid these harsh cost-cutting measures, many retailers are implementing creative marketing and product expansion projects to access new consumer markets. Strong Internet-based sales mean that warehouse, local fulfillment center and regional distribution center construction will continue to expand. Private office building construction is expected to remain the same with vacancy rates being matched by new startups and entrepreneurial projects.

Going Green

Global warming, carbon footprints and operational sustainability are still important advertising keywords for corporations across the country. More and more companies are realizing the public relations benefits of green building designs and construction. While the initial cost of going green is high, there are many social, economic and environmental for companies. For example, they can reduce their operating costs, improve the local quality of life and use their sustainability practices to engage consumers. Companies that want to invest in green practices and profit from eco–conscious consumers need construction professionals to retrofit existing buildings and engineering experts to design environmentally friendly spaces.

The 2017 forecast of construction jobs is good because there is strong demand for sustainability, residential housing and green commercial buildings. Readers can access career advice for the construction, engineering and environmental industries here.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

The Environmental Industry in 2017: Recent and Forecasted Growth

The Environmental Industry in 2017: Recent and Forecasted Growth

Date : June 20, 2017 | By : michael_desafey

As we approach the end of the decade, the once-fledgling environmental industry has grown into an indispensable source of jobs worldwide. By looking at recent trends in the industry, we can project what job opportunities will emerge in 2017. 

Sustainable Energy

The renewable energy industry provided almost 10 million jobs worldwide in 2016 and is expected to surpass 10 million this year. A closer look at the breakdown of the renewable energy sector shows that we can expect most of the growth to manifest in wind and photovoltaic (solar) power production. 

Although recent political developments in the United States may stall the growth of the renewable energy sector in the United States, the United States of America represent less than ten percent of the global renewable energy industry. This likely means that political hangups will have little effect on the global trends in renewable energy jobs creation.

Land and Resource Management

Protection of US land and natural resources continues to be a priority. The trump administration has proposed almost $1 billion in funding for the United States Geological Survey in 2018 (USGS) with emphases on core science systems and research methods, ecosystems research and restorationwater resource management, and land resource management.

If congress follows the guidelines laid out in this budget proposal, the USGS alone could provide thousands of jobs in the resource management in the end of 2017 and in early 2018.

Urban Planning

As the world population surpasses 7.5 billion, urban centers are growing rapidly. Top universities are offering state-of-the-art programs in the field of modern urban planning to address the rapidly increasing need for urban planners. Conferences on the topic of urban planning continue to shed light on the diverse set of skills needed to address the needs of urban populations in the coming years, including big data and advanced computer technology and applications to optimize the functionality of cities as they approach critical population levels.

As the field continues to diversify, it is difficult to quantify exactly the current number of jobs and the expected rate of growth for urban planners and developers. However, the need for innovative thinkers and experts in a wide variety of fields is growing evident as urban centers grow at unprecedented rates.

The Growing Need for Efficiency and the Role of Technology

As the global economy continues to grow in most sectors, the need to optimize the use of resources is growing more important by the quarter. Many big players in the technology industry are now getting involved in the rapidly growing environmental industry. This means that tech opportunities for software developers are emerging in unexpected places in the sustainability trade.

If you are a developer with a passion for the environment, now is an exciting time in the world of green tech. Opportunities will continue to appear as 2017 marches on.

The Environmental Industry in 2017

The world is busy at work optimizing our planet’s limited resources for the rapidly growing population. This plain fact is the closest thing to a guarantee that the environmental industry will grow significantly in 2017, into 2018, and indefinitely into the future. There’s never been a better time to look for a job in this essential industry!

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

The Key to Getting the Job You Want

The Key to Getting the Job You Want

Date : June 13, 2017 | By : michael_desafey

Many employees find themselves walking a fine line. They want a new position: to move into a job that takes better advantage of their skills, to attain a promotion within their existing job, or even to move to a different place of employment. When you have your eye on a specific position, you want to do everything in your power to get it. There’s one secret to the process: assertiveness. While you don’t want to be overbearing or appear that you’re trying to force your way into a position–particularly with an existing employer–you do want to be sure that you’re being clear and assertive about your plans.

1.Make your goals clear. If you’re content in your current position and don’t want further responsibility, it’s all right to say so. On the other hand, if you want something more, make sure that your employer knows it! There’s no need to be rude; simply 

putting the information out there is more than enough. For example, you might say, “I would eventually like to be a construction foreman, and I’d like the opportunity to develop leadership skills within my current position.” If your current employer doesn’t know that you want to move up, you may miss out on valuable opportunities. When you’re looking to move to a new company, share why you’re interested in them: “I love your company’s vision, and all of my interactions with the company have shown that your culture would be a great fit for me.” Your employer can’t read your mind. By clearly sharing exactly what is that you want, you’ll discover that they’re more likely to give it to you.

2.Follow the application process. Whether you’re hoping to move up from within or you’re looking for a new job, it’s important to follow the described application process to the letter. Take a good look at even the most unusual or obscure instructions in the application process. Hiring managers at a new company take note of the details: if they tell you to send your information by email, do so. If they ask for a hard copy of your resume, it’s important to provide it. When you pay attention to the details of the application, you show that you’re genuinely interested in a specific job, not just following the same procedure for every application you put in–and you prove that you’ll give that same attention to detail in your everyday job performance.

3.Practice what you want to say. When you approach your boss about your interest in a new position or promotion, practice it first! Take the time to think through exactly what you want to say and remove filler from the statement. You’ll find that this makes you appear more confident, which in turn increases your employer’s confidence in you.

4.Be clear and positive about why you want the new position. It’s not that you feel you’re being under-utilized in your current position; instead, it’s that you think that you can bring more valuable skills and abilities to the table. You aren’t unhappy in your current job; rather, you think that a new job will be a great fit for you. When you’re positive about this shift in your employment status, you’ll discover that your attitude is more likely to rub off on the people in charge of putting you in a new position.

5.Remember that it’s okay to ask for the changes you want. You aren’t being ungrateful for your current job, nor are you leaving your current team in the lurch. Instead, you’re making a career move that’s best for you and your family–and you can do it without guilt! Drop the guilt from your attitude before you make your desires clear. It’s only holding you back and preventing you from asking for the job you really want.

Moving into the job of your dreams isn’t always as simple as asking for it, but it’s a great first step in the process! A simple assertive, calm attitude is a great way to put yourself forward and show that you’re a great fit for an available job. Ask for what you want and make it clear that you’re going to continue to pursue your career goals. You may be amazed by what you’re able to accomplish as a result.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

2017 Forecasted Growth in the Engineering Industry

The 2017 Forecast Of Construction Jobs

Date : June 7, 2017 | By : michael_desafey

Engineering is one of the key jobs driving production and construction in the economy. Whether it is environmental engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers or others, they are all contributing enormously to economic development.  2017 should see some decent growth in this industry, both in jobs and in the overall industry. 

Hiring in engineering is strong.  Among professional engineers, the unemployment rate is only 2.6% which compares to about 4.6% nationally.  That rate for engineers may even improve over the next year.  There are currently a little over 120,000 job openings for engineers nationally which may also grow slightly in 2017.  The low quarterlies of salaries is around $71,250 while the high quartile starts at $107,200.

So far in 2017, about 60,000 jobs have been added in the construction sector of the economy.  On a full year basis including the increase over the summer months, projections expect about 200,000 to 300,000 jobs to be added in this sector.  Each construction job is attached at some level to an engineer who is either designing the buildings themselves or the infrastructure of the facility.  Depending on how they are defined, growth of construction engineers ranges from 10,000 to 50,000 in 2017. 

Over the next ten years, engineering jobs should continue to grow quickly.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts engineering jobs will grow 5% annually which is faster than the overall growth of jobs at 2% per year.

No matter where you live, engineer salaries are above the national average.  These highly trained, well-educated professionals are in demand as the economy transitions from an economy with production by hand to an automated economy of software and machines.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

What’s Coming Between You and the Job of Your Dreams? Answer: Nothing!

What’s Coming Between You and the Job of Your Dreams? Answer: Nothing!

Date : May 9, 2017 | By : michael_desafey

What’s coming between you and the job of your dreams? The answer is not the same as the problems, and every problem gets solved, somehow, sooner or later. For those in the construction, engineering, or environmental fields, the answer to this age-old question comes in many ways. You may not have enough experience, or training, or limited opportunities in your area (relocation is necessary sometimes). No issue has to hold you back. If you really do give it your all, and you have the right attitude, overcoming the many obstacles is just another part of the job.

Many people have dreams, and usually the ones who face the challenges and concentrate on what needs doing to meet them come up with a plan. Planning the dream career involves taking an honest look at where you have strengths and weaknesses, and what you can do become stronger and compensate for issues (everyone has some kind of area than can use improvement). Yet planning your way will only prepare the journey ahead. You have to meet everyday with the same resolution and focus.

Becoming disciplined and skilled is key to your success. Without a relentless drive, your dreams will elude you. Watch others and pick up from what successful people do, many people find this type of inspiration invaluable! Things you can do include finding the right training and work to position you in the future for the ideal job. This is one way; building your resume and finding out what people do to get in the positions you seek are doing are essential.

Talk to people who have those jobs, find out what they did personally. If you want to follow your dreams that’s one thing, if you are willing to do what it takes and follow-through, that’s entirely another. Self-esteem and confidence building are real ways you can improve your outlook. In many ways it all comes down to attitude in life. You may have heard this before, but a good attitude means the difference between loving what you do and hating it. And, that’s also entirely up to you.

A dream job is possible if you exude the kind of dedication employers are really looking for. You have to appreciate everything about having work, about having opportunity, and about life. Gaining a good philosophy to work from, and good work ethics will lead you in the right direction. Above all, taking all chances to improve, and maintaining your health and state of mind will improve any chances you get, along with these other elements.

No one likes office politics too much, there are all kinds of ways to handle situations on the job that create conflict that you may have not thought of. Attitude and professionalism will get noticed by employers. Even if you have had problem times, or a bad attitude in the past, using these suggestions and taking each day as it comes, while continuously improving all areas of your performance, skills, training, and the chances that you can find your way to your dream job will be greatly increased. 

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com.  To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Kick Your Career Into High Gear – Top Environmental Services Firms

Kick Your Career Into High Gear – Top Environmental Services Firms

Date : May 2, 2017 | By : michael_desafey

You’ve put in the time (and overtime) to become a great environmental scientist, and you’d like to sink your teeth into some meaty, complicated projects.  Perhaps your current firm doesn’t have a clear path for career advancement. Environmental Services FirmsWhatever the reason, it’s time to look for other opportunities; to kick your career into a higher gear. 

One of the best ways to move your career forward is to join a large, top-rated, firm.  These companies are global, giving you opportunities to work abroad.  You can be involved in innovative, career-making projects. Some of the top firms, according the Engineering News Record are:


CH2M Ltd., Englewood, CO – With US$6.3B in revenue and 30,000 employees, CH2M HILL is ENRs Top Environmental Firm for 2015.  Forbes named CH2M as one of the best employers, ranked against other large firms. Their environmental services focus on delivering innovative approaches to managing high-risk, technically complex projects. Some of the innovative projects completed in the US are theAgua Nueva Water Reclamation Plant in Pima County, AZ and the White Sands (NM) Missile Range landfill closure and asbestos remediation. 

AECOM, Los Angeles, CA – With 95,000 employees and US$18B in revenue for 2015, AECOM is one of the largest A/E/C firms in the world. They acquired several firms in 2014, most notably URS, which broadens their service line.  AECOM was named #1 in Chemical & Soil Remediation and Hazardous Waste by ENR in 2015. A few of the interesting environmental projects include management of the  $2.9-billion environmental cleanup of the Idaho National Laboratory site in eastern Idaho, 575 disaster response, recovery and mitigation projects for FEMA in 35 states, and management of nuclear and other complex operations at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

Tetra Tech Inc., Pasadena, CA – With 16,000 employees and $2.3B in revenue (2015), Tetra Tech specializes in Water, Infrastructure and Environment.  For the Orthoimagery and Topographic Mappingin Wyoming, the Tetra Tech staff created derived topographic data for the Cheyenne and Laramie County Geographic Information System Program to augment the GIS capabilities of city and county departments. In Riverview, Michigan, Tetra Tech has worked on the Riverview Land Preserve, which is includes a municipal solid waste landfill. Services include monitoring groundwater, leachate, surface water and methane gas, and support services for ongoing operations.

Fluor Corp., Irving, TX – Fluor is a FORTUNE 500 company specializing in engineering, construction, and project management services.  With 40,000 employees and $21.4B (2014) in revenue, Fluor designs and builds some of the most impressive projects around the world.  It’s environmental services in the United States focus on nuclear remediation at various government sites. These include thePortsmouth Decontamination and Decommissioning in Pike County, OH, and managing the Savannah River Nuclear Site in Aiken, SC.

*Bonus Firm* Stantec, Alberta Canada – While not headquartered in the United States, Stantec belongs on this list due to the acquisition of MWH Global; one of the largest environmental firms in the US. MWH is recognized as a leader in the water and environmental markets globally. US projects include Louisiana Coastal Restoration projects; the Removal Action at an historic underground uranium mine in New Mexico, and the Central Valley Flood Management Program in Sacramento, CA.

Each of these firms offer opportunities to spread your professional wings. Webuild Staffing has the relationships and reputation in the industry to get you interviews with may of these, and other, top environmental firms in the country. 

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

A Career in Crisis – Beating Burnout

A Career in Crisis – Beating Burnout

Date : July 26, 2016 | By : michael_desafey

The Grind. We all know it. We all live it. Day after day, week after week, you go to work, prepared to battle in the trenches for your firm. Day after day, week after week. Client demands are mounting; you start viewing them as the enemy.

It’s no wonder you’re on the verge of burn-out. It’s getting harder and harder to answer the bell on Mondays, and it’s downhill from there. Commuting and traffic and meetings and phone calls and technology and deadlines and…

…you’re not at your best at home. Your family is getting the office leftovers. Most of your time after work is a whirlwind of homework, dinner, getting the kids down. Then finally, finally, a few minutes of down-time before bed. Then the alarm goes off and it starts all over again.

Yeah, burnout is right around the corner. It’s one of the most insidious career-killers in the A/E/C industry. Weekends aren’t nearly long enough to recharge your battery. How can you get off the hamster wheel; to put on the brakes before you hit that wall? Here’s how to fix your career crisis and beat burnout:

Take Some Time For Yourself….

It’s that simple. Make some time, every day, to be by yourself. Leave your office and turn off your cell. Go outside if possible. Close your eyes and listen to music. Read a devotion or a chapter in the book that’s been collecting dust on your nightstand. Take a walk. Fifteen minutes, every day, will save your sanity. These are 10 things that happen when you spend time alone:

  1. It’s quiet. Don’t underestimate this. It’s therapeutic for your tired, overstimulated brain. 
  2. Your mind learns to rest. This isn’t automatic. You have to work at it but, eventually, your mind will learn to rest. 
  3. You learn to relax. Again, this isn’t automatic. With time, your breathing and heart rate slow. Your shoulders drop. Tension leaves your neck. 
  4. You think more clearly. Once your mind learns to rest, it’s easier to organize thoughts, free of the clutter and noise. 
  5. You become a more positive person. As the stress and negativity start sliding away it becomes more natural to feel better about yourself and the world around you. 
  6. You have more patience. Positive people tend to extend more grace to others. Clients become friends again. 
  7. Your priorities become more defined. It’s easier to see the forest when you aren’t focusing on each tree bearing down on you. 
  8. You are a better spouse/partner/friend. All of that positivity and good feelings bring sunshine to those you love! 
  9. You become a better leader. A clear head and more patience will result in better decisions and a more cohesive team. 
  10. Your life is better. Promise.

Spending time alone, every day, will reboot your life and heal your career crisis. It won’t get rid of traffic or extend deadlines, but you’ll be able to handle them in a more positive manner.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Have A Gap In Your Employment History? It’s Not The End Of The World..

Have A Gap In Your Employment History? It’s Not The End Of The World..

Date : July 19, 2016 | By : michael_desafey

Within this crafty little piece, you will find several fantastic tips on how to confidently answer to prospective employers and ensure that no matter the reason for any cavities in your career’s backdrop, there is a clear-cut method to cinch your interviews so your next position is all but in the bag.

So you have a gap in your employment history. Maybe you have more than one. Maybe these gaps lasted longer than you intended due to circumstances which were beyond your control. There’s no way to hide it when submitting an application, so why not embrace the intermission and sell it right alongside your education and experience? 

With construction, engineering and environmental positions being in such high demand, when you sit down to interview with the person who potentially holds your future in his or her hands, it’s critical that you have arrived prepared to discuss the blemishes in your employment history. Just how do you prepare for such a discussion, though?

If you are fortunate enough to have a few days or more before the big day, spend some time geared toward recalling what you actually did throughout the entirety of the gap(s). Write down everything that comes to mind. Did you go back to school or take a specialized course somewhere? Did you start a family? Did you spend time independently educating yourself or performing research of any kind? Were you doing anything that could be considered freelance?

When you feel comfortable that your reflection is as complete as possible, take a look at what you’ve scrawled in front of you. Read it back to yourself aloud. Chances are reasonable that you have one or more of the above-mentioned activities in your past, and each one of them is a perfectly acceptable explanation for any lapses in employment.

Let’s surmise for a moment, however, that you simply needed a break from the grind for a while. As an engineer, your job is mentally draining and demanding of your time and as someone in construction, your job is physically demanding and maybe the bureaucratic policies within your company have you mentally drained. The not-so-technical term for time off work in this instance is “burnout”.

With increased pressure from activists and the general health community, it is now more acceptable than ever to take time off for mental health. Everyone needs to regroup occasionally, and the time it takes to do so will vary from person to person. Keep in mind, however, that a year off for mental maintenance may raise a few eyebrows. It’s best to keep this explanation for the shorter gaps whenever you can.

During an important interview, how do you go about portraying to your prospect that these little chasms are nothing about which they should worry? The answer is simple, yet perhaps difficult for some to execute. Confidence is your best friend during these fragile moments, and a well-rehearsed monologue for each questionable rift are the proverbial golden tickets for being able to walk out of your meeting with a head held high.

What if you lack confidence, or are simply the sort of person who freezes up during interviews? A couple of easy exercises done solo or with a partner will help shake those nerves. 

First, and perhaps most importantly, practice speaking while smiling. According to Forbes, smiling helps to stimulate your own sense of well-being, in turn boosting your confidence. If you aren’t comfortable exchanging role-play banter with a partner, use a mirror to help remind yourself to smile. Smiling should also never be forced, and a fake smile is noticeable. Remember the time you gave your wife a sweatshirt that you thought she’d really love, and when she saw it, the smile on her face made it obvious that she’d rather throw it in the fireplace than even wear it to bed? You’re not alone in being able to notice a pseudo-grin, so if you find yourself having trouble smiling while you speak, try picturing something in the back of your mind that would make you show some friendly teeth. And if that doesn’t work, the fact that you’ve been chosen to interview with this next company should, if nothing else, be enough to get you smiling.

Secondly, try to remember that if the reasons for the voids on your resume are due to decisions that you’ve made, you need to own them. While employers don’t necessarily jump for joy when they notice these things, most of them respect the courage it takes to display concise honesty about why you chose to not work for a while, and they’d rather hear about how you took that year off to go train touring through cheese country than a stumbling made-up excuse that’s as easy to see through as expensive crystal. According to Career Builder, no matter how you utilized your time off, employers want to know that you’ve used it as a period of self-reflection. As elegantly and matter-of-factly as possible, detail how you made this time work for you rather than against you and include anything that you have learned about yourself and the industry while you were out of the game.

The list you made earlier which encompasses all the things you did while off work should now help you compose the monologues we talked about just a few moments ago. You may not use it as such, but think of this as a sort of sales proposal, and the product you’re selling is yourself. Include mentions of knowledge or experience you gained during the gap and explain how, through you, it will directly benefit the company.

Rehearse this to the best of your ability so you can speak completely off-book when addressing your prospect’s concerns regarding time between jobs. It’s almost a guarantee that your interviewer will have a copy of your resume in front of them while you converse; perhaps marked up in choice places with noticeable red ink to assist them in remembering what to ask about. It’s also dire that you are certain that you haven’t been dishonest by omission on your resume. As stated earlier, if you have gaps, you need to own them, and that means not conveniently forgetting to include the dates you served at each of the jobs on your resume.

Whether to include months and years or simply the years through which you worked with a particular company is up for debate, but according to Jim Giammatteo on LinkedIn, you should never leave the months out of your resume because lies simply have no place on a resume, and it’s easy to get caught if you fudge something such as dates. “Every gatekeeper and every headhunter I know gets suspicious when they see only years listed on a resume,” Jim says. 

For the best resume formatting tips and great advice on how to make sure you’re doing everything you can to dazzle your prospects, along with anything you need to know about properly addressing any questionable entries on your resume, get in touch with Webuild Resumes. We’ll help build your resume, your confidence and your future. 

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

How To Avoid The Most Common Mistakes When Negotiating A Job Offer

How To Avoid The Most Common Mistakes When Negotiating A Job Offer

Date : July 5, 2016 | By : michael_desafey

When you’re looking for a job, one of the most stressful aspects of the process is handling the salary conversation. We’ve always been taught it’s impolite to talk about money, and yet, there you are, meant to be haggling away and assigning value to yourself that should match a secret number your potential employer has in mind, too. It can seem like a minefield to navigate, but there are some common steps to this process that will help you move forward, especially in the construction and engineering industries, where numbers can depend on conversations that job seekers often have a hard time with. Here’s how to avoid the most common mistakes in salary negotiations

Giving too much information: A potential employer will likely ask you what your current salary is, or what your requirements are. If they ask this early on, be aware: you don’t have to answer this directly.

If you’re hoping to make a vastly higher number than your current salary; you will give some leverage for the employer to offer you less early on. You’ll lose any kind of ground you can gain later in the interview process through negotiating–once you will have proven your value. Now, you do need to respond, and you should decide the way that you may feel most comfortable beforehand. One option is to do your research: use a salary calculator (like this handy one here) to determine an average salary range for your title and location, and use that number to create a salary range to offer to your potential employer. Or, if early enough in the process, simply and politely let the interviewer know that you’re aware of the industry standards, and appreciate their consideration along those lines for the position. Read the situation for an appropriate response, and practice answering these questions often so you won’t be caught unprepared and share numbers you weren’t ready to give yet.

Not negotiating at all: Some people are afraid that they’ll ruin their chances by being too demanding, or appearing greedy. But it’s a mistake not to ask for a salary that meets your value, especially if you feel that a salary offered isn’t ideal; often, companies can certainly afford much more than what they offer, and they’ll start at the low end of their range. As long as you do your research in terms of appropriate salary levels, you’ll likely be proving that a) you know your true value, and b) you’re an assertive, smart, and hard-working person they’d be lucky to bring on board. So, when offered a salary you’re not thrilled with, do respond by politely suggesting a number more in line with your needs, and the backed-up reasons why it’s realistic (your experience, your value, industry standards, and so on).

Taking negotiations personally, rather than logically: This goes hand-in-hand with the previous tip. Your future employer will not be hurt if you ask for more money–it’s a business transaction. So conversely, you need to remind yourself that their offers are solely based in business reasoning as well; they’re not at all personal. When a low salary is offered, it isn’t a reflection on you, and your response shouldn’t be emotional. It should be a counter backed up with facts and numbers that show you’re worth the number you’re putting forward. Consider, even, asking a question to keep conversation flowing evenly and in a friendly way: “Would you consider raising the amount by X to fully address the level of experience in this industry I bring…?” Try not to be flustered or caught off guard, because the calmer and more assertive you’re able to be, the more you’ll show your negotiating partner that you know what you’re doing, and you’ll see this through.

In a full negotiation, you may not always get your exact desired number, but with the right approach and research, you will very likely find that you’ll have a better outcome and salary than you would have before. Professionals who take the time to do some research before beginning the job search will find it makes a great difference in your take-home pay/benefits later.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

What You Should Know About Hiring Millennials

What You Should Know About Hiring Millennials

Date : June 14, 2016 | By : michael_desafey

In the construction industry, it will very often be necessary to hire within the generation known as millennials: the ones who grew up being told they could do anything, with social media always by their sides–they’re from a different world than other generations, and they bring an entirely new perspective and attitude to the workplace. To properly choose the employees that you know will succeed, and to further motivate them, here’s what you should know about hiring millennials:

They’re intrinsically motivated. This means that millennials care less about rewards than you may think: they want purpose, they want positive feedback, and they want to grow in their careers. This means you’ll need to be aware of your management; criticism should be constructive, and praise should be offered any time you see great work. For hiring, this means you should stress the opportunities for growth that are available, and if possible, offer a mentorship program. Flexibility in hours is difficult in construction, but if you can offer any, make sure it’s known in the hiring process, as millennials place importance on this, too.

They’re idealistic. This means they may job hop until they find a situation that benefits them best for their goals. But it also means (and this is important) if they care about the job they have with you, they’ll want to make a difference in the workforce. You’ll want to show them how you’re contributing to the local area’s entire lifestyle–and as millennials can tend to be more in tune with technology, and less with labor, be sure to give them the time and flexibility to discover which role within your construction company may provide the best fit. You may even find that if you hire the right fit for your company, a truly motivated person, they’ll start finding ways to improve business you never thought of.

They can tend to be individualistic. (Meaning, not team players–which is not always great news for the construction industry.) How do you find the millennial you can mold and fit to the team? For one, hire for skills rather than personality. If the millennial you hire is suited more to your construction opening, then they’ll be more likely to want to stick around and to fit with the team. That being said, millennials are motivated by great work and great people. Surround them by an appropriate team and with good mentorship, and you’ll find a vast difference in their growth with you.

Hiring millennials will become increasingly important for you in the construction industry, so it’s very valuable to understand this generation’s needs and motivations. With the right approach, millennials with your construction company could make a wonderful difference and help your organization succeed.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Moving up in the Engineering Workforce: Humbleness is the Key to Career Success

Moving up in the Engineering Workforce: Humbleness is the Key to Career Success

Date : May 31, 2016 | By : michael_desafey

Moving up in the workforce should be the goal of any employee, but especially for engineers. If you’re not progressing, you’re stagnating, and that can lead to a lower quality of life, unhappiness with a position, and an overall bad outlook on one’s life in the workplace and life in general. Career success is something that can help alleviate all of those things, and humbleness is the key to career success, especially within the engineering workforce.

There is a clear difference between humbleness and confidence, as one can have both at the same time. The true art of humbleness is being aware of your abilities, being able to present your value to a superior, while at the same time not being cocky about those abilities. Take this advice from Life Hack: “humility does not call for us to be meek, or consider ourselves lower in stature.”

A worker who is not humble has trouble seeing their faults, and that can easily shine through in their work. They are too cocky about what they can do, while at the same time ignoring everything that they’re inhibited from doing. When employers look to promote, they don’t want to hire these types of people. They know that they aren’t truly looking to improve themselves or hear critical opinions from others around them, and therefore, they are not the most attractive candidates.

Instead, the humble candidate is the one who is ideal for the employer to promote. The humility demonstrated by this candidate can lead to that employee being aware of what they can’t do, and actively trying to improve on those things. At the same time, it shows awareness on what they can do. Overall, the humbler employee has a general self-awareness that comes across as a very attractive trait for a possible promotion.

One in the engineering workforce who cannot see their faults is said to be closed-minded, and that is a huge red flag in that field of work specifically. Engineers typically need to be open minded, aware of what’s around them, and open to ideas from others to help solidify their own. This is what helps them move up and get promoted to higher levels. Having a humble mindset will make this open mindedness come much more easily than it would for someone who is over-confident in their abilities.

Don’t confuse humility with being cowardly. Humility does not mean that one sits and takes every bad thing that happens to them. Humility is more about being aware of abilities and shortcomings, and improving in all possible areas. Engineering employers can see this trait easily.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

7 Steps To Create A Marketing Plan For Your Career In the Construction Industry

7 Steps To Create A Marketing Plan For Your Career In the Construction Industry

Date : May 17, 2016 | By : michael_desafey

7 Steps To Create A Marketing Plan For Your Contracting Business the construction industry is vital to surviving in this competitive marketplace. A marketing plan is your own customized “roadmap” to advance your career and/or business throughout the year. It is an internal planning mechanism to keep you focused and to help you reach your goals as a contractor / business owner. There are seven important steps to devise a well-developed marketing plan.

Step 1: Develop an overview.  You need to answer questions such as why you are in the construction business, and your marketing goals and priorities either to find a job and/or to gain new clientele. What kind of services do you provide such as commercial, residential, new construction only, or do you accept tenant improvement jobs on existing buildings?

Step 2: Create your brand. What type of image do you want to create for your customers? How do you convey this image to the public? Think about how your past employers and/or customers would describe your abilities. Do you provide a specialty service, or are you known for intangibles such as having integrity and transparency?

Step 3: Define your differential advantage. What sets you apart from your others? Why do your customers come to you over other companies? Do you go that extra mile and do things above and beyond what is expected? Maybe you only use the highest grade of materials. For example, why would a person building their own home choose you to build it over another company?  This is your differential advantage.

Step 4: Determine your target markets. Who are your clients? Write in detail a profile of who does business with you. Their ages, location, position, and so forth, and of who you want to do business with, and whether you do residential or commercial work.

Step 5: Determine your online presence. Do you have a website? Should you? Think about the potential benefits from online marketing and the amount of potential clients you could reach.

Step 6: Decide your strategic action plans. Design a marketing campaign and specific techniques to put your plan in motion. Is it realistic and does it fit into your budget? Do you stand to profit from your ideas? Do your ideas represent your company well?

Step 7: Put your plan in motion. Implement your marketing plan and campaigns. Remember, your plans are not written in stone. You can throw out ideas that aren’t working and implement new strategies where necessary. Don’t be afraid to try new ideas and keep tabs on your competition and learn what works for them.

Developing a successful marketing plan is overwhelming to some business owners, and understandably. It is an involved process, but absolutely vital to your company’s success. You will need to take advantage of everything your company can benefit from in today’s competitive market.  It will be your key to achieving your goals and becoming successful contractor in the construction industry.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

How To Know When To Leave A Job In The Construction Industry

How To Know When To Leave A Job In The Construction Industry

Date : May 10, 2016 | By : michael_desafey
As a professional, it’s difficult to know when its time to walk away from a job, especially in the construction industry. The reasons must be compelling enough to give up the income and security of your current position. If you are struggling to know definitively whether or not to look for a new position, there are some signs that the consequences may be too high not to.

The main problem to consider is workplace stress. If you are having trouble going to sleep and getting up in the morning due to work stress, and you dread going to your job every day, this is something to pay attention to. Stress is very individual, therefore what is stressful for one person may not be so for another. According to the CDC, “Stress sets off an alarm in the brain, which responds by preparing the body for defensive action. The nervous system is aroused and hormones are released to sharpen the senses, quicken the pulse, deepen respiration, and tense the muscles.”

Infrequent episodes of stress aren’t harmful to the body, because it is designed to come back to a place of relative calm. However, if the stress is constant or never resolved, the body is continually kept in a state of fight or flight, which can lead to poor sleep, intestinal issues, illness and mental health conditions like depression and nervous breakdowns. This is a cause for more frequent sick days. Employers not having the staff you need on site costs time, money, and expertise, and if you are the worker who is suffering, you are paying heavy consequences for the work you are doing.

Two areas of workplace stress include workload and working conditions. According to the CDC, “Heavy workload, infrequent rest breaks, long work hours and shift work” can all cause workplace stress. Unsafe site conditions and supervisors who expect work to be done regardless of the safety of their workers also take a heavy toll on employees in the construction industry. These conditions also affect employees’ home lives, which in turn will affect how they are able to execute their tasks.

Interpersonal relationships between supervisors and employees or employee to employee can also greatly affect your decision to leave a construction job. Unreasonable expectations, conflicting or confusing work roles, unethical behavior, negativity and working with difficult people can be very stressful.

Career Advancement and Compensation is another workplace stressor that must be considered, since you may not be getting paid sufficiently for the work you are doing or your advancement opportunities are limited. This is tricky, since you must consider whether you want to find another job with better pay, while working for your current employer.

Relaxed and clear-minded construction professionals are incredibly important, since some field personnel are using power tools like nail guns, saws, and often operating large machinery. The risk of injury for people who are stressed is very high, and it not only affects that individual but also co-workers and supervisors on the job.

The chance of error is also a big factor among stressed individuals, which can be costly when doing construction. One faucet hole drilled in the wrong place in a slab of granite counter-top could cost thousands  in materials and time, for example. Errors on the job can also cause problems later on, such as when poor electrical wiring causes a fire for future homeowners or businesses, as well as affecting subsequent processes such as installing flooring over a surface that is not level.

Although other factors may come into play, workplace stress due to the factors described above is the biggest area to look at, especially for the construction industry. If you decide looking for a different job is in your best interests a good resource would be Webuild Staffing, who specializes in staffing construction organizations worldwide.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Top Professional Organizations For Environmental Professionals: Environmental Planners

Top Professional Organizations For Environmental Professionals: Environmental Planners

Date : May 3, 2016 | By : michael_desafey

Because networking is so important, it helps to know about Top Professional organizations for environmental professionals and ways to get involved with them. Use this post as an introduction to the major organizations and what they offer to various environmental professionals.

American Planning Association – Not just for city planners, the APA offers networking opportunities, educational resources and conferences for all professionals working in city or regional planning. They also offer career services, like job listings and career development resources. www.planning.org

National Association of Environmental Professionals – Anyone from student to seasoned professional in environmental planning, research or management who is not a member should seriously consider joining this organization. Member benefits include committee reports, and discounted classes, seminars and meetings. www.naep.org

Planners Network – A progressive association concerned with urban and rural planning, the Planners Network serves academics, activists, planning professionals and students. They host conferences and have at least 16 local chapters in Canada and the United States. www.plannersnetwork.org

Society of Women Environmental Professionals – A national organization with numerous city chapters serving women in environmental law, planning, business and engineering. www.swep.org

Many U.S. states have state organizations for environmental planners and allied professionals. Do a Google search for ‘(state name) association of environmental professionals’ Some national groups, including the SWEP, have city or state chapters that can prove helpful for networking. Some regional associations serve environmental planners.

Join a couple of relevant professional associations and participate however you can. If there is a forum, use it. Attend the meetings if time and finances permit. Definitely do attend local networking events. Consider volunteering, as this increases your visibility within the organization and allows you to meet a few potential employers.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Hiring The Best For The Job: The Top 5 Character Traits To Look For In A Job Candidate

Hiring The Best For The Job: The Top 5 Character Traits To Look For In A Job Candidate

Date : April 26, 2016 | By : michael_desafey

Trying to hire the best person for a job in the construction, engineering, or environmental industry can be a difficult maze to navigate. Many applicants may look good on paper, but how do you know which one to choose? Here are five characteristics to look for in a candidate during your hiring process:

Communication – The applicant has to be able to properly and clearly communicate with co-workers, site managers, and customers, among others. Having instructions get misstated, or be unclear, can negatively impact your business. A candidate must be able to concisely communicate instructions, safety information, deadlines, and budget restrictions when necessary. Confusion on the job site, or in the office, can lead to possible added expenses and/or injuries.

Time Management – Sometimes at a construction site, or on a line in a factory, an employee may be left unsupervised for extended periods of time. When this happens, you have to know that they are making the most of their time on the clock. If they are not very good at prioritizing their tasks and managing their time, they could end up wasting most of their time rather than utilizing it. This can run into budget issues, deadline problems, and production issues. It can throw your schedule off for completing a job on the building site.

Problem Solving – Problems will always pop up when you least expect them. From running out of nails, to a machine breaking down, to another employee not showing up for work — there will be days where if something can go wrong, it will. Knowing that you have an individual in place who can take care of those problems can give you peace of mind and open you up to applying your time and attention to other important issues. Hiring someone who can cover another employee’s shift, who can find additional nails to finish up a particular project, or who can get your project fixed in an expedited manner will be someone you will be glad to have working for your company.

Passion for the Job – If you have an employee on a construction site, or in the design office, who is not passionate about their line of work, you could be missing out on a valuable input source. Someone who knows the details of their career can offer opinions on helpful updates, innovative ways to do things, and safety suggestions. They can also help train other employees as needed, and they can turn out to be a valuable part of your team. Passion for the job can lead to a happy employer, and an even happier employee.

Business Aware – Not only does the ideal candidate have passion for their field of expertise, they are also aware of the business aspects of the field. Understanding that there is more to the job than just getting it done — it has to be done right, on time, and on budget is an important quality to look for in a candidate. They understand that there may be a schedule to watch out for, quality control to contend with, and materials that will have ordered — and they are aware that there are other businesses out there that their company is competing with.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Electrical Engineers Are In Demand – Building A Successful Career As An Electrical Engineer

Electrical Engineers Are In Demand – Building A Successful Career As An Electrical Engineer

Date : April 19, 2016 | By : michael_desafey
Electrical engineers are in demand now more than ever, given the explosions in the areas of energy, information, health, and flight. In order to build a career as an exceptional electrical engineer, a person needs the proper education, skills, and character traits to succeed.

Education – Electrical engineering degrees one can pursue are a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, a Master of Engineering or Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, or a Doctorate of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering.

Obtaining an accredited Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Degree requires a person to be accepted into a separate school of engineering. Undergraduate degrees are designed to take four years to complete with a full load of classes each semester.

Classes will be heavy in mathematics, physics, computer science, chemistry, statistics and basic engineering. According to Princeton University,

“If you enjoy these subjects, then you will find electrical engineering a fascinating and rewarding field of study with many opportunities to solve key engineering problems. Subareas within the discipline range from the exploration of information and its communication, through the physics of new materials and devices and the circuits made from them, to the algorithms that run on next generation computing platforms.”

Skills – An electrical engineer will need most or all of the following skills:

  • Ability to use MathCAD, AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, and other computer engineering programs and write code using C or C++
  • Proficiency with numerical analysis software: matlab, maple, mathmatica, etc.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills and the ability to work in a team environment
  • Strong skills in mixed signal (analog and digital) circuit design, board layout, noise, grounding, and signal integrity issues
  • Ability to use circuit simulation tools
  • Ability to contribute to design reviews and design verification testing and related documentation

Specific skills in each industry where electrical engineers are employed will be necessary as well, and can vary greatly from one field to the next.

Character Traits – To be an exceptional engineer, a person needs certain character traits that lend well to the field.  Employers seek electrical engineers with a desire to explore and solve problems with tenacity and determination. Knowing they have someone on the job who doesn’t give up is an asset to a company.

An engineer will also need a willingness to think outside the box and welcome the input of colleagues to the project at hand. A person who is able to work well with others and put their heads together to solve problems will be well respected within their field.

Having the ability to see the big picture and how their portion fits into the whole is very important, since an electrical engineer usually focuses on one part of a larger device or project.  Finally, a person needs to be methodical and meticulous in recording test results, analysis, and design elements or much time can be lost redoing tests and procedures as well as searching for information.

WeBuild Staffing one of the leading staffing firms focuses on pairing highly skilled electrical engineers with companies looking to hire them. We are a full service construction, engineering and environmental staffing agency that offers our clients the most advanced, results oriented recruitment expertise available in the industry today.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Environmental Employment Trends

Environmental Employment Trends

Date : April 12, 2016 | By : michael_desafey

When Environmental Entrepreneurs, a national nonpartisan group of business owners and investors who advocate for good environmental policies, released their Clean Energy Jobs Report for the Second Quarter 2015. The organization believed that clean energy and clean transportation projects can be a major factor in American job creation and, ultimately, economic growth.

And the news is great for all those looking for positions in the field. Employment is strong due to projects created in 2015 and 2016 for 22 states, producing almost 10,500 jobs.

  • With 8,826 positions, the Renewable Energy sector showed the highest number, broken down to 6,450 for solar generation, 2,183 for wind generation, and 193 for biofuels. Much of the growth came from the favorable government policies and the lowered cost of materials. Manufacturing of advanced vehicle as well as solar and wind technology yielded 1,075 openings with 570 jobs in other industries, such as recycling and smart grids.
  • With 2,164 jobs, Texas led the list of states offering the most jobs. Nevada came in second with 1,900 positions, and California was third with 1,200. Other states in the top ten employment list include Utah, North Carolina, Kansas, Arkansas, Colorado and Virginia (tied), and Nebraska.
  • Interestingly, Michigan, which used to appear consistently on this list, including a fifth place ranking in the first quarter of 2015, disappeared. This was primarily due to state lawmakers threatening to roll back clean energy standards.
  • Major projects in Texas include two new wind farms producing nearly 402 megawatts of power and 300 positions in a new manufacturing plant for wind turbines in Amarillo.
  • In Nevada, three solar farms, producing 134 MW, 150 MW, and 200 MW are adding 1,900 construction jobs. They will produce enough clean energy for 132,000 residences. The projects are notable because they are being built on public lands in what is know as the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone. These lands form part of 19 solar energy zones designated in 2013 across six Western states. They boast “high energy development potential but minimal harmful impacts.” Companies interested in developing projects in these lands get faster permitting through specific types of plans. Instead of the typical 18 months, approvals only took 10 months
  • Companies not normally associated with energy production are also providing environmental job opportunities through such initiatives as deriving most or all of their infrastructure power, such as for data servers, from renewable energy. They include Apple, Facebook, and Amazon. For example, Amazon announced that it plans to power its Northern Virginia data centers using energy coming from a new 80 MW solar facility in Virginia, which will be the state’s largest solar project. Construction of the facility is expected to create 300 to 400 position and to add five full-time jobs when completed.

If you’re interested in more information about how you can find these and/or any other employment opportunities in other locations, please feel free to give us a call to discuss evolving trends in the environmental industries.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

How To Work Effectively With A Recruiter To Find A Job

How To Work Effectively With A Recruiter To Find A Job

Date : March 29, 2016 | By : michael_desafey

When you are looking for a job in the construction, engineering or environmental industries, one of the best things you can do is work with a recruiter. With an experienced industry recruiter, you will gain access to a higher quality of jobs that may not be advertised in the marketplace and will meet your expectations and skills requirements much better.

However, good recruiters are extremely busy and working with them can be a challenge. So here are a few things you can do to effectively communicate with a recruiter in the industry and accomplish your goal to find the right job faster.

Communicate..  One of the most important things you can do to improve the experience you have when working with a recruiter is to communicate regularly. This could mean simply returning phone calls or emails that the recruiter sends your way. Scheduling a time with them to chat works well, as well as, utilizing email for quick questions or scheduling issues aids in coordinating things. By showing an interest in the jobs a recruiter has available and communicating quickly and efficiently with them is the best way to show your interest in a particular position.

Know Your Core Skills.. Make sure you are able to portray your skills to the recruiter. For example, if you are more experienced in commercial construction and less with residential, this is something you will want your recruiter to know. Taking a look at your specific skill set and discussing this with the recruiter you are working with will aid greatly in them finding the best position to fit your needs. Building a specific set of skills will help them discover jobs that will most fit your experiences. This will help give you a better opportunity of being selected for your job of choice.

Honesty.. Finally, always be honest with the recruiter. Most experienced recruiters have seen everything and can navigate the screening and interview process effectively for you, if they know your career history, salary expectations, etc. For example, if a recruiter has a particular engineering job open, but you may have a negative perspective of the hiring company, be honest about the situation at let the recruiter and let them know. If you have had issues with your last employer or gaps in your employment history take the time to discuss these issues and how that helped shape your career (positives and negatives). A recruiter is very skilled and can find you that perfect position for you, but this requires a straight forward approach on your part.

These are a few of the things that can help make your relationship with your recruiter strong and effective. Make sure you keep them in mind when you are going through the job hunt process.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

The San Francisco Construction Marketplace Is Growing!! Project Managers Are In Demand…

The San Francisco Construction Marketplace Is Growing!! Project Managers Are In Demand…

Date : March 15, 2016 | By : michael_desafey

It’s a good time to be in the construction industry in San Francisco. The industry in the city is hot, and demand for construction skills is steadily growing. Whether you are a senior construction professional or less-experienced project engineer, you can find opportunities with both large and small construction companies, general contractors, and development firms throughout the bay area.

There are a large variety of construction-related skill sets in demand right now; from commercial, residential to public works and industrial. Companies are looking to fill Project Engineering, Project Management, Superintendent, Estimator, and Operations Managers positions in San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland and East Bay.

Right now, career opportunities are blooming with several great companies. Here are just a few examples:

  • A General Contractor in SF has an opening for an Assistant Project Manager. The company is well run with lots of talent and has a history of developing people organically from within; allowing them to advance within the firm as their skills and responsibilities grow.
  • A South Bay Engineering Contractor is building one of the most advanced, corporate campus in the region and is seeking a sharp Project Manager to lead construction activities.
  • A few residential builders have opportunities for Senior Project Managers and Civil Estimators with an intimate understanding of costing, complex project management, scheduling, and effective construction techniques.
  • A Multi-Family Builder on the peninsula is looking for a driven Assistant Project Manager and Superintendent to join their team, leading the development of midrise, high end multi-family developments on the peninsula.

These are just a sampling of the many construction management opportunities in the San Francisco bay area right now; the demand is growing daily for professional staff; So if you have construction experience, a good work ethic, and a desire to advance within a firm now is the right time to reach out and advance your career.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

EQ and the importance of Relationships for Career Advancement

EQ and the importance of Relationships for Career Advancement

Date : February 29, 2016 | By : michael_desafey

When you want to find a better job, it’s often who you know instead of what you know that gets you there. One way to advance more rapidly in your profession is to increase your emotional intelligence, or EQ. This is the ability to correctly perceive your emotions and those of others. We want to help you find the next great position in your career pathway, and so we will explore the importance of relationships for career advancement in terms of EQ.

Building Your Soft Skills

Emotional intelligence is about building soft skills such as empathy, effective listening, compassion, sensitivity, and tolerance. It means controlling your emotions and using your perceptions to understand the emotions of others. You can build better relationships with everyone in your field by learning to communicate better. You can learn to listen to how you feel. You can share that information when appropriate and hold it back when the situation with another person doesn’t call for it.

How It Works

Increasing your EQ occurs on many levels. One way is to adapt your communication style to the messages you receive from others. For example, you wouldn’t use a loud voice or bring up a sensitive issue to an employee who just described having a terrible day. If you are the boss and you have to bring up something important, you would help the employee calm down before introducing any hot-button issues or criticism. Ideally, you would introduce any difficult subject matter on another day.

Get Started

There is a direct connection between one’s emotional intelligence and leadership. One study defined a transformational leader as someone who looks to find the motives in others and wants to satisfy their higher needs and engage them as full people. This is an important quality for leaders to have in the construction and engineering industries where teamwork is essential for timely project completion and for general safety on the job site. People want to work under transformational leaders who inspire them, and they will work harder each day for them. Transformational leaders with a high EQ are easier to understand the first time around, and they receive more messages the way that others intend them. They are more comfortable to be around on the job site.

Build stronger business relationships through sensitive communication if you take the time to use your EQ.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Adapting to the Growing Influence of the X/Y Generations on the Workplace

Adapting to the Growing Influence of the X/Y Generations on the Workplace

Date : August 4, 2015 | By : michael_desafey

Adapting to the Growing Influence of the X/Y Generations on the Workplace..

Not only do people from Generation X and Generation Y make up a large portion of the workplace in the construction, engineering and environmental, but they are also the individuals coming into power. As a result, the workplace environment has to shift to meet these growing demands and to keep employees happy on the job.

Creating a Balance

Some people assume that the members of Generation X and Y are lazy. They think that these individuals would rather spend most of their time relaxing. However, that’s not the case. People are balancing responsibilities in ways that they didn’t in the past. For example, in many households, both of the parents work. As a result, one of the parents needs to have time to arrange drop-offs and pick-ups for school and activities. That doesn’t necessarily mean that Generation X and Y members want to work less, but they want to have flexible schedules. Working at home, for example, is growing increasingly more popular. People can schedule construction projects, create outreach programs for environmental campaigns and review engineering material at a time suitable for them.

Establishing Relationships with Managers

Individuals in these generations still look toward their managers as leaders, but they also see them as partners. While a level of respect and authority is imperative to maintaining structure in the workplace, employees want to feel as though they are working in tandem with their managers. For example, at a construction company, people want to feel as though they are working with their managers to create a new entity. They don’t want to feel frightened of them. Establishing relationships with managers is important. Some people have friendly conversations, and others invite their managers to social events.

Developing Throughout

Generation X and Yers are quite focused on the skills they are developing. They may not have a long-term career goal or a particular position that they are trying to obtain by the time they reach the end of their careers. Instead, they have been trained to focus on skills, and their ultimate goals likely relate more to those skills than to a specific position. For example, someone may not necessarily want to own a company, but he or she may wish to develop and exert strong leadership skills.

Focusing on Technology

In a world where technology has such a heavy presence, failure to pay attention to how that affects the workforce is a tremendous problem. Part of that has to do with work-at-home opportunities. Since people in these generations often have a variety of obligations outside of work, they are happy to participate in opportunities that allow them to complete some of their work at home. They are also savvy at using new technology in the workplace. They can help individuals who are not as skilled in this area. These generations also are adept at using social media. For instance, they could create a page that promotes environmental causes and speaks out to thousands of people in a moment. Furthermore, companies need to change how they advertise jobs to some degree. Many individuals who fall into one of these generations look for jobs on the internet, so the companies need to make sure their posts are available.

As new generations come into power, the world has to respond to match up with those changes. Right now, the workplace is looking for methods that will better speak to both the needs and the strengths of the people who are in Generation X and Y.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com . To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

2015 – 2016 Construction, Engineering And Environmental Salary Guide

2015 – 2016 Construction, Engineering And Environmental Salary Guide

Date : May 21, 2015 | By : michael_desafey

Webuild Staffing’s 2015- 2016 Construction, Engineering and Environmental Jobs Salary Guide is now available.

Construction, Engineering And Environmental Jobs Salary Guide – 2015-2016

The 2015 – 2016 Salary Guide will provide you a realistic expectation of compensation levels in 28 professional categories throughout the construction, engineering and environmental industries in the Western United States.

Employee compensation is the one of the most critical issues facing employers today. This salary guide will provide employers a reference to understand what it will take to hire and retain professionals for successful operations, as well as, employees to determine their worth in today’s competitive job market

For further information on salary requirements throughout the industry please contact Webuild Staffing for further information.

Construction Jobs Are On The Rise…

Construction Jobs Are On The Rise…

Date : January 21, 2015 | By : michael_desafey

Construction Jobs Are On The Rise…

The downturn in the economy hit the housing market hard in the early 2000’s and this wreaked havoc on construction jobs; dragging opportunities in the field of construction to record lows.

Today though people are beginning to spend again, the economy is finally finding its feet and investors that were once skittish are ready to start building again. The construction market is returning to historical normal levels and the job market is growing.

If you are one of the many skilled professionals that had to ride out the downturn in the economy working in other industries (oil, gas, mining, and engineering) and/or focusing on side remodeling and home renovation /maintenance projects now is the time to start looking for serious construction work again.

According to the Washington Post article “The Construction Industry Is About To Take Off And Jobs Could Follow” with by Jim Tankersly.

“The Labor Department expects a sustained rebound in construction hiring. A new report from The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the industry will add 1.6 million jobs through 2022, which is a relatively high growth rate compared to other market sectors..”

Continued growth in the field of construction means there will be less competition for jobs available and that more construction companies will be trying to fill openings quickly so they can remain competitive.

If you’re looking for work in Construction or Engineering the firm Webuild Staffing can help you find the job that is a perfect fit for your career advancement; Assisting you in developing an effective resume, coaching you through interviews and aligning you with the best career opportunities; so you won’t miss out on the great jobs you spent the recession waiting for.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com  To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Is Your Cover Letter Effective? 5 Rules To Writing An Effective Cover Letter

5 Rules To Writing An Effective Cover Letter

Is Your Cover Letter Effective? 5 Rules To Writing An Effective Cover Letter

Date : October 28, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

The purpose of a cover letter is to send a personalized message to the employer stating your interest in a position and the value you can bring to their organization as a professional in the construction, engineering and environmental industry  It is a critical part of the application process that adds a powerful element to your resume; generating interest in you as a potential employee that is qualified and can get the job done.

Many times candidates overlook the power of a cover letter and its ability to strengthen your application; following these simple rules you will assure you have an effective cover letter to accompany your resume.

Rule #1- Address The Cover Letter To The Hiring Manager

Send the cover letter and your resume to the person who can make the hiring decision. Personal letters get read far ahead of form letters. Think of your own experience when you open your mail. The letters addressed to you personally get read first. The letters addressed to “sir” or “madame” or “human resources” may not get read at all.

It is best to call the company you are interested in and find out the name and title of the person in charge of that department that is doing the hiring. Most of the time you do not want to say you are looking for a job, as you will most likely be redirected back to an online application or directly to the Human Resources Department; by communicating that you have some information to send and want to make sure it gets delivered to the right person will allow you to learn the department managers name rather effectively.

Don’t make the mistake of aiming too high. corporate presidents and board chairpersons get a lot of resumes because their names are so visible. Even with a good cover letter these are usually intercepted. Find a person at the department or division level who is making the direct hiring decision for the organization.

Rule # 2- Communicate Something Personal

In your opening line, write something that is uniquely associated with the person, division, or organization and that will signal to the reader you have invested some time to communicate with them personally. For example you could say you agree with the company’s mission statement, and it supports your own personal goals towards helping our environment, and solving its many problems.

Rule #3-Answer the Question “Why Should I See You?”

In the body of the cover letter, let the employer know your key skills and how they would be valuable to the organization. Demonstrate how you can contribute to the success of the company, talk about your accomplishments, projects and education.  Do not be afraid to take a few risks in describing what you feel you could do for the employer.

Rule# 4- Use Their Language

In every industry there is a set of professional jargon and/or terminology that you need to use in your cover letter to showcase your ability and expertise. Just don’t over do it.

If you are a new entry to the industry or are making a career change the internet, career centers or public library is a great place to research particular jobs, industries and companies. Using the correct terminology that is commonly used by construction, engineering and environmental professionals will allow your peers to see you as an equal when reading your cover letter.

Rule # 5- Ask For the Interview

Don’t wait to be asked, go ahead either suggest a date and time that would be convenient for the employer to meet with you or let them know you will be following up with them in the next few days to schedule a time to meet.  It show initiative.

If you follow through on all 5 rules, the employer will not turn you down because you have already established your value as a construction, engineering and environmental professional and strategic problem solving capabilities  By taking the initiative, you are demonstrating your self- confidence and communicating to the employer you are qualified for the job and worth taking up the hiring managers time for an interview.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com ). To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

The Top Five Most In-Demand Construction Jobs For 2015 And Beyond…

Demand For Construction Jobs 2015

The Top Five Most In-Demand Construction Jobs For 2015 And Beyond…

Date : October 20, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

In a world where the growing population is demanding more places in which to live, work, shop, and play construction professionals are in high demand. A construction professional plans and develops the buildings, infrastructure, and environment that a growing population needs especially in the sunbelt states, such as Texas, and California where the greatest population gains are expected over the next 10 years as the economy improves. The more money people have will allow for greater spending for houses, shopping centers, and schools, which in turn encourages more building projects.

The following are the top five most in-demand construction jobs from 2012 to 2022, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Civil Engineers

Freeways, sewer systems, dams, and bridges rarely occupy public consciousness unless they don’t work correctly or there’s not enough of them. Civil engineers then step in to design, develop, maintain, and operate these and other public infrastructure projects. Their employment is projected to increase by 19.7 percent, or 53,700 jobs. Aside from population growth, another driving force behind the growth is age. Federal, state, and local budgets now have the money to replace or maintain these structures. In addition, the demand for alternative energy provides opportunities in the construction of solar plants and wind farms.


Homes, offices, schools, shopping malls, and other buildings are designed and planned by architects, whose employment is expected to grow by 16.8 percent, or 21,400 positions. The design of healthcare facilities will be in high demand as aging baby boomers require more healthcare services. Professionals with knowledge of green design, or sustainable design, will find excellent opportunities. This specialty ensures that structures use resources efficiently, such as by conserving energy and water, or are otherwise friendly toward the environment.

Construction Managers

Construction managers organize, plan, and supervise construction projects by handling workers, resources, and budgets. Their employment is expected to increase by 16.1 percent, or 78,200 jobs. Many will be involved in the retrofitting of buildings to meet newer energy standards, and the improvement of aging infrastructure, such as bridges and sewer systems.

Landscape Architects

The environment around a structure as well as parks and recreational facilities are designed and planned by landscape architects. They take into account the beauty and growth rate of foliage, the durability of man-made structures such as walkways and walls, and the ability of spaces to provide environmental benefits. Their jobs are expected to increase by 2,900, or 14.3 percent. New opportunities will come from the design of green roofs, which improve the environment by planting foliage on top of buildings.

Construction Inspectors

Construction inspectors look at worksites and buildings to ensure that they meet national and local building codes, professional standards, and contract specifications. Their jobs are expected to grow by 12,500 or 12.2 percent, primarily in government and consulting services.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com ). To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Has Your Career Flat-lined? Four Benefits of Using a Career Coach

Career Coaching For Construction, Engineering And Environmental Professionals

Has Your Career Flat-lined? Four Benefits of Using a Career Coach

Date : October 7, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

Do you find yourself stuck in a rut and your career does not seem to be evolving. Numerous professionals are unsatisfied with the direction of their career and the advances in skills and knowledge they have made; but don’t understand how to make the changes needed to grow professionally and advance within the ranks of an organization.

This is especially true in the Construction, Engineering and Environmental industries, where specialization by technical discipline and projects shape your career. Using a career coach can get you excited about working again and assist you with learning the skills needed to evolve your career in new directions. Here are four benefits of using a career coach to advance your career.

 1.   Find Direction and Solutions: It is easy to lose sight of your career goals when you have been doing the same thing majority of your working life. A career coach can interact with you to determine your core skills, accomplishments and working desires.. Considering these, the coach will think outside of the box to find fresh career options. It’s easy to go about your day to day job thinking that it’s all you are qualified to do. For example, if you have been a superintendent for the last 10 years, you may not think management is an option. A career coach can assist in giving you direction and finding your natural managing and leadership skills. By knowing that you hold these skills, you will have the confidence to reach for the higher positions. Lastly, your coach will create a career advancement plan as a road map to your success.

2.   Research Prospective Employers: Not every company offers the ideal position for your situation or skills. Each company has a unique mission statement and a wide range of clientele. Some companies depend on in person interactions while others work behind the scenes. Say you are someone who works better independently; you wouldn’t be comfortable in an environment that depends on group projects. You don’t have time to research every companies’ mission statement and corporate culture. A coach will educate you on how to properly search for jobs. You will learn how to find jobs, what keywords match your working style , as well as discover career opportunities that are not listed on typical job boards or websites. Keep in mind that not every company posts openings on the popular search engines. Many of the fastest-growing industries, such as environmental and engineering, rely on personal networking and social media to find potential employees. It is important to keep your LinkedIn profile up to date.  This is extremely significant for a construction, engineering or environmental professional; which your coach can assist you with.

3.   Job Interviewing: Your career coach will prepare you for interviews. Your first interaction with a company is the most important. Learning what types of questions are asked, and the response employers are searching for will give you a edge in the selection process. You will most likely go through several mock interviews with your career coach, which will help you stay calm and confident during the interview. The Construction, Engineering and Environmental industries are fairly dynamic, so it is important to research the company to learn their core services, projects and needs. Employers remember the applicants who show initiative by asking about the company. It shows them that you are serious in your job search.

4.   Salary Negotiations: It is important to research current salary trends before accepting an offer. For example, Engineering salaries vary drastically based on expertise and certifications. Your coach will work with your in determining a fair salary. You will also learn communication skills to negotiate with a potential employer or HR department.

Using a career coach is your best option to find the career of your dreams. Use their professional skills to benefit your job search and prepare you for advancing your career to the next level.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com ). To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Branding? Have you created a professional brand that matches your career objectives

Branding For The Professional Career

Branding? Have you created a professional brand that matches your career objectives

Date : July 24, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

Branding? Have you created a professional brand that matches your career objectives.

We all know about the branding tactics large companies use every day to gain loyal customers, but have you ever stopped to consider the importance of personal branding for yourself during your job search journey?

Personal branding is the latest buzzword being used by career coaches as a marketing tool for jobseekers.  It is quite similar to the “elevator speech” that we have all been taught to have prepared; a quick speech for someone that tells them who you are, what you do and what your goals are. A personal brand takes this concept, but goes more in 

depth and is more encompassing of the concept. Personal branding puts more of the emphasis of marketing your identity to others rather than just quickly “selling” yourself in a brief encounter.

Personal branding allows you to control how others see you and this control allows you to determine your own path and goal setting.  Personal branding can also be compared to your own personal mission statement in that it is a clear statement of who you are, who you want to be and how you are planning to obtain it.  Not only will it keep you on track for the results you have set for yourself, but it also allows you to ensure how others view you and your career goals.

When creating your personal brand have a particular goal in mind (job, career, company) and be mindful of their image, as well as, that which you have for yourself.  Qualities that may be considered a strong personal brand with one company or career type may not be compatible with another and may need to modified and customized appropriately during a job search – always make sure it is relative and compatible.

When creating your personal brand carefully consider what words describe you, what your achievements have been and how you want others to view and describe you.  This is also an opportunity to really look at yourself and make sure you are the individual you strive to be.  Do you have any expert qualities? Are you consistent with who you want to represent? Do others view you the same way you view yourself? Before committing to a personal brand, you may need to take a hard look at some of these traits and make any modifications necessary to yourself to fit the brand you visualize for yourself.

Once  you have decided how you want to brand yourself make sure everything that you do fits that brand.  Your actions, projects, goals, clothing, personality and more must fit into the brand you have designed for yourself.  For a complete branding of yourself make sure all areas of your life run parallel and reflect the vision.  With our modern technology today this means not just your work life, but also includes your personal life, and your social media life.  With that being said, it is imperative that you be present and up to date on social medial (Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn at a minimum), but your postings must match your personal branding. This means tasteful and interesting posts online; reviewing your account settings to avoid any involuntary photo tagging or postings being viewed by potential employers that may not be consistent with our brand image.

Employers are using social media more and more in their search for new employees, so much so, in fact, that your social media profile can be the difference between getting an interview or being overlooked during the early stages of the interview process.

Taking the time to create a brand image and consistently living up to those standards you set for yourself will allow you to advance your career within in the directions you desire, with exceptional career opportunities.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com). To learn more about Michael or to follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Looking For A Job?? You Better Be Up To Date With The Newest Technology…

Looking For A Job?? You Better Be Up To Date With The Newest Technology…

Date : July 9, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

As a career professional that has been advancing in the workplace; you have a need to stay up to date on the influx of new technologies that affect your job performance and daily duties.

Whether you work in the office or out in the field; the last few years have brought about a wealth of new technologies that make you more efficient, productive and most importantly to employers a profitable employee.

With this new technology though comes the need as a job seeker and employee for you to stay up to date and aware of the advancement of these new technologies around you.

In today’s marketplace employers expect existing and new employees to have a strong understanding of smart phones, web-based platforms / productivity applications, and social media. These applications are the basis of many day to day activities that all employees need to interface with to be a productive employee (MS Office Suties, Email Platforms, Facebook, Twitter,etc..).

Beyond these basic applications are industry specific applications for engineering, construction, marketing, business development, etc. (SaleForce.com, CRM’s, Primavera, JD Edwards, etc..) that are all necessary talents an employee needs to have to function daily and advance within an organization.

Efficiency is the name of the game today for employers. “How do we make our employees more productive, by utilizing technology efficiently..” Employers see the need for efficiency and technology allows them to reduce costs, increase efficiency and manage projects corporate wide as a whole.

So as an employee here are a few tips to stay ahead of the technology trends in your industry.

1.            First assess what technologies are being used in your work environment currently? Do you have the proficiency in those applications? If not start learning them..

2.            Examine how your industry is utilizing technology outside of your workplace. Subscribe to trade journals, read product reviews, read developer websites, etc. to stay up to date on the newest trends in the marketplace. Why are employers utilizing this software, how are they using it, and what benefits will it have specifically to your workplace. Learn what trends are advancing in your industry.

3.            Invest in your success!! Take training courses, online webinars, attend seminars, or trade shows and learn how to use these up and coming technologies.

4.            Interact with your IT department. Most IT professionals are well aware of the existing technologies and developing trends for your industry. Take your IT manager to lunch or sit and talk with them over a cup of coffee about your company’s existing technology and things you have seen in the marketplace. Ask to be involved in BETA testing new technologies that they may be implementing.

The demand for efficient technology will continue to evolve in the years ahead, and become even a more integrated part of our lives and work. Staying up to date on these new technological advances will require you to do some work, but the rewards and advances to your career will make it well worth it.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com ). To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

LEED Certifications And Sustainable Designs Are On The Rise! Get LEED Certified Today..

LEED Certifications And Sustainable Designs Are On The Rise! Get LEED Certified Today..

Date : July 1, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

Recently the US Green Building Council released its ranking of the Top 12 States for LEED, highlighting the states around the country that are at the forefront of sustainable design.

LEED certified spaces are designed and built to save money for the business’s, building or home owners by creating healthy living environmental for the community and reducing the amount of carbon emission into the environment.

Beginning in the year 2000, the US Green Building Council began its efforts to certify professionals in LEED standards and facilities/ buildings through its LEED certification program, which today has lead to the advancement in building design and construction around the world.

2013 Rankings

  1. Illinois
  2. Maryland
  3. Virginia
  4. Massachusetts
  5. New York
  6. California
  7. Oregon
  8. North Carolina
  9. Colorado
  10. Hawaii
  11. Minnesota
  12. Washington DC

Collectively, 1,777 commercial and institutional projects became LEED certified within the top 10 states in 2013, representing 226.8 million square feet of real estate. Worldwide, 4,642 projects were certified in 2013, representing 596.8 million square feet.  Currently there are over 150,000 residential homes throughout the world that are LEED Certified; a number that has more than doubled between 2011 and 2012; with California in the #1 spot followed by New York and Texas.

This advancement has led to a steady growth in jobs; green building and especially certified environmentally friendly facilities has provided jobs at every level of the professional spectrum form skilled tradesman to engineers and architects.  The demand for LEED Green Associates and LEED AP’s has grown 46% in the last 12 months. In fact, 91% of employers stated that they would recommend the LEED certification program for employees, with 71% stating they would likely make the LEED certification a requirement for hiring in the years ahead.

With California, New York and Texas leading the way on residential LEED construction projects and Illinois, Maryland and Virginia on the commercial side of the marketplace the demand for trained professionals in these marketplaces will be greatest. The trend is expected to grow even greater in the years ahead as more and more facilities, homeowners and professionals alike demand energy efficient and environmentally friendly facilities.

For professionals, taking the time to become LEED certified should be now be a priority in your professional career; LEED certified professionals have a greater chance of being employed, and meeting the requirements of hiring organizations.  Being certified will give you the abilities to share a common knowledge and understanding of project goals, and how to achieve those goals in an efficient manner while utilizing your skills to lend professional credibility to projects; increasing your value to an employer.

To learn more about LEED certifications visit the United States Green Building Councils website at www.USGBC.org. It will be a career changing certification that will allow you to stay competitive and advance your career into the future.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com ). To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com 

Looking For A Job? How About 42,000 Jobs…

Keystone Pipeline Jobs Potential

Looking For A Job? How About 42,000 Jobs…

Date : June 26, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

If you are considering making a job or career change in the next few years, you might want to consider working for a company that has ties to the Keystone XL Pipeline.

The Keystone XL Pipeline has long been a contested issue in the United States. Running a pipeline that would allow for the delivery of crude oil from the southern boarders of Canada to the gulf coast of the United States has been in the making for the last 5 years.

Environmentalists and politicians alike have made this project one of the countries most scrutinized and controversial pipeline projects in history. Citizens from around the nation have all been voicing their opinions on this issue;many stating how the pipeline will be an economic boon to the economy, make us less energy dependent, while others are voicing their concerns on the environmental impact it may have. As moving oil 1000’s of miles does have its risks environmentally.

The one issue that no one has debated is if this project does go forward the amount of jobs that will be created is substantial. A host of Environmental, Construction, Engineering and Manufacturing jobs will be created almost instantly.  Some temporary as the engineering and construction phases begin; while others will be long-term environmental compliance, engineering, manufacturing and supply chain oriented to sustain the pipelines operations. Economists have estimated that over 40,000 jobs would be directly and indirectly created from this project.

As a staffing company that has direct ties to many of the construction, engineering and environmental firms across the county that are either currently working on this project or looking towards working on this project in the future; our clients see the potential in growing their employment base strictly around the contributions they may be able to make to the project as it progressing through its life cycle.

With over 1000+ miles of pipe being laid from Canada to the gulf coast these jobs will not just be regional, but span the nation north to south benefiting companies and individuals throughout the county.  Most of these jobs will be high paying; allowing workers to pay their bills, their mortgages, put their kids through college, etc. It is estimated that this project alone will generate over $2 billion in earnings for workers and approximately $3.4 billion in Gross Domestic Product for the country as a whole.

As contentious as this project is environmentally and politically the benefit to organizations working on the pipeline cannot be disputed.  For individuals looking for work, keep your eyes open and watch for companies that may have connections to this project; as we are all looking to see if this project will proceed and how we may play a role in assisting in assuring its safe construction, environmental compliance and operations in the years to come.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com ). To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Do You Feel the Wind Blowing – Wind Energy Has Been Growing…

Wind Energy Jobs Are In Demand

Do You Feel the Wind Blowing – Wind Energy Has Been Growing…

Date : June 24, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

For the last few years now the Wind Energy Marketplace has been growing rather consistently.

The advances in technology, easing of some environmental regulations, tax credits and the flow of capital into the marketplace has spurred a industry that has led to a massive growth in the marketplace and the abilities to provide electricity to over 15 million homes with Wind Energy.If you are looking for a job in the Green Marketplace this may be an opportunity for you. There are now over 20,000 onshore and offshore wind power generation facilities in the United States currently and many more in development.  

This growth has created a need for energy engineers, mechanical engineers, operations managers, planners, meteorologists, environmental regulators, construction project managers, machinists, technicians, and many more associated professions.  Who’s salaries are  averaging well above the industry norms.

The average professional engineer currently in the industry earns $100,000 to $130,000 a year, while technical professionals and tradesman are earning $50,000 – $100,000 a year.

Employers are seeking out candidates to fill their open positions and meet their demands.

With the largest growth seen in Iowa, South Dakota, California and the Rocky Mountain States with energy and wind farms are growing.  Employers are actively seeking out candidates to fill their open positions; posting job advertisements, conducting community job training, recruiting professionals to meet their hiring demands for an industry that is currently in its infancy that growth and employment potential is huge.

If you are interested in exploring this exciting marketplace you should see what companies and facilities are in your local area, Search job boards, contact wind energy associations and see who is hiring and contact them to see if you may be qualified for any of the opportunities they may be seeking to hire for.  The are also many good technical training programs available that many wind energy employers have been utilizing to train and hire new employees.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com ). To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Have You Noticed: Civil Engineering Professionals Are In Demand

Have You Noticed: Civil Engineering Professionals Are In Demand

Date : June 19, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

As a professional recruiter that has been working in the construction, engineering and environmental industries now for 20 years. I have had the opportunity to recruit 100’s of civil engineering professionals around the world.

Corporations have always had a need for good quality civil engineers, AutoCAD Drafters, Project Managers, and other engineering professionals. With the economic downturn the last few years that demand really slowed; until recently we have noticed in our recruiting practice that the demand has increased rather rapidly since the beginning of 2013.

WANTED analytics has confirmed that trend in their most recent May 2014 report looking at hiring trends; it seems that Civil Engineering is one of the most commonly search occupations and that the demand for civil engineering professionals is strong and growing consistently month over month. Currently there are approximately 24,000 civil engineering jobs open across the country, up from 10,000 in April 2011. That is up 100+% in the last 3 years.

The most in demand skills that employers in civil engineering professionals are:

– AutoCAD Drafting (Civil 3D, Revit, Microstation)
– Structural Engineering
– Civil Design
– Quality Assurance
– Bridge Design
– Inspection

AutoCAD and/or Computer Aided Design skills are the most commonly required skill for Civil Engineering Professionals, with over 10% of all positions requiring these skills to be employed.

Since there are about 260,000 or so civil engineering professionals working in the United States and about 16,000 graduating each year, the civil engineering profession is again experiencing the constraints of the lack of specialized, high quality engineers.

The average position we now have available in the industry has required 7 to 10+ years of specialized discipline experience and depending on the region of the country the position is in, the pool of candidates to selected from is rather slim, which is good news for the industry.

We do not expect it to slow down anytime soon; we see our Civil Engineering Recruiting Practice growing monthly to meet the demands of our clients.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com ). To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Engineering Job Outlook For 2014 And Beyond

Engineering Job Outlook For 2014 And Beyond

Date : April 8, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

The Engineering Marketplace is a multidisciplinary profession with a vast amount of specialties and projects that can range from the simple process of designing a residential home to the more complex seismic, mechanical, environmental, energy and/or design engineering.

As all engineers have their area of expertise whether it be a specific type of project or an engineering specialization all focus their attention in doing an exceptional job; but no matter where they work or what their specialty is, most engineers are all concerned with the marketplace job outlook for their profession into the next few years.

As the market has started to rebuild and the country has moved out of the recession companies are starting to slowly rebuild their workforces, build back up their staff and make strategic hiring decisions based on positioning their company for the future growth they expect.

Employers are being very selective though, they are looking for engineers that think like business people, engineers that have a strong engineering background, understanding of client relationships and how to manage multiple projects and stakeholders at one time. The most highly sought after disciplines are in electrical, process, mechanical, computer, civil and environmental engineering. Individuals with physics or advanced degrees are in the greatest demand. Chemical and manufacturing engineers are in the least demand, unless an individual has a very focused specialized skill set that an employer is seeking.

There are a ton of engineers currently looking for work, whether be new graduate, a middle career technical engineer or a senior level executive; all will find in 2014 and beyond very robust amount of hiring activity.

Whether in private industry or governmental agencies the job marketplace shows great signs of future growth. 95% of engineering graduates are finding work within 6 months or graduating college, and career level engineers are starting to see renewed interest by employers as the marketplace rebounds. This rebound seems to be due to the large quantity of jobs growing out of the need improve the country deteriorating infrastructure and to adapt to the needs to address global warming.

As Climate becomes more and more a reality; civil and environmental firms foresee the government taking a more active role in protecting the environment, as well as, addressing the major infrastructure demands our country is facing in maintaining the roads, highways, and structures around the nation. This basic trend has led to the creation of many renewable energy, civil, environmental and mechanical engineering jobs around the country. Propelling the industry forward and spuring growth in the economy at the same time.

So for engineers the past may have been rocky, but the future is looking brighter than ever. 2014 and beyond are showing signs of an extremely robust hiring market.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com ). To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Searching For a Job? Ways To Stay Positive And Have A Productive Job Search

Searching For a Job? Ways To Stay Positive And Have A Productive Job Search

Date : March 16, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

It has been shown through various studies that unemployment has the ability to affect ones mental and emotional health. Serious conditions such as an anxiety, depression, and insomnia are common trends seen in unemployed professionals while they are seeking new employment.

In today’s marketplace it is estimated that the average job search takes approximately 30 to 40 weeks of active job searching to find your next career opportunity. Over this period of time many professionals feel like they are losing their professional identity, self-confidence and sense of security as the job search progresses.

Going on interview after interview; with no job offers can bring anyone’s self-esteem down. Human resources and hiring managers are very keen individuals and they can recognize when an individual who is interviewing with them is struggling or depressed. This has a strong impact on your chances of obtaining your next career opportunity. Having a strong support network and coping mechanisms in place that you can rely on will aide you greatly in keeping positive and making the right impression on job interviews.

Find A Group Of Trusted Advisers

When you are searching for a job you may feel alienated from the rest of the world. It is important to not cut yourself off from the business community. Developing relationships with like mind professionals; individuals you have worked with in the past, civic leaders, people you respect and trust will allow you to stay up to date and connected. It will also allow you to communicate your thoughts or ask for advice as you progress through the hurdles in your job search.

Volunteer To Work With A Non-Profit

Going from working 40 hours a week to sitting at home all day can greatly impact your self-esteem. There were many reasons you worked, the since of accomplishment, the pride of the job you were doing, the people you were helping, etc.. All of which can be recaptured by working for a non-profit, even if you are not being paid. It will also allow you to network with business leaders provide you a sense of daily purpose and greatly improve your emotional outlook as you search for a job.

Be Positive

Projecting a sense of positivity and showing a sense of purpose will greatly aide you job search and interviewing success. Individuals that are depressed or downbeat typically drive employers away from hiring them. You want to demonstrate in your life a positive sense of purpose.

There are many ways to do this, but the most effective is reflecting on your past accomplishments, your skills, and abilities, family life. You need to remember that you can provide a valuable contribution to any organization. You past employer saw this, that why they hired you. Take some time to write down these accomplishments and place them somewhere you will see every day. This will greatly help you project a positive outlook in your job search.

Utilize Social Media And LinkedIn

Social Media can be a great tool to utilize in searching for a job, as well as, connecting with folks around the world that have common professional interests. Use your LinkedIn profile to showcase your skills, accomplishments, connect with like-minded professionals and share your ideas through these platforms.

You will be surprised how quickly you build your professional network of contacts and how you will be recognized by employers and individuals alike in your profession.

Find A Local Support Group

Having professional contacts and advisors are all great; but there are times when you need to rely on individuals that maybe outside your professional life. Finding a local support group maybe the answer for you.

Often the thought of going to a support group at your local church or community center may seem a little extreme. The general perception is that people who go to these meetings have problems and need help, but in reality most people who go to these meetings are just like you. They are trying to share their stories, experiences, see what others are encountering while working through their particular situation.
People find they are good places to talk with resourceful individuals, be accepted and learn new things to help them in their job search process. Most people end up building long term friendships with people that last years.

Make Sure You Allow Some Time For Yourself

When you are searching for a job you mind is in a constant state of worry. Where will your next job come from? How are you going to find it? Who should you be calling? Sending resumes to?

You do not want your entire life obsessed with finding a job, it’s emotionally and physically unhealthy. You still have a life, interests, friends and family. Take time to enjoy those interests and step away from the job search regularly. It will greatly help your emotional state of mind and health.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com). To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

The Right Way To Respond To A Job Announcement Via Email?

The Right Way To Respond To A Job Announcement Via Email?

Date : February 27, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

As a professional recruiter who has been working and recruiting professionals in the environmental, engineering and construction industries for over 18 years now at Webuild Staffing, I receive a lot of emails, sometimes 100’s per day from prospective candidates; but what is the right way to respond to a job announcement via email?

When a company posts a job announcement online, one of the first thoughts they have is how they are going to deal with the large amounts of replies they are going to receive. Human Resource Managers, recruiters and sometimes hiring managers are trained to quickly sort out the pile of applicants into yes, no or maybe categories; by quickly glancing at the resume.

So how do you utilize email to apply for a job opening and make sure that you get put into the Yes pile; By utilizing these basic tips you will increase your chances of being selected each and everytime.

1. Keep Your Inquiry Short, Simple And To The Point…
Human resource managers, recruiters and hiring managers are busy people. They are looking at hundreds of inquiries each day. So when you respond to a job announcement via email, you need to stay focused on your message. Highlighting a few points from your resume that are relevant to the position they have available. Focus on your strengths, key attributes, and skills to demonstrate how you would be of value to their organization. The key in the body of the email is to get the hiring manager’s attention; show you are qualified for the opportunity.

2. Use Confident And Positive Language
Be confident in your response. Keep it positive, demonstrate your eagerness to perform, your skills and abilities to do the job. You want to avoid any type of negativity in your response. In today’s marketplace managers receive so many applications for jobs that it is easy for them to skip right over your application and on to the next. So capture their attention, show you can do the job and are eager to perform.

3. Attach A Complete Resume
Make sure you attached you resume to your email!! One of the biggest mistakes applicants make is that they are concentrating so much on the body of the email response that they forget to attached their resume before sending off the email. Your Resume should for professional, focused on the opportunity at hand and contain your complete contact information. Sending a resume that does not have your contact information, is simply wasting your time. The employer needs to know how to contact you!!

4. Submit At Least Two Samples If Requested
When an employer asked for samples of your work, make sure you send them with your resume. The samples will be the key item that will get you in front of the employer. You can have an amazing resume but if your work samples are not up to par, you will never receive a call from the employer. Essentially the work samples will carry more weight than your resume when applying for a position that requires technical knowhow or extensive writing skills. Make sure the samples are exceptional, relevant to the position you are applying for, are correct and do not contain any errors.

By utilizing these basic email response tips when applying for a opportunity via email, will assure your resume will get noticed and increase your chances of being called in for an interview.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com). To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Professional Burnout?? Are You One Of The Walking Zombies…

Professional Burnout?? Are You One Of The Walking Zombies…

Date : February 25, 2014 | By : michael_desafey

As a professional recruiter who has been working and recruiting professionals in the environmental, engineering and construction industries for over 18 years now at Webuild Staffing, professional burnout has become a major issue among working professionals in today’s marketplace.

For the diehard workaholics out there believe it or not relaxing and taking a vacation can be a good thing. Most employers would want you to be working all the time, but you may not realize how advantageous it can be to take a few weeks off. Studies have shown slowing down decreases the chances of professional burnout and improves your overall health and work / life balance greatly.

Here are a 5 tips that will allow you to recognize the signs of professional burnout so you can take action before you or someone you know burns out.

1. Are you always tired, exhausted, stressed out or just walking around in a daze going through the motions at work? If so, you are probably at that burnout state. Most people get to a point where fatigue caused by long term stress, can cause health problems and make you more prone to sickness.

2. Memory Problems? Are you forgetting things? Have too much going on at one time? Stress can lead to cognitive memory problems. So if you keep forgetting things it’s time to slow down.

3. Eating a lot of fast food? Not exercising? Sleeping way too much? Not going to the doctor or dentist for basic checkups? You’re not taking care of the most important thing, yourself!! If your work schedule, projects and responsibilities are putting your personal health at the back of the line. It’s time to stop and take stock of where you are.

4. Thinking about work all the time? Stressed about deadlines? Not relaxing while at home? Becoming less productive? If you’re beginning to feel isolated and overwhelmed by your responsibilities then you may be showing signs of depression and extreme burnout. It’s time to reach out to family, co-workers and friends for help. Continuing along in this state will greatly affect your long-term health and career.

5. Is your family life suffering? Are you having marriage problems? Are you spending most of your time at work? There is a reason, you are burned out. It’s time to take stock of your life and get things back on track. Even if it means changing jobs, taking a sabbatical or a prolonged vacation.

Professional burnout is one of the greatest problems in today’s workplace. The most successful professionals are the ones that have the abilities to balance the demands of life, recognize burnout and prioritize their responsibilities to make sure they are able to maintain a balanced life. Even if it takes asking for assistance or help with projects.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com). To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

So Whats A Green Job. They Just Didn’t Appear Overnight…

So Whats A Green Job. They Just Didn’t Appear Overnight…

Date : November 21, 2013 | By : michael_desafey

As a professional recruiter who has been working and recruiting professionals in the environmental, engineering and construction industries for over 18 years now at Webuild Staffing, I have talked with many individuals that try to understand and/or quantify what a so called “Green Job” is that it leads me to write about it now..

So what is a Green Job? It is not something that just appeared overnight…

As professionals working within the Construction, Engineering and Environmental industry our ears kind of rise when we hear the word “Green” as all of us always have a keen interest in protecting the environment on every project we work on. It’s just in our nature…

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has defined a green job as:

Jobs in businesses that produce goods and services that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources, as well as, jobs in which workers duties involve making their establishment or production process more environmental friendly.

There are simply millions of jobs throughout the world that could be considered “Green”; Ranging from Manufacturing, Construction, Climate Change Management / Sustainability, Environmental Remediation to Natural Resource Conservation, Recycling and Engineering to name a few.

The main thing that arises in my mind is that these jobs have always been around. Professionals that have been working in the industry for years have always been green. They worked in the backgrounds preserving natural resources, remediating contamination, conducting climate change studies, constructing renewable energy sources, etc.. while always trying to get someone interested, the financial backing and/or to stand up for their efforts.

Now these professionals are rock stars and are in more demand than ever. Being green has become socially acceptable and a cool thing. Kids are recycling, adults are watching their energy consumption, businesses conforming to green standards, governments are standing up, wall street is funding businesses and providing financing, creating jobs and taking notice; the engineering, environmental and construction industries are more popular than ever in promoting “green living”.

Green construction, natural resource conservation, green engineering, sustainability, and environmental remediation professionals have always been at the forefront of the green movement, just unrecognized by the masses.

So to all those scientists, engineers, construction managers keep up the good work. It’s because of you and your years of work that society has come full circle and making the world a better place to live.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com). To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Date : | By : michael_desafey

Are You Qualified? Succeeding In A Qualification Interview..

Are You Qualified? Succeeding In A Qualification Interview..

Date : September 23, 2013 | By : michael_desafey

As a professional recruiter who has been working recruiting professionals in the environmental, engineering and construction industries for over 18 years now at Webuild Staffing. I have seen many extremely qualified candidates never get past the first qualification stage of the interview process, due to lack of preparedness..

In a Qualifications Interview setting the interviewer is seeking precisely information about what makes you qualified for the opportunity – your skills, past experiences and qualifications.

They are seeking to obtain information on the qualifications you possess and how well they pertain to the position they are hiring for. You will need to choose your answers carefully to allow yourself to concisely, yet completely, demonstrate how your experience directly relates to their needs.

This is an interview where you can expect lots of demonstrative questions about your past and how well it has prepared you to go further with their company. You can expect a series of questions like:

(1) Why do you want this job?
(2) What qualifies you for this job?
(3) Why should we hire you, what can you do for us?
(4) Why are you the best candidate for this opportunity?
(5) How do you measure success?
(6) What makes you a team player?
(7) Tell me about your successes? What are your strengths?
(8) Tell me about your failures? What are your weaknesses?

Everything about this interview revolves around your experience and how it has helped you to become the perfect candidate for the position you are interviewing for. As you provide your answers you should also be prepared to follow them up with solid examples and explanations of how it will benefit your prospective employer in the future.

As with any interview don’t forget how important it is to make sure that your answers to these questions match any previous answers you have given, as they are also looking for honesty, consistency and integrity.

In addition it is important to make sure that you are prepared to speak with potential employers when they call. If you need to let the call go to voicemail so that you have the advantage of listening to the message and properly preparing yourself before returning the call, do not hesitate to do so.

A little preparedness can go a long way when you begin the interviewing process; especially during the qualification interview stage. Do not let a qualification interview impede your success; this is the time to showcase your abilities and qualification’s.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com). To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Video Conference Interviews – Set The Stage!!!

Video Conference Interviews – Set The Stage!!!

Date : September 19, 2013 | By : michael_desafey

As a professional recruiter who has been working recruiting professionals in the environmental, engineering and construction industries for over 18 years now at Webuild Staffing I have seen many extremely qualified candidates get intimidated by a video conference interview situation.

As more and more people are relocating for business these days and technology advances the video conference interview is becoming more and more common in the interview process. This type of interview speeds up the interview process for employers and allows both the candidate and interviewer the opportunity to “feel out” a situation without a significant commitment to time and travel.

Don’t let the camera and microphone intimidate you – it’s just a normal interview after all!!

If however, you are not familiar with the technology behind using your webcam; make sure you allow time to learn the hardware and software technology before the interview, by testing the webcam and conducting a mock interview on your own before the actual interview. Set the stage, test things out, and practice your video conference interview skills beforehand.

Beyond the technology aspect you should treat this just like a regular interview. Make sure you do your preliminary research on the company and the position itself just as you would any other in person interview. Dress just as you normally would (proper pants/skirt too in case you stand up or move around) and make sure to create an interview friendly atmosphere around you. Eliminate any distractions, phone ringers, radios, and other people talk around you. Make sure any information you may need or want to refer to, as well as, a glass of water is in front of you.

Be aware of what may be showing in the background and clean up any distractions and clutter. Utilizing the picture in picture feature also will allow you to be aware of just what the interviewer is seeing from your end. On that same note be aware that the microphone will also amplify all the noises around you. So the pen you are tapping, the paper you are shuffling or foot you are tapping will probably add to background noise and be a distraction during the interview.

When in doubt just treat this as though you were in the same room with the interviewer and let your conduct follow the traditional expectations of any in person interview.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com). To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Surprise?? Are You Ready For An Interview!!

Surprise?? Are You Ready For An Interview!!

Date : September 18, 2013 | By : michael_desafey

As a professional recruiter who has been working recruiting professionals in the environmental, engineering and construction industries for over 18 years now at Webuild Staffing I have seen many extremely qualified candidates in an interview situation get caught off guard with surprise or unexpected questions.

Surprise! Whether it’s a single question or the entire interview, it’s almost guaranteed to stop you in your tracks! Unfortunately for those in the interview process this is becoming a trend and many more interviewers are utilizing this technique. Sometimes the questions are more thought provoking but simple, “when can you start” or “what would you ask if you were me?” Many large companies are known for their weird or offbeat questions like “how many

cows are in Canada”, “rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 of how weird you are”, “how many basketballs can you fit into this room”, “if you could be any superhero – who would it be”, and “what would you do if you just inherited a pizzeria from your uncle”?

A surprise question is meant to throw you off and give you pause for a moment. It not only tests how you handle stress under pressure but is also meant to test your creativity. When presented with this type of questions make sure to keep your calm and remain composed. Take a moment to consider how you want to answer the question and then do so when you have formulated the perfect answer. Just remember this is just a test to see beyond your professional facade and get a glimpse into your personality; there really is no right or wrong answer to these questions..

The entire interview a surprise? More and more employers these days tend to be calling potential employees and springing a surprise interview on them. While they are growing in popularity they are bad business for both interviewer and interviewee. The interviewee is ill prepared, unfocused on the interview, and possibly not even somewhere that they can easily handle their end of the interview. The employer is definitely not going to get a realistic picture of the candidate and the candidate is often afraid to say it’s a bad time to talk for accurate fear of not getting a call back. If possible the best way to take back some control of this process is to simply screen your calls while job searching. This will give you the opportunity to prepare yourself and find a quiet spot to return the call when it’s convenient to your schedule.

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com) . To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

Behavioral Interviews…Shine With The STAR Method!!

Behavioral Interviews…Shine With The STAR Method!!

Date : September 11, 2013 | By : michael_desafey

As a professional recruiter who has been working recruiting professionals in the environmental, engineering and construction industries for over 18 years now at Webuild Staffing I have seen many extremely qualified candidates lose an opportunity because they get tripped up in a behavior interview situation.

During a traditional interview the employer is looking to determine if you will be a good fit for their company based on questions about how you might handle future situations as they arise. In a behavioral interview the employer is more interested in how your past work history would make you a good candidate for a future position and tends to be very job specific. They will seek examples that demonstrate you already possess the skills they have deemed necessary for the position you are interviewing for. Your strengths and weaknesses are not nearly as important as what you have actually done; in this type of interview.

Prior to any interview it always a good idea to review your work history, past situations and events that you have dealt with and be prepared to present this to a potential employer in an interview situation. Take some time to review not only the position description but also their website, literature and other company material. You should be aware of what the company is about and what they expect from their employees. Carefully consider the skills that they will likely require of an employee and be prepared to show that you already have a history of successfully demonstrating them in past employment, always being specific with the when and how.

When answering questions you should always refer to the STAR method; Situation (describe what the situation was), Task (what goal did you hope to achieve), Action (what did you do to reach your goal, and Result (be able to explain how you, specially, achieved the goal in the end).

Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing (www.webuildstaffing.com) . To learn more about Michael or Follow his Blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com

2013-2014 Construction, Engineering And Environmental Jobs Salary Guide

2013-2014 Construction, Engineering And Environmental Jobs Salary Guide

Date : July 25, 2013 | By : michael_desafey

Webuild Staffing has released the west coast edition of Their 2013-2014 Construction, Engineering And Environmental Jobs Salary Guide Learn what it will take to keep your organization competitive in today’s marketplace.